Game theory

Social software (research field)

In philosophy and the social sciences, social software is an interdisciplinary research program that borrowsmathematical tools and techniques from game theory and computer science in order to analyze and design social procedures. The goals of research in this field are modeling social situations, developing theories of correctness, and designing social procedures. Work under the term social software has been going on since about 1996, and conferences in Copenhagen, London, Utrecht and New York, have been partly or wholly devoted to it. Much of the work is carried out at the City University of New York under the leadership of Rohit Jivanlal Parikh, who was influential in the development of the field. (Wikipedia).

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Michael Joswig - What is Mathematical Software

What Is Mathematical Software? A short answer to this question is: Mathematical Software is what mathematics receives as a benefit from the digital age. This is relevant because Mathematical Software is useful in many ways. For instance, Mathematical Software serves as a tool to support

From playlist Research Spotlight

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Why Study Social Work?| College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall

What can you do with a social work major? In Social Work you can expect to study psychology, sociology, statistics, politics and so much more. Basically, Social Work is the study of individuals and how to best help others function in their environment. If you possess a desire to help peo

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Unix for Programmers - My Computer Science Degree in the Real World

I took a unix for programmers in college while pursuing my computer science degree. Today as a software engineer, I want to see what was carried over from that classroom to the real world of software development. ---------------------------------------------------------- I share and docu

From playlist Computer Science

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AI For Social Good

It's not hard to see machine learning and artificial intelligence in nearly every app we use – from any website we visit, to any mobile device we carry, to any goods or services we use. Where there are commercial applications, data scientists are all over it. What we don't typically see,

From playlist Social and Ethical AI

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Welcome to part one of computer science terminology, where we take a dive into understanding some of the terms used in computer science and software development. We've started with the basics and will continue to get more complex as this series progresses. --------------------------------

From playlist Computer Science

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Welcome - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Fellow Short Talks: Dr Gian Marco Campagnolo, Edinburgh University

Bio I am Lecturer in Science, Technology & Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh. My research highlights aspects of business knowledge as apparent in client-consultant relationships as well as vendor-user interaction or in special conditions such as IT symposia and software de

From playlist Short Talks

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Stanford Seminar - Can we govern algorithms with science?

J. Nathan Matias of Cornell University The governance of adaptive algorithms is one of society s most pressing scientific challenges. In public discourse, these algorithms decide what we are allowed to say and rank the information we see. Because they adapt to human behaviors that they a

From playlist Stanford Seminars

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Using images and video data for social science: Challenges and opportunities

Speakers: Bryce Dietrich (Assistant Professor of Social Science Informatics at the University of Iowa), Laura Nelson (Assistant Professor of Sociology at Northeastern University), Michelle Torres (Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rice), and Han Zhang (SICSS-Hong Kong 21; Assista

From playlist All Videos

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DeepSec 2011: On Cyber-Peace: Towards an International Cyber Defense Strategy

(slides don't match the speaker) download the correct slides here: Speaker: Stefan Schumacher Stefan Schumacher (Magdeburger Institut für Sicherheitsforschung) held this talk about Cyber Defence Strategy at the DeepSec 2011 security conference: "Cyberwar and Cybercri

From playlist DeepSec 2011

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Session 6, Public Policy Stage - The role of computational social science in policymaking

In this session the Public Policy programme at the Alan Turing Institute is launching the Modelling for Policy Theme followed by a panel on the role of computational social science (CSS) for policy-making. The expert panelists are world-leading academics who have made seminal contributions

From playlist AI UK 2022 - PUBLIC POLICY STAGE

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Stanford Seminar - Designing for Human - AI Complementarity

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence courses and programs, visit: Ken Holstein is an Assistant Professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. This talk was given on March 5, 2021. AI systems are in

From playlist Stanford Seminars

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What is data science?

Data science has emerged in response to the growing need to make sense of the billions of gigabytes of data generated globally every day, and their powerful impact on our society, economy and way of life. But what exactly is it? And why should we care? In this film, we talk to the soci

From playlist About the Turing

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Peer to PCAST: Open Video and Open Government

(November 11, 2011) Warren Sack critiques the current web-based approach to open government using the PCAST website as a case study, and discusses new approaches to open government such as Metavid, Peer-to-Patent, and his own Peer-to-PCAST prototype. Stanford University: http://www.stanfo

From playlist Lecture Collection | Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (2011-2012)

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DevOpsDays Boston 2017- With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility... by Michael Sacks

DevOpsDays Boston 2017- With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Implications of the Code We Write by Michael Sacks As technology becomes a bigger part of our lives, so does our power to affect people’s lives: not always for the better. Technology can be a life saver, (i.e. the M

From playlist DevOpsDays Boston 2017

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Stanford Seminar - Designing for Voice

Designing for Voice: Access, Autonomy, and Justification Questions in Designing Computing Technologies with Marginalized Communities Ishtiaque Ahmed University of Toronto March 19, 2021 The benefits of computing are often confined within the populations with certain privileges. Those ben

From playlist Stanford Seminars

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Creating Open Source Software as Part of an Academic Career

This event held June 25, 2020 was part of the SICSS Festival ( Speakers: Ryan Gallagher (SICSS-Duke 18, SICSS-Boston 19), Anne Helby Petersen (SICSS-Duke 18), and Carsten Schwemmer (SICSS-Duke 18, SICSS-Bamberg 19) Moder

From playlist All Videos

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WECode 2016 Keynote with Tracy Chou (Pinterest)

About WECode: WECode (Women Engineers Code) is the largest student-run Women in Computer Science conference, held at Harvard University each February. Our mission is to expand the skills, network, and community of technical women worldwide. We bring together women over the course of two a

From playlist WECode 2016

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Social Psychology Part 3: Looking at Each Other

So far in the realm of social psychology we've examined the power of situation and framing, as well as the manner in which we view ourselves. Now let's take a look at how we view other people. How is society built upon the ways that we interact, and trust that other people will behave? Sc

From playlist Psychology

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