
Tensor representation

In mathematics, the tensor representations of the general linear group are those that are obtained by taking finitely many tensor products of the fundamental representation and its dual. The irreducible factors of such a representation are also called tensor representations, and can be obtained by applying Schur functors (associated to Young tableaux). These coincide with the rational representations of the general linear group. More generally, a matrix group is any subgroup of the general linear group. A tensor representation of a matrix group is any representation that is contained in a tensor representation of the general linear group. For example, the orthogonal group O(n) admits a tensor representation on the space of all trace-free symmetric tensors of order two. For orthogonal groups, the tensor representations are contrasted with the spin representations. The classical groups, like the symplectic group, have the property that all finite-dimensional representations are tensor representations (by ), while other representations (like the metaplectic representation) exist in infinite dimensions. (Wikipedia).

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Calculus 3: Tensors (1 of 28) What is a Tensor?

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a tensor. A tensor is a mathematical representation of a scalar (tensor of rank 0), a vector (tensor of rank 1), a dyad (tensor of rank 2), a triad (tensor or rank 3). Next video in t

From playlist CALCULUS 3 CH 10 TENSORS

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Visualization of tensors - part 1

This video visualizes tensors. It shows some introduction to tensor theory and demonstrates it with the Cauchy stress tensor. Future parts of this series will show more theory and more examples. It talks about the term 'tensor' as used in physics and math. In the field of AI the term 'te

From playlist Animated Physics Simulations

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What is a Tensor? Lesson 29: Transformations of tensors and p-forms (part review)

What is a Tensor? Lesson 29: Tensor and N-form Transformations This long lesson begins with a review of tensor product spaces and the relationship between coordinate transformations on spacetime and basis transformations of tensor fields. Then we do a full example to introduce the idea th

From playlist What is a Tensor?

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What Is A Tensor Lesson #1: Elementary vector spaces

We define a vector space and lay the foundation of a solid understanding of tensors.

From playlist What is a Tensor?

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What is a Tensor? Lesson 11: The metric tensor

What is a Tensor 11: The Metric Tensor

From playlist What is a Tensor?

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Tensors Explained Intuitively: Covariant, Contravariant, Rank

Tensors of rank 1, 2, and 3 visualized with covariant and contravariant components. My Patreon page is at https://www.patreon.com/EugeneK

From playlist Physics

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What is a Tensor 10: Metric spaces

What is a Tensor 10: Metric spaces

From playlist What is a Tensor?

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What is a Tensor 3: Dual Spaces

What is a Tensor? Dual Spaces

From playlist What is a Tensor?

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Anthony Nouy: Approximation and learning with tree tensor networks - Lecture 1

Recorded during the meeting "Data Assimilation and Model Reduction in High Dimensional Problems" the July 21, 2021 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Luca Récanzone A kinetic description of a plasma in external and self-consistent fiel

From playlist Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 41: Elementary Representation Theory I

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 41: Elementary Representation Theory I I wanted to begin a more intricate example of the principle of a Universal Covering group, but I think I need to cover a little background material. We need to get a grip on what is meant by "Representation Theory"

From playlist Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

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RT9. Basic Tensor Analysis

Representation Theory: We apply character theory to tensor products. We obtain a character formula for general tensor products and, as special cases, alternating and symmetric 2-tensors. As an application, we compute the character table for S4, the symmetric group on 4 letters.

From playlist Representation Theory

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Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories - Pavel Etingof

Geometric and Modular Representation Theory Seminar Topic: Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories Speaker: Pavel Etingof Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Date: May 12, 2021 For more video please visit https://www.ias.edu/video

From playlist Seminar on Geometric and Modular Representation Theory

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Workshop 1 "Operator Algebras and Quantum Information Theory" - CEB T3 2017 - M.Brannan

Michael Brannan (College station) / 12.09.17 Title: Entangled subspaces from quantum groups and their associated quantum channels. Abstract:I will describe a class of highly entangled subspaces of bipartite quantum systems arising from the representation theory of a class of compact quan

From playlist 2017 - T3 - Analysis in Quantum Information Theory - CEB Trimester

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Kevin Coulembier: Frobenius exact tensor categories

Abstract: Partly motivated by Grothendieck’s original vision for motives, the question arises of when a tensor category (k-linear symmetric monoidal rigid abelian category) is tannakian, i.e. is the representation category of an affine group scheme, or more generally of a groupoid in schem

From playlist Representation theory's hidden motives (SMRI & Uni of Münster)

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Rings 11 Tensor products of modules

This lecture is part of an online course on rings and modules. We define tensor prducts of modules over more general rings, and give some examples: coproducts of commutative rings, tensors in differential geometry, tensor products of group representations, and tensor products of fields.

From playlist Rings and modules

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Webs in type C - Benjamin Elias

Workshop on Representation Theory and Geometry Topic: Webs in type C Speaker: Benjamin Elias Affiliation: University of Oregon; von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics Date: March 31, 2021 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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What is a Tensor? Lesson 30: Transformation of forms - formal study (Part I)

What is a Tensor? Lesson 30: Transformation of forms - formal study (Part I)

From playlist What is a Tensor?

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Kazhdan-Lusztig equivalence - Pablo Boixeda Alvarez

Quantum Groups Seminar Topic: Kazhdan-Lusztig equivalence Speaker: Pablo Boixeda Alvarez Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: May 13, 2021 For more video please visit https://www.ias.edu/video

From playlist Quantum Groups Seminar

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The TRUTH about TENSORS, part 5: ... is something that transforms like a tensor

In the longest video of this series (yet), we review contravariant and covariant vectors, and deriving the transformation law for a multi-linear map on a repeated tensor product of a vector space and its dual. Introduction (0:00) Contravariant vectors (1:33) Dual space (10:24) The transfo

From playlist The TRUTH about TENSORS

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R-matrices - Elijah Bodish

Quantum Groups Seminar Topic: R-matrices Speaker: Elijah Bodish Affiliation: University of Oregon Date: February 18, 2021 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

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