Modular forms | Polynomials | Theorems in number theory | Riemann surfaces

Thomae's formula

In mathematics, Thomae's formula is a formula introduced by Carl Johannes Thomae relating theta constants to the branch points of a hyperelliptic curve . (Wikipedia).

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Euler's Formula for the Quaternions

In this video, we will derive Euler's formula using a quaternion power, instead of a complex power, which will allow us to calculate quaternion exponentials such as e^(i+j+k). If you like quaternions, this is a pretty neat formula and a simple generalization of Euler's formula for complex

From playlist Math

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Euler's formulas, Rodrigues' formula

In this video I proof various generalizations of Euler's formula, including Rodrigues' formula and explain their 3 dimensional readings. Here's the text used in this video:

From playlist Algebra

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Proving Euler's Formula (2 of 4: Differentiating both sides)

More resources available at

From playlist Introduction to Complex Numbers

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Computing the Sums of Finite Series with Formulas

Computing the Sums of Finite Series with Formulas. Several examples where we use formulas to compute the sums. Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! The formulas are as follows, with all sums starting at i = 1. sum(c) = nc sum(i) = n(n + 1)/2 sum(i^2) = n(n + 1)(2n +

From playlist Precalculus and Algebra

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De Moivre's formula: a COOL proof

A quick way of proving De Moivre's formula! Free ebook Hi again everyone, Chris Tisdell here again. In this presentation I am going to continue my series of videos on complex numbers. In particular, in this presentation, I am g

From playlist Intro to Complex Numbers

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Binet's formula | Lecture 5 | Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio

Derivation of Binet's formula, which is a closed form solution for the Fibonacci numbers. Join me on Coursera: Lecture notes at Subscribe to my channel:

From playlist Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio

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Calculus 2: Complex Numbers & Functions (22 of 28) What are Complex Exponentials? 1

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will derive the formula for finding complex exponentials, e^(iy)=?, and its relationship to Euler's equation, z=x+iy. Next video in the series can be seen at:


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Euler's Identity (Equation)

This video given Euler's identity, reviews how to derive Euler's formula using known power series, and then verifies Euler's identity with Euler's formula

From playlist Mathematics General Interest

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Semiclassical origins of density functional approximations

Kieron Burke, University of California, Irvine, USA

From playlist Distinguished Visitors Lecture Series

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Learn how to use mathematical induction to prove a formula

👉 Learn how to apply induction to prove the sum formula for every term. Proof by induction is a mathematical proof technique. It is usually used to prove that a formula written in terms of n holds true for all natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, . . . To prove by induction, we first show that the f

From playlist Sequences

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Dueling Excel - Hours Worked: Podcast #1374

Thomas asks if there is a better way to calculate Hours Worked. Thomas' data is imported from a web application, as Text. Today, in Episode #1374, Mike "ExcelIsFun" Girvin and Bill "MrExcel" Jelen try alternate formulas to solve the problem.

From playlist Dueling Excel Podcasts with Bill Jelen and Mike Girvin

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Mr Excel & excelisfun Trick 73: Coax Time Value From Text: MOD, LEFT, RIGHT, TEXT, MOD Functions

Download Files: See Mr Excel and excelisfun use the functions MOD, LEFT, RIGHT, TEXT, TIMEVALUE, and MOD to coax a time value from a time value stored as text: 1) From 0905a to 9:05 AM 2) From 1010p to 1

From playlist Excel Series: Mr Excel & excelisfun Excel Tricks

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Dehn Twists Exact Sequences Through Lagrangian Cobordism - Weiwei Wu

Weiwei Wu University of Montreal October 23, 2015 In this talk we first introduce a new "singularity-free" approach to the proof of Seidel's long exact sequence, including the fixed-point version. This conveniently generalizes to Deh

From playlist PU/IAS Symplectic Geometry Seminar

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[Lesson 15 and 2/3] QED Prerequisites Thomas Precession : The Set Up

In this lesson we set up a model that will allow us to discover the physics behind Thomas Precession. This is a very mysterious phenomenon due entirely to the fact that the world works via Minkowski/Lorentz geometry and not Euclidean/Galliean geometry. Thomas Precession is very subtle and

From playlist QED- Prerequisite Topics

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Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu: On the remodeling conjecture for toric Calabi-Yau 3-orbifolds

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Calculus 2: Complex Numbers & Functions (23 of 28) What are complex Exponentials? 2

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will derive the formula for finding complex exponentials, e^(iy)=?, and its relationship to Euler's equation, z=x-iy. Next video in the series can be seen at:


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9/13/2019, Daniel Robertz

Daniel Robertz, University of Plymouth, (in collaboration with V. P. Gerdt, Dubna, Russia). Algorithmic Approach to Strong Consistency Analysis of Finite Difference Approximations to PDE Systems. Kolchin Seminar at Graduate Center CUNY, September 13, 2019

From playlist Fall 2019 Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra

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