Linear algebra | Application-specific graphs

Coates graph

In mathematics, the Coates graph or Coates flow graph, named after C.L. Coates, is a graph associated with the Coates' method for the solution of a system of linear equations. The Coates graph Gc(A) associated with an n × n matrix A is an n-node, weighted, labeled, directed graph. The nodes, labeled 1 through n, are each associated with the corresponding row/column of A. If entry aji ≠ 0 then there is a directed edge from node i to node j with weight aji. In other words, the Coates graph for matrix A is the one whose adjacency matrix is the transpose of A. (Wikipedia).

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Lecture quadratic functions and it's solutions

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

From playlist Graph a Quadratic in Standard Form | Essentials

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Graphing the system of two linear inequalities with two horizontal line

👉 Learn how to graph a system of inequalities. A system of inequalities is a set of inequalities which are collectively satisfied by a certain range of values for the variables. To graph a system of inequalities, each inequality making up the system is graphed individually with the side of

From playlist Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing

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Learn how to graph the parent graph of a quadratic equation in standard form using a table

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

From playlist Graph a Quadratic in Standard Form | Essentials

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How to graph a quadratic in vertex form

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

From playlist Graph a Quadratic in Standard Form | Essentials

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How to determine the domain and range of a quadratic using its vertex

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

From playlist Graph a Quadratic in Standard Form | Essentials

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Live CEOing Ep 453: Discrete Computation Design Review for Wolfram Language 12.3

In this episode of Live CEOing, Stephen Wolfram discusses upcoming improvements and functionality to Geometry, Graphs, Graphics and Number Theory for the Wolfram Language. If you'd like to contribute to the discussion in future episodes, you can participate through this YouTube channel or

From playlist Behind the Scenes in Real-Life Software Design

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[BOURBAKI 2017] 17/06/2017 - 4/4 - Nicolas BERGERON

Variétés en expansion [d'après Gromov, Guth, ...] ---------------------------------- Vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur les réseaux sociaux pour suivre nos actualités. Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : https:/

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2017

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EEVBlog #543 - PCB VIA Current Investigation

Dave tests the myth that plugging a PCB VIA with solder does nothing (or not much) to improve the current handling capability. Is manual wire feed-through any better? Does the industry rule of thumb of 0.5A per VIA have any basis? What is the typical plated VIA/hole thickness? Saturn PCB T

From playlist PCB Design & Manufacture

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Graph Theory: 02. Definition of a Graph

In this video we formally define what a graph is in Graph Theory and explain the concept with an example. In this introductory video, no previous knowledge of Graph Theory will be assumed. --An introduction to Graph Theory by Dr. Sarada Herke. This video is a remake of the "02. Definitio

From playlist Graph Theory part-1

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[BOURBAKI 2018] 20/10/2018 - 4/4 - Anastasia KHUKHRO

Anastasia KHUKHRO Espaces et groupes non exacts admettant un plongement grossier dans un espace de Hilbert, d'après Arzhantseva–Guentner–Špakula, Arzhantseva–Osajda, Osajda, et al. Dans l’étude des espaces métriques, c’est souvent la structure géométrique grossière qui joue un rôle import

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2018

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Oliver Puncken - Laser diagnostics and developmental tools

PROGRAM: ICTS Winter School on Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics DATES: Monday 23 Dec, 2013 - Saturday 28 Dec, 2013 VENUE: Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore PROGRAM LINK: A worldwide network of detectors are currently involved

From playlist ICTS Winter School on Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics

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Intro to heat treatment of steel (hardening and tempering)

I try to bridge the gap between in-depth theoretical explanations of heat treatment, and rote tradition.

From playlist Chemistry and Materials

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Discrete Math: 04. Gray Codes

In this video I describe the motivation behind Gray codes, which are a specific way of listing the binary sequences of length n. We also discuss a Graph-Theoretic way of viewing Gray codes. -- Bits of Discrete Math by Dr. Sarada Herke. Related videos: - Graph

From playlist Discrete Math part-1

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What is a reflection for a quadratic graph

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

From playlist Graph a Quadratic in Standard Form | Essentials

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Graphing the Cotangent Function with a Period Change

👉 Learn how to graph a cotangent function. To graph a cotangent function, we first determine the period (the distance/time for a complete oscillation), the phase shift (the horizontal shift from the parent function), the vertical shift (the vertical shift from the parent function) and the

From playlist How to Graph Trigonometric Functions

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Daniel Kral: Parametrized approach to block structured integer programs

Integer programming is one of the most fundamental problems in discrete optimization. While integer programming is computationally hard in general, there exist efficient algorithms for special instances. In particular, integer programming is fixed parameter tractable when parameterized by

From playlist Workshop: Parametrized complexity and discrete optimization

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Graphing Equations By Plotting Points - Part 1

This video shows how to graph equations by plotting points. Part 1 of 2

From playlist Graphing Various Functions

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[BOURBAKI 2018] 20/10/2018 - 3/4 - Charles BORDENAVE

Charles BORDENAVE Normalité asymptotique des vecteurs propres de graphes d-réguliers aléatoires, d'après Ágnes Backhausz et Balázs Szegedy Soit P l’ensemble des matrices symétriques de taille n avec des entrées dans {0, 1}, nulles sur la diagonale et dont la somme de chaque ligne est éga

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2018

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