Representation theory of Lie groups | Lie groups

Representations of classical Lie groups

In mathematics, the finite-dimensional representations of the complex classical Lie groups , , , , ,can be constructed using the general representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras. The groups , , are indeed simple Lie groups, and their finite-dimensional representations coincide with those of their maximal compact subgroups, respectively , , . In the classification of simple Lie algebras, the corresponding algebras are However, since the complex classical Lie groups are linear groups, their representations are tensor representations. Each irreducible representation is labelled by a Young diagram, which encodes its structure and properties. (Wikipedia).

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LieGroups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 4 - The Classical Groups Part II

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 4 - The Classical Groups Part II We introduce the idea of the classical matrix groups and their associated carrier spaces. In this video we discuss the representation of complex numbers and quaternions as matrices and then we discuss the idea of a metri

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Lie groups: Lie algebras

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. We define the Lie algebra of a Lie group in two ways, and show that it satisfied the Jacobi identity. The we calculate the Lie algebras of a few Lie groups. For the other lectures in the course see

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 13 - Continuous Groups defined

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 13 - Continuous Groups defined In this lecture we define a "continuous groups" and show the connection between the algebraic properties of a group with topological properties. Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon:

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 7 - The Classical Groups Part V

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 7 - The Classical Groups Part V We discuss the matrix interpretation of the metric even more, since it is critical to our understanding of the classical groups. Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon:

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 3 - Classical Groups Part I

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 3 - Classical Groups Part I We introduce the idea of the classical matrix groups and their associated carrier spaces. Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon:

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Alexey Bufetov: Representations of classical Lie groups: two growth regimes

Asymptotic representation theory deals with representations of groups of growing size. For classical Lie groups there are two distinguished regimes of growth. One of them is related to representations of infinite-dimensional groups, and the other appears in combinatorial and probabilistic

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Lie groups: Introduction

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. We give an introductory survey of Lie groups theory by describing some examples of Lie groups in low dimensions. Some recommended books: Lie algebras and Lie groups by Serre (anything by Serre is well worth reading) Repre

From playlist Lie groups

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 9 - The Classical Groups Part VII

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 9 - The Classical Groups Part VII First, we review the idea of volume-preserving transformations and metric preserving transformations. Then we begin our examination of the canonical structure of certain metrics. That is, we look at how certain types of

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Lars Thorge Jensen: Cellularity of the p-Kazhdan-Lusztig Basis for Symmetric Groups

After recalling the most important results about Kazhdan-Lusztig cells for symmetric groups, I will introduce the p-Kazhdan-Lusztig basis and give a complete description of p-cells for symmetric groups. After that I will mention important consequences of the Perron-Frobenius theorem for p-

From playlist Workshop: Monoidal and 2-categories in representation theory and categorification

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Higgs bundles and higher Teichmüller components (Lecture 1) by Oscar Garcia

DISCUSSION MEETING : MODULI OF BUNDLES AND RELATED STRUCTURES ORGANIZERS : Rukmini Dey and Pranav Pandit DATE : 10 February 2020 to 14 February 2020 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Background: At its core, much of mathematics is concerned with the problem of classif

From playlist Moduli Of Bundles And Related Structures 2020

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Lie groups: Lie groups and Lie algebras

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. We discuss the relation between Lie groups and Lie algebras, and give several examples showing how they behave differently. Lie algebras turn out to correspond more closely to the simply connected Lie groups. We then explain

From playlist Lie groups

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 23 - Matrix group generators

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 23 - Matrix group generators Now we discuss how generators are defined in the context of matrix groups. Matrix groups are Lie groups where every element of the group is a matrix and the group operation is represented by matrix multiplication. We studied

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Higgs bundles and higher Teichmüller components (Lecture 2) by Oscar García-Prada

DISCUSSION MEETING : MODULI OF BUNDLES AND RELATED STRUCTURES ORGANIZERS : Rukmini Dey and Pranav Pandit DATE : 10 February 2020 to 14 February 2020 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Background: At its core, much of mathematics is concerned with the problem of classif

From playlist Moduli Of Bundles And Related Structures 2020

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Laurent Manivel - The Satake correspondence in quantum cohomology

The Satake isomorphism identi es the irreducible representations of a semisimple algebraic group with the intersection cohomologies of the Schubert varieties in the ane Grassmannian of the Langlands dual group. In the very special case where the Schubert varieties are smooth, one gets an i

From playlist École d’été 2011 - Modules de courbes et théorie de Gromov-Witten

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Michael Harris: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Perverse sheaves on configuration spaces, Hopf algebras and parabolic induction - Mikhail Kapranov

Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory Topic: Perverse sheaves on configuration spaces, Hopf algebras and parabolic induction Speaker: Mikhail Kapranov Affiliation: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo Dat

From playlist Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory

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Serre's Conjecture for GL_2 over Totally Real Fields (Lecture 4) by Fred Diamond

Program Recent developments around p-adic modular forms (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee (IISER Pune, India) and Denis Benois (University of Bordeaux, France) DATE: 30 November 2020 to 04 December 2020 VENUE: Online This is a follow up of the conference organized last year arou

From playlist Recent Developments Around P-adic Modular Forms (Online)

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 11 - The Classical Groups Part IX

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 11 - The Classical Groups Part IX In this lecture we count the degrees of freedom for the classical groups. Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon:

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Representations of p-adic groupsz - Jessica Fintzen

Workshop on Representation Theory and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces Topic: Representations of p-adic groupsz Speaker: Jessica Fintzen Affiliation: University of Michigan; Member, School of Mathematics Date: March 5, 2018 For more videos, please visit

From playlist Representation Theory and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces WS

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 20 - Finite transformation example

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 20 - Finite transformation example A finite transformation is simply a lot of infinitesimal transformations! A Lie group, we have already show is a connected topological space and we know that any finite transformation can be built from a large product

From playlist Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

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Schur functor | Character theory | Representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras | Unitary group | Dual representation | Littlewood–Richardson rule | Symmetric group | General linear group | Linear group | Representation theory | Young symmetrizer | Covering group | Tensor representation | Special linear group | Projective representation | Orthogonal group | Symplectic group | Partition (number theory) | Hook length formula | Maximal compact subgroup | Semisimple Lie algebra