

S-Adenosylmethioninamine is a substrate that is required for the biosynthesis of polyamines including spermidine, spermine, and thermospermine. It is produced by decarboxylation of S-adenosyl methionine. (Wikipedia).

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Aspirin to Acetaminophen - Part 6 of 6: Acetaminophen from p-aminophenol

This is the final part of the series, where the p-aminophenol is converted to the acetaminophen. Using acetic anhydride, the p-aminophenol is going to be acetylated. The reaction is carried out in water at room temperature. Acetic anhydride does react with water, but it happens slowly.

From playlist Aspirin to Acetaminophen (Parts 1 to 6)

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Make p-Chlorophenyl Acetonitrile - Step 4 in Pyrimethamine Synthesis

In this video we make p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile from the p-chlorobenzyl chloride and the sodium cyanide in a previous video. ( Complete pyrimethamine playlist so far: ) Fortunately this is a very mild process and

From playlist Pyrimethamine

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REUPLOAD - Make 2-(p-chlorophenyl)-3-oxopentanenitrile - Step 5 in Pyrimethamine Synthesis

In this video we make 2-(p-chlorophenyl)-3-oxopentanitrile which is step 5 in our synthesis of Pyrimethamine Related videos: Drying alcohol: Making sodium metal with domestically available chemicals:

From playlist Pyrimethamine

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Acylation of benzene || 3d Video Animation || Education

Acylation of benzene || 3d Video Animtaion || Education the mechanism for the c acyation of benzene involving an electrophilic substitution reaction between benzene and ethanoyl chloride in the presence of an aluminium chloride catalyst. The Friedel–Crafts acylation was first discovered i

From playlist Chemistry Topics

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Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)

Now that we understand the basics regarding NSAIDs, let's dive into a few specific drugs from this class. First up, aspirin. This drug has been around for centuries, but now with a modern understanding of chemistry and biochemistry, we are able to understand its precise structure and mecha

From playlist Pharmacology

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Acetaminophen/Paracetamol (Tylenol)

Acetaminophen, more commonly known by brand names such as Tylenol, is not a true NSAID, as it does not have anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is commonly discussed alongside NSAIDs as it has similar antipyretic and analgesic properties. Although its mechanism of action is not well-

From playlist Pharmacology

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How to extract Acetylsalicylic Acid from Aspirin Tablets

Acetylsalicylic is readily available in Aspirin tablets. Chemically, it is a useful molecule. It can be converted to salicylic acid and then phenol, which is an extremely useful precursor. Also, the salicylic acid itself can be used to make the minty smelling wintergreen. All in all, ace

From playlist Extractions

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Aspirin to Acetaminophen - Part 2 of 6: Conversion of ASA to Salicylic Acid

Hey guys, today we will be going over the second step in the quest to acetaminophen. In the previous video I extracted ASA from aspirin pills and now it is time to hydrolyze it to salicylic acid. This will be done by a simple acid-catalyzed ester hydrolysis. The next step in this process

From playlist Aspirin to Acetaminophen (Parts 1 to 6)

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Total Synthesis of Dysifragilone A, B and Dysidavarone C

An organic chemistry minilecture on the Total Synthesis of Dysifragilone A, B and Dysidavarone C by Yang-Ming Li, Yu-Tong Sun, Bi-Yuan Li, Hong-Bo Qin* Highlights include a reductive Heck coupling, palladium-catalysed α-arylation reaction and a dissolving metal enolate addition. NB: Reup

From playlist Total Synthesis

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Inverse Laplace Transforms - Full Tutorial

This is a full tutorial on inverse laplace transforms. Several examples are given. I hope this is helpful. If you enjoyed this video please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing. Udemy Courses Via My Website: Free Homework Help : https://mathsorcererforums.

From playlist Math Tutorials

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Laplace Transforms: The First Translation Theorem || Full Tutorial

This is a full tutorial on Laplace Transforms and the First Translation Theorem. If you enjoyed this video please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing. Udemy Courses Via My Website: Free Homework Help : My FaceBook Page: h

From playlist Math Tutorials

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MATH2018 Problem Set 8

We work through some sample exam problems on Laplace Transforms and Differential Equations.

From playlist MATH2018 Engineering Mathematics 2D

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Complex analysis: Gamma function

This lecture is part of an online undergraduate course on complex analysis. We describe the basic properties of the gamma function, including its functional equations and the duplication formula, and give a characterization of it in terms of its functional equation and growth rate. Corr

From playlist Complex analysis

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Theory of numbers: Dirichlet series

This lecture is part of an online undergraduate course on the theory of numbers. We describe the correspondence between Dirichlet series and arithmetic functions, and work out the Dirichlet series of the arithmetic functions in the previous lecture. Correction: Dave Neary pointed out t

From playlist Theory of numbers

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MATH2018 Lecture 8.3 Differential Equations via Laplace Transforms (part 2)

We already know that functions with discontinuities can be easily handled with Laplace Transforms. In this lecture, we see how Laplace Transforms can be used to solve ODEs with discontinuities on the right-hand side.

From playlist MATH2018 Engineering Mathematics 2D

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Differential Equation Using Laplace Transform + Heaviside Functions

Thanks to all of you who support me on Patreon. You da real mvps! $1 per month helps!! :) !! Please consider supporting me on Patreon! In this video, I solve a differential equation using Laplace Transforms and Heavis

From playlist Differential Equations

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Inverse Laplace Transform ultimate study guide

Inverse Laplace Transform ultimate study guide! 24 Inverse Laplace transformation examples that you need to know for your ordinary differential equation class. We will go over the inverse Laplace transform with partial fractions and the inverse Laplace transform with completing the square.

From playlist Convolution & Laplace Transform (Nagle Sect7.7)

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MATH2018 Lecture 7.4 Partial Fractions

In first year, you will have seen the method of Partial Fractions used to integrate rational functions. They also play a very useful role in calculating Inverse Laplace Transforms.

From playlist MATH2018 Engineering Mathematics 2D

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Partial Fraction Expansion/Decomposition

In this video we discuss how to perform partial fraction expansion (PFE) to rewrite a ratio of polynomials as simpler expressions. Topics and time stamps: (0:03) – Introduction (8:51) – PFE with distinct, real poles (36:06) – PFE with repeated, real poles (51:01) – PFE with complex conj

From playlist Ordinary Differential Equations

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How to Convert Aspirin to Salicylic Acid (Base Hydrolysis Method)

In my previous video I described how to extract acetylsalicylic acid from Aspirin tablets. In this video, I will be hydrolyzing ester bond in the acetylsalicylic acid to form salicylic acid.

From playlist Syntheses and Demonstrations

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S-Adenosyl methionine