Invariant theory


In mathematical invariant theory, a transvectant is an invariant formed from n invariants in n variables using Cayley's Ω process. (Wikipedia).

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Karen Vogtmann - Outer space for right-angled Artin groups

Karen Vogtman (Cornell University, USA) Right-angled Artin groups interpolate between free groups and free abelian groups, so one may think of their outer automorphism groups as interpolating between Out(F_n) and GL(n,Z). I will describe an Outer space for these automorphism groups which

From playlist T1-2014 : Random walks and asymptopic geometry of groups.

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Initial Theta Data - part 02 - Transvections

In order to state the "technical part" of initial theta data we need to talk about bases of the l-torsion under the Tate uniformization. This can be found in Silverman's - Advanced Topics - Chapter V, section 6.

From playlist Initial Theta Data

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Transcendental Functions 13 Derivatives of a Function and its

The first derivative of a function and the inverse of that function.

From playlist Transcendental Functions

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Geometry of the symmetric space SL(n,R)/SO(n,R) (Lecture - 02) by Pranab Sardar

Geometry, Groups and Dynamics (GGD) - 2017 DATE: 06 November 2017 to 24 November 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru The program focuses on geometry, dynamical systems and group actions. Topics are chosen to cover the modern aspects of these areas in which research has b

From playlist Geometry, Groups and Dynamics (GGD) - 2017

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Étale cohomology - 12/3/2020

Cohomology of Lefschetz fibrations, an example, vanishing cycles, Kazhdan Margulis

From playlist Étale cohomology and the Weil conjectures

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Vic Reiner, Lecture II - 11 February 2015

Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota) - Lecture II Many results in the combinatorics and invariant theory of reflection groups have q-analogues for the finite general linear groups GLn(Fq). These lectures will discuss several examples, and open questions

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Transcendental Functions 1

Transcendental Functions in Calculus.

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Related pages

Cayley's Ω process | Hessian matrix | Invariant (mathematics)