Compiler optimizations

Unreachable code

In computer programming, unreachable code is part of the source code of a program which can never be executed because there exists no control flow path to the code from the rest of the program. Unreachable code is sometimes also called dead code, although dead code may also refer to code that is executed but has no effect on the output of a program. Unreachable code is generally considered undesirable for several reasons: * It uses memory unnecessarily * It can cause unnecessary use of the CPU's instruction cache * This can also decrease data locality * Time and effort may be spent testing, maintaining and documenting code which is never used * Sometimes an automated test is the only thing using the code. However, unreachable code can have some legitimate uses, like providing a library of functions for calling or jumping to manually via a debugger while the program is halted after a breakpoint. This is particularly useful for examining and pretty-printing the internal state of the program. It may make sense to have such code in the shipped product, so that a developer can attach a debugger to a client's running instance. (Wikipedia).

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Unsupervised Learning

This video is part of the Udacity course "Deep Learning". Watch the full course at

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(ML 1.3) What is unsupervised learning?

A broad overview. A playlist of these Machine Learning videos is available here:

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Bitcoin Q&A: Unstoppable Code

Governance and the market share of Bitcoin. It drops in a cyclical way when people become temporarily disillusioned and overwhelm other altcoins with exuberant attention they weren't really prepared for. When the spotlight shifts onto you, that's when you can't stumble. The adversarial att

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The curious case of the WWII carrier pigeon and the unbreakable code

A British couple discover the remains of a WWII carrier pigeon behind their chimney. It was carrying a coded message. Code experts believe the code used was something called a One-Time Pad Cipher, and that the message will remain unbreakable, why is that?

From playlist My Maths Videos

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This is why you should care about unbalanced data .. as a data scientist

What do you do when your data has lots more negative examples than positive ones? Link to Code : My Patreon :

From playlist Data Science Concepts

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Learn how to find and classify the discontinuity of the function

👉 Learn how to classify the discontinuity of a function. A function is said to be discontinuous if there is a gap in the graph of the function. Some discontinuities are removable while others are non-removable. There is also jump discontinuity. A discontinuity is removable when the denomi

From playlist Holes and Asymptotes of Rational Functions

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9.9: Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's Algorithm) - p5.js Tutorial

This video covers the computational geometry "minimum spanning tree" problem, and walks through the JavaScript code for a solution known as "prim's algorithm." p5.js code: Processing code:

From playlist 9: Additional Topics - p5.js Tutorial

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Live Stream #20

Live from! Help us caption & translate this video! 📄 Code of Conduct:

From playlist Live Stream Archive

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RubyConf2019 - Digging Up Code Graves in Ruby by Noah Matisoff

RubyConf2019 - Digging Up Code Graves in Ruby by Noah Matisoff As codebases grow, having dead code is a common issue that teams need to tackle. Especially for consumer-facing products that frequently run A/B tests using feature flags, dead code paths can be a significant source of technic

From playlist RubyConf 2019

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Easy Rust 173: Tour of the standard library: some helpful macros

Finishing off the tour with a few final macros that could be helpful. From this chapter: #rustlang Want to buy me a coffee? Do it here:

From playlist Easy Rust / Rust in a Month of Lunches: bite-sized Rust tutorials

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Warming up with Brooks - The Rust Book part 8

Live stream where I (Brooks) wake myself up in the morning with silly side projects and algorithm practice. This stream is scheduled for 7am Mountain Time every weekday. I tweet out shortly before I begin each stream, and definitely if I am going to miss a stream. Currently I am learning

From playlist Rust Book

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DjangoCon US 2016 - Readability Counts by Trey Hunner

DjangoCon US 2016 - Readability Counts by Trey Hunner Most code is read many more times than it is written. Constructing readable code is important, but that doesn't mean it's easy. If you've ever found unreadable PEP8-compliant code and wondered how to fix it, this talk is for you. Lon

From playlist DjangoCon US 2016

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Nmap - UDP Scanning

In this video, I demonstrate how to perform UDP scanning with Nmap, and how it differs from TCP. Nmap is a free and open-source network scanner created by Gordon Lyon. Nmap is used to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending packets and analyzing the responses. Nmap pro

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[Rust Programming] Learning to make a Roguelike - Day 50

[Recorded on 31 December, 2021] I've been playing Roguelikes for many years, and I've always thought about making one! Combine that with a desire to learn Rust, and we've got a match made in heaven. This session was recorded live from twitch on 31 December. I'm using the Roguelike Tutori

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The Rust Book (v2) part 17

The code for the temperature converter can be found at Live stream where I (Brooks) wake myself up in the morning with silly side projects and algorithm practice. This stream is scheduled for 7am Mountain Time every weekday. I twe

From playlist Rust Book

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GoGaRuCo 2013 - Impossible Programs by Tom Stuart

Every aspect of our lives has been transformed by the invention of general-purpose programmable computers. As a result, it's tempting to believe that computers can solve any logical or mathematical problem; that if we throw enough time, money and nerds at a question, we can produce a progr

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Computably enumerable sets and undecidability

In this video we're going to define and implement decidable as well as semidecidable. Code is found under Other names for the two are recursive or computable resp. recursively enumerable, computably enumerable - I also say

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Stream Archive: Screeps Arena with Rust (2022-05-29)

We get Rust setup to work with Screeps Arena, we aren’t very good and can only win against an opponent that doesn’t do anything…yet. Code: []( -- Watch live at

From playlist Screeps

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Determine the discontinuity of the function

👉 Learn how to classify the discontinuity of a function. A function is said to be discontinuos if there is a gap in the graph of the function. Some discontinuities are removable while others are non-removable. There is also jump discontinuity. A discontinuity is removable when the denomin

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