Meromorphic functions

Residue (complex analysis)

In mathematics, more specifically complex analysis, the residue is a complex number proportional to the contour integral of a meromorphic function along a path enclosing one of its singularities. (More generally, residues can be calculated for any function that is holomorphic except at the discrete points {ak}k, even if some of them are essential singularities.) Residues can be computed quite easily and, once known, allow the determination of general contour integrals via the residue theorem. (Wikipedia).

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Complex analysis: Residue calculus

This lecture is part of an online undergraduate course on complex analysis. We describe the residue calculus, and show how to use it to evaluate some integrals. For the other lectures in the course see

From playlist Complex analysis

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What are complex numbers? | Essence of complex analysis #2

A complete guide to the basics of complex numbers. Feel free to pause and catch a breath if you feel like it - it's meant to be a crash course! Complex numbers are useful in basically all sorts of applications, because even in the real world, making things complex sometimes, oxymoronicall

From playlist Essence of complex analysis

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Math 135 Complex Analysis Lecture 22 041615: Calculus of Residues

Calculus of residues: examples of integrating a function with simple poles on the real axis; integrating a function with a branch cut; integrating along a branch cut.

From playlist Course 8: Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis: Residue At Infinity

Today, we take a look an interesting concept called the residue at infinity.

From playlist Contour Integration

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Math 135 Complex Analysis Lecture 19 040715: Calculus of Residues, introduction

Calculus of residues: Cauchy residue theorem; Residue at infinity (error: missing minus sign); residues at simple poles; residues at poles of known order.

From playlist Course 8: Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis 16: An application of Residues

Using residues to find a real integral

From playlist MATH2069 Complex Analysis

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Integral of 1/(1+x^4)

Complex analysis: Using the Residue Theorem, we show that the improper integral of 1/(1+x^4) over the real line equals pi sqrt(2)/2. Key steps include computing residues and estimates on integrals.

From playlist Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis 15: The Residue Theorem

The Residue Theorem and some examples of its use.

From playlist MATH2069 Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis - Part 35 - Application of the Residue Theorem

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From playlist Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis - Part 32 - Residue

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From playlist Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis Overview

In this video, I give a general (and non-technical) overview of the topics covered in an elementary complex analysis course, which includes complex numbers, complex functions, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy’s integral formula, residues and poles, and many more! Watch this video if yo

From playlist Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis - Part 34 - Residue Theorem

Support the channel on Steady: Or support me via PayPal: Or via Ko-fi: Or via Patreon: Or via other methods: https://thebrightsideofmathematics.

From playlist Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis - Part 33 - Residue for Poles

Support the channel on Steady: Or support me via PayPal: Or via Ko-fi: Or via Patreon: Or via other methods: https://thebrightsideofmathematics.

From playlist Complex Analysis

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Complex analysis: Summing series

This lecture is part of an online undergraduate course on complex analysis. This is a replacement for a previous video, correcting some minor typos. We show how to use the residue calculus to sum series, such as Euler's series 1/1^2 + 1/2^2+ ... Solution to exercise in rot 13: cv phorq

From playlist Complex analysis

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Complex Analysis: Nasty Integral with Elegant Solution

Today, we evaluate a very difficult-looking integral (at least for real methods) using complex analysis. Original Question:

From playlist Contour Integration

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Complex Analysis: Integral of 1/(x^2+1) using Contour Integration

Today, we use complex analysis to evaluate the improper integral on the real numbers of the integral of 1/(x^2+1).

From playlist Contour Integration

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Complex Analysis L09: Complex Residues

This video discusses the residue theorem in complex analysis and how to compute complex contour integrals around singular points. This culminates in the integral of the function f(z)=1/z. @eigensteve on Twitter

From playlist Engineering Math: Crash Course in Complex Analysis

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Why care about complex analysis? | Essence of complex analysis #1

Complex analysis is an incredibly powerful tool used in many applications, specifically in solving differential equations (Laplace's and others via inverse Fourier / Laplace transforms), and of course, fundamental theorem of algebra, Riemann hypothesis, as well as solving complicated integ

From playlist Essence of complex analysis

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Line integral | Complex analysis | Series expansion | Homotopy | Antiderivative | Monomial | Cauchy's integral formula | Mittag-Leffler's theorem | Entire function | Partial fractions in complex analysis | Meromorphic function | Neighbourhood (mathematics) | Laurent series | Morera's theorem | Residue theorem | Isolated singularity | Residue at infinity | Mathematics | L'Hôpital's rule | Removable singularity | Taylor series | Holomorphic function | Analytic continuation | Analytic function | Complex number | Cauchy's integral theorem | Essential singularity