Category: Application-specific graphs

Flow graph (mathematics)
A flow graph is a form of digraph associated with a set of linear algebraic or differential equations: "A signal flow graph is a network of nodes (or points) interconnected by directed branches, repre
Grid bracing
In the mathematics of structural rigidity, grid bracing is a problem of adding cross bracing to a square grid to make it into a rigid structure. It can be solved optimally by translating it into a pro
Power graph analysis
In computational biology, power graph analysis is a method for the analysis andrepresentation of complex networks. Power graph analysis is the computation, analysis and visual representation of a powe
Bond graph
A bond graph is a graphical representation of a physical dynamic system. It allows the conversion of the system into a state-space representation. It is similar to a block diagram or signal-flow graph
Factor graph
A factor graph is a bipartite graph representing the factorization of a function. In probability theory and its applications, factor graphs are used to represent factorization of a probability distrib
Process graph
In mathematics graph theory a process graph or P-graph is a directed bipartite graph used in workflow modeling.
Code property graph
In computer science, a code property graph (CPG) is a computer program representation that captures syntactic structure, control flow, and data dependencies in a property graph. The concept was origin
Constraint graph
In constraint satisfaction research in artificial intelligence and operations research, constraint graphs and hypergraphs are used to represent relations among constraints in a constraint satisfaction
Program dependence graph
In computer science, a program dependence graph (PDG) is a representation, using graph notation, that makes data dependencies and control dependencies explicit.These dependencies are used during depen
Sequence graph
Sequence graph, also called an alignment graph, breakpoint graph, or adjacency graph, are bidirected graphs used in comparative genomics. The structure consists of multiple graphs or genomes with a se
Primal constraint graph
No description available.
Control-flow graph
In computer science, a control-flow graph (CFG) is a representation, using graph notation, of all paths that might be traversed through a program during its execution. The control-flow graph was disco
Sudoku graph
In the mathematics of Sudoku, the Sudoku graph is an undirected graph whose vertices represent the cells of a (blank) Sudoku puzzle and whose edges represent pairs of cells that belong to the same row
Dependency graph
In mathematics, computer science and digital electronics, a dependency graph is a directed graph representing dependencies of several objects towards each other. It is possible to derive an evaluation
Collaboration graph
In mathematics and social science, a collaboration graph is a graph modeling some social network where the vertices represent participants of that network (usually individual people) and where two dis
When Topology Meets Chemistry
When Topology Meets Chemistry: A Topological Look At Molecular Chirality is a book in chemical graph theory on the graph-theoretic analysis of chirality in molecular structures. It was written by Eric
Conceptual graph
A conceptual graph (CG) is a formalism for knowledge representation. In the first published paper on CGs, John F. Sowa used them to represent the conceptual schemas used in database systems. The first
Reeb graph
A Reeb graph (named after Georges Reeb by René Thom) is a mathematical object reflecting the evolution of the level sets of a real-valued function on a manifold.According to a similar concept was intr
Spatial network
A spatial network (sometimes also geometric graph) is a graph in which the vertices or edges are spatial elements associated with geometric objects, i.e., the nodes are located in a space equipped wit
Implication graph
In mathematical logic and graph theory, an implication graph is a skew-symmetric, directed graph G = (V, E) composed of vertex set V and directed edge set E. Each vertex in V represents the truth stat
Configuration graph
Configuration graphs are a theoretical tool used in computational complexity theory to prove a relation between graph reachability and complexity classes.
The webgraph describes the directed links between pages of the World Wide Web. A graph, in general, consists of several vertices, some pairs connected by edges. In a directed graph, edges are directed
Cycle graph (algebra)
In group theory, a subfield of abstract algebra, a group cycle graph illustrates the various cycles of a group and is particularly useful in visualizing the structure of small finite groups. A cycle i
Molecular graph
In chemical graph theory and in mathematical chemistry, a molecular graph or chemical graph is a representation of the structural formula of a chemical compound in terms of graph theory. A chemical gr
Evolutionary graph theory
Evolutionary graph theory is an area of research lying at the intersection of graph theory, probability theory, and mathematical biology. Evolutionary graph theory is an approach to studying how topol
Ingredient-flavor network
Ingredient-flavor networks are networks describing the sharing of flavor compounds of culinary ingredients. In the bipartite form, an ingredient-flavor network consist of two different types of nodes:
Trellis (graph)
A trellis is a graph whose nodes are ordered into vertical slices (time) with each node at each time connected to at least one node at an earlier and at least one node at a later time. The earliest an
Tanner graph
In coding theory, a Tanner graph, named after Michael Tanner, is a bipartite graph used to state constraints or equations which specify error correcting codes. In coding theory, Tanner graphs are used
Citation graph
A citation graph (or citation network), in information science and bibliometrics, is a directed graph that describes the citations within a collection of documents. Each vertex (or node) in the graph
Bratteli–Vershik diagram
In mathematics, a Bratteli–Veršik diagram is an ordered, essentially simple Bratteli diagram (V, E) with a homeomorphism on the set of all infinite paths called the Veršhik transformation. It is named
Constraint graph (layout)
In some tasks of integrated circuit layout design a necessity arises to optimize placement of non-overlapping objects in the plane. In general this problem is extremely hard, and to tackle it with com
Flip graph
In mathematics, a flip graph is a graph whose vertices are combinatorial or geometric objects, and whose edges link two of these objects when they can be obtained from one another by an elementary ope
Dual constraint graph
No description available.
Pollination network
A pollination network is a bipartite mutualistic network in which plants and pollinators are the nodes, and the pollination interactions form the links between these nodes. The pollination network is
Bratteli diagram
In mathematics, a Bratteli diagram is a combinatorial structure: a graph composed of vertices labelled by positive integers ("level") and unoriented edges between vertices having levels differing by o
Wait-for graph
A wait-for graph in computer science is a directed graph used for deadlock detection in operating systems and relational database systems. In computer science, a system that allows concurrent operatio
Coates graph
In mathematics, the Coates graph or Coates flow graph, named after C.L. Coates, is a graph associated with the Coates' method for the solution of a system of linear equations. The Coates graph Gc(A) a
Signal-flow graph
A signal-flow graph or signal-flowgraph (SFG), invented by Claude Shannon, but often called a Mason graph after Samuel Jefferson Mason who coined the term, is a specialized flow graph, a directed grap
Graph-structured stack
In computer science, a graph-structured stack (GSS) is a directed acyclic graph where each directed path represents a stack.The graph-structured stack is an essential part of Tomita's algorithm, where
Prime graph
In the mathematics of graph theory and finite groups, a prime graph is an undirected graph defined from a group. These graphs were introduced in a 1981 paper by J. S. Williams, credited to unpublished
Technology tree
In strategy games, a technology, tech, or research tree is a hierarchical visual representation of the possible sequences of upgrades a player can take (most often through the act of research). Becaus
Loss network
In queueing theory, a loss network is a stochastic model of a telephony network in which calls are routed around a network between nodes. The links between nodes have finite capacity and thus some cal
Zero-divisor graph
In mathematics, and more specifically in combinatorial commutative algebra, a zero-divisor graph is an undirected graph representing the zero divisors of a commutative ring. It has elements of the rin
Cayley graph
In mathematics, a Cayley graph, also known as a Cayley color graph, Cayley diagram, group diagram, or color group is a graph that encodes the abstract structure of a group. Its definition is suggested
Supersingular isogeny graph
In mathematics, the supersingular isogeny graphs are a class of expander graphs that arise in computational number theory and have been applied in elliptic-curve cryptography. Their vertices represent
Trace diagram
In mathematics, trace diagrams are a graphical means of performing computations in linear and multilinear algebra. They can be represented as (slightly modified) graphs in which some edges are labeled
And-inverter graph
An and-inverter graph (AIG) is a directed, acyclic graph that represents a structural implementation of the logical functionality of a circuit or network. An AIG consists of two-input nodes representi
An eodermdrome is a form of word play wherein a word (or phrase) is formed from a set of letters (or words) in such a way that it has a non-planar spelling net. Gary S. Bloom, Allan Gewirtz, John W. K
Disjunctive graph
In the mathematical modeling of job shop scheduling problems, disjunctive graphs are a way of modeling a system of tasks to be scheduled and timing constraints that must be respected by the schedule.T
Chemical graph theory
Chemical graph theory is the topology branch of mathematical chemistry which applies graph theory to mathematical modelling of chemical phenomena.The pioneers of chemical graph theory are Alexandru Ba
Mathematical chemistry
Mathematical chemistry is the area of research engaged in novel applications of mathematics to chemistry; it concerns itself principally with the mathematical modeling of chemical phenomena. Mathemati
State diagram
A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and related fields to describe the behavior of systems. State diagrams require that the system described is composed of a finite number of
Co-stardom network
In social network analysis, the co-stardom network represents the collaboration graph of film actors i.e. movie stars. The co-stardom network can be represented by an undirected graph of nodes and lin