Semigroup theory

Schutzenberger group

In abstract algebra, in semigroup theory, a Schutzenberger group is a certain group associated with a Green H-class of a semigroup. The Schutzenberger groups associated with different H-classes are different. However, the groups associated with two different H-classes contained in the same D-class of a semigroup are isomorphic. Moreover, if the H-class itself were a group, the Schutzenberger group of the H-class would be isomorphic to the H-class. In fact, there are two Schutzenberger groups associated with a given H-class and each is antiisomorphic to the other. The Schutzenberger group was discovered by Marcel-Paul Schützenberger in 1957 and the terminology was coined by A. H. Clifford. (Wikipedia).

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Verteidigung (4/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 39 - The Universal Covering Group

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Lie groups: Introduction

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Why Are Prejudice and Conflict So Common? | Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior

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Grothendieck Pairs and Profinite Rigidity - Martin Bridson

Arithmetic Groups Topic: Grothendieck Pairs and Profinite Rigidity Speaker: Martin Bridson Affiliation: Oxford University Date: January 26, 2022 If a monomorphism of abstract groups H↪G induces an isomorphism of profinite completions, then (G,H) is called a Grothendieck pair, recalling t

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"Ehre, Freude, Stolz": Peter Scholze ist zurück in Deutschland

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