Riemannian geometry | Mathematical problems

Yamabe problem

The Yamabe problem refers to a conjecture in the mathematical field of differential geometry, which was resolved in the 1980s. It is a statement about the scalar curvature of Riemannian manifolds: Let (M,g) be a closed smooth Riemannian manifold. Then there exists a positive and smooth function f on M such that the Riemannian metric fg has constant scalar curvature. By computing a formula for how the scalar curvature of fg relates to that of g, this statement can be rephrased in the following form: Let (M,g) be a closed smooth Riemannian manifold. Then there exists a positive and smooth function φ on M, and a number c, such that Here n denotes the dimension of M, Rg denotes the scalar curvature of g, and ∆g denotes the Laplace-Beltrami operator of g. The mathematician Hidehiko Yamabe, in the paper , gave the above statements as theorems and provided a proof; however, discovered an error in his proof. The problem of understanding whether the above statements are true or false became known as the Yamabe problem. The combined work of Yamabe, Trudinger, Thierry Aubin, and Richard Schoen provided an affirmative resolution to the problem in 1984. It is now regarded as a classic problem in geometric analysis, with the proof requiring new methods in the fields of differential geometry and partial differential equations. A decisive point in Schoen's ultimate resolution of the problem was an application of the positive energy theorem of general relativity, which is a purely differential-geometric mathematical theorem first proved (in a provisional setting) in 1979 by Schoen and Shing-Tung Yau. There has been more recent work due to Simon Brendle, Marcus Khuri, Fernando Codá Marques, and Schoen, dealing with the collection of all positive and smooth functions f such that, for a given Riemannian manifold (M,g), the metric fg has constant scalar curvature. Additionally, the Yamabe problem as posed in similar settings, such as for complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds, is not yet fully understood. (Wikipedia).

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Yamabe flow of asymptotically flat metrics - Yi Wang

Members' Colloquium Topic: Yamabe flow of asymptotically flat metrics Speaker: Yi Wang Affiliation: Johns Hopkins University Date: October 10, 2022 In this talk, we will discuss the behavior of the Yamabe flow on an asymptotically flat (AF) manifold. We will first show the long-time exis

From playlist Mathematics

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Bernd Ammann - Yamabe constants, Yamabe invariants, and Gromov-Lawson surgeries

In this talk I want to study the (conformal) Yamabe constant of a closed Riemannian (resp. conformal) manifold and how it is affected by Gromov-Lawson type surgeries. This yields information about Yamabe invariants and their bordism invariance. So far the talk gives an overview over older

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Problem #21 - Physics of Yo-Yo's

Problem #21 - Physics of Yo-Yo's

From playlist Bi-weekly Physics Problems

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Lagrange Multipliers

Some problems using Lagrange Multipliers for optimization. In this video there are some technical problems beginning at about 9:10. The first problem is worked entirely, but the 2nd problem is interrupted.

From playlist Calc3Exam3Fall2013

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Regular Polygon Phenomena 2!

GeoGebra Link: https://www.geogebra.org/m/yvqwqk6h

From playlist Geometry: Challenge Problems

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ESS1C - The History of the Earth

In this video Paul Andersen explains in more detail the history of the Earth. He shows how the history of the Earth is written in the rocks that are built up over time. Fossils allow us to compare different rock layers relative to one another and the absolute radiometric dating allows sc

From playlist Next Generation Science Standards

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Infinite solutions of the singular Yamabe problem in spheres via Teichmüller theory - Paolo Piccione

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar Topic: Infinite solutions of the singular Yamabe problem in spheres via Teichmüller theory Speaker: Paolo Piccione Affiliation: University of Sao Paulo Date: April 25, 2019 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Variational Methods in Geometry

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Existence and uniqueness of Green's function to a nonlinear Yamabe problem - Yanyan Li

Workshop on Geometric Functionals: Analysis and Applications Topic: Existence and uniqueness of Green's function to a nonlinear Yamabe problem Speaker: Yanyan Li Affiliation: Rutgers University Date: March 6, 2019 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Claude LeBrun - Yamabe invariants, Weyl curvature, and the differential topology of 4-manifolds

The behavior of the Yamabe invariant, as defined in Bernd Ammann’s previous lecture, differs strangely in dimension 4 from what is seen in any other dimension. These peculiarities not only manifest themselves in the context of the usual scalar curvature, but also occur in connection with

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Conformal Invariants from Nodal Sets - Dmitry Jakobson

Dmitry Jakobson McGill University April 23, 2013 We study conformal invariants that arise from nodal sets and negative eigenvalues of conformally covariant operators, which include the Yamabe and Paneitz operators. We give several applications to curvature prescription problems. We establi

From playlist Mathematics

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Problem #3 - Swinging Pendulum

Problem #3 - Swinging Pendulum

From playlist Bi-weekly Physics Problems

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SolveMyMaths Action 8!

GeoGebra Resource: https://www.geogebra.org/m/vwy7mvgs

From playlist Geometry: Challenge Problems

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Regular Polygon Phenomena!

GeoGebra Link: https://www.geogebra.org/m/ketkkfuj

From playlist Geometry: Challenge Problems

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Variational Surface Cutting - SIGGRAPH 2018

Variational Surface Cutting. Nicholas Sharp and Keenan Crane. ACM Trans. on Graph. (2018) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kmcrane/Projects/VariationalCuts/paper.pdf This paper develops a global variational approach to cutting curved surfaces so that they can be flattened into the plane with low m

From playlist Research

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PS4A - Wave Properties

In this video Paul Andersen describes some of the properties of waves. He starts be identifying particles and waves as the only phenomenon that can transfer energy from place to place. He identifies the defining characteristics of waves; wavelength, frequency and amplitude. He defines s

From playlist Next Generation Science Standards

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Problem #24 Circuit with Five Resistors

Problem #24 Circuit with Five Resistors

From playlist Bi-weekly Physics Problems

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GPDE Workshop - Conformal invariants and nonlinear Yamabe problem on manifolds... - Sophie

Sophie Chen IAS/University of California, Berkeley February 24, 2009 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu

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Related pages

Yamabe flow | Geometric analysis | Differential geometry | Hidehiko Yamabe | Riemannian manifold | Positive energy theorem | Scalar curvature | Yamabe invariant | Thierry Aubin