Stochastic processes

Random walk hypothesis

The random walk hypothesis is a financial theory stating that stock market prices evolve according to a random walk (so price changes are random) and thus cannot be predicted. (Wikipedia).

Random walk hypothesis
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Brain Teasers: 12. A simple symmetric random walk

Very easy exercise about the first moments of a symmetric random walk.

From playlist Brain Teasers and Quant Interviews

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Statistics: Ch 4 Probability in Statistics (7 of 74) The Random Walk - Seeing is Believing!

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: We will graph the random walk where the more times we toss a coin the further the steps are from the origin. Next video in this seri


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What is a Random Walk? | Infinite Series

Viewers like you help make PBS (Thank you 😃) . Support your local PBS Member Station here: To understand finance, search algorithms and even evolution you need to understand Random Walks. Tell PBS what types of shows you want to see at https://www.surveymonke

From playlist Probability

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Tom Spencer: Introduction to hyperbolic sigma models and Edge Reinforced Random Walk

Abstract: This talk will introduce two statistical mechanics models on the lattice. The spins in these models have a hyperbolic symmetry. Correlations for these models can be expressed in terms of a random walk in a highly correlated random environment. In the SUSY hyperbolic case these wa

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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What is a Walk? | Graph Theory

What is a walk in the context of graph theory? That is the subject of today's math lesson! A walk in a graph G can be thought of as a way of moving through G, where you start at any vertex in the graph, and then move to other vertices through the edges in the graph. In a walk, you are allo

From playlist Graph Theory

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2020.06.25 M. Hilário - Random walks on dynamical random environments with non-uniform mixing (2/2)

In these two consecutive talks we will discuss recent results on the limiting behavior of random walks on dynamical random environments. The strength of these results depends a great deal on space-time mixing properties imposed to the environment but also on other features like the dimensi

From playlist One World Probability Seminar

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Branching Random Walks: Two Conjectures and a Theorem by Parthanil Roy

Vigyan Adda Talk Page (copy & paste the following link in the web browser):- Branching Random Walks: Two Conjectures and a Theorem (online) Speaker: Parthanil Roy (ISI - Bengaluru) When:4:30 pm to 6:00 pm Sunday, 05 June 2022 Where: Livest

From playlist Vigyan Adda

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Random Walk and Time Series Tutorial in R: ACF Dickey Fuller Test Ljung Box stationarity correlation

what is a random walk in time series? How to determinte if my data is a random walk? how to test stationarity? In this episode of the crash course - tutorial on statistics and data science with R / Rstudio: - Characteristics of a random walk - How to test my time series behaviour in R?

From playlist machine learning

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STAT 200 Lesson 5 Full Video Lecture

Table of Contents: 00:25 - Learning objectives 00:43 - Review: Symbols 01:59 - Hypothesis testing scenario example 02:58 - Five step hypotehsis testing procedure 04:43 - 1. Identify and write null and alternative hypotheses 08:26 - Example: Proportion broken products 10:15

From playlist STAT 200 Video Lectures

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2020.05.28 Louis-Pierre Arguin - Large values of the Riemann zeta function in short intervals

In a seminal paper in 2012, Fyodorov & Keating proposed a series of conjectures describing the statistics of large values of zeta in short intervals of the critical line. In particular, they relate these statistics to the ones of log-correlated Gaussian fields. In this lecture, I will pres

From playlist One World Probability Seminar

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Introduction to Hypothesis Testing for Business Statistics (Week 14A)

Hypothesis testing is an inferential statistical method that uses sample data to evaluate assumptions about a population parameter. Dr. Daniel introduces the topic using a example of polar bears walking and a cartoon dog who solves mysteries properly using the null hypothesis. We also lear

From playlist Basic Business Statistics (QBA 237 - Missouri State University)

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7. Efficient Markets

Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252) Initially, Professor Shiller looks back at David Swensen's guest lecture, in particular with respect to the Sharpe ratio as a performance measure for investment strategies. He emphasizes the empirical difficulty to measure the standard deviation, specif

From playlist Financial Markets (2011) with Robert Shiller

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22. Random Walks and Thresholds

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Robert Gallager License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

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21. Hypothesis Testing and Random Walks

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Robert Gallager License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

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23. Martingales (Plain, Sub, and Super)

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Robert Gallager License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

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6. Efficient Markets vs. Excess Volatility

Financial Markets (ECON 252) Several theories in finance relate to stock price analysis and prediction. The efficient markets hypothesis states that stock prices for publicly-traded companies reflect all available information. Prices adjust to new information instantaneously, so it is i

From playlist Financial Markets (2008) with Robert Shiller

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Random walks in 2D and 3D are fundamentally different (Markov chains approach)

Second channel video: 100k Q&A Google form: "A drunk man will find his way home, but a drunk bird may get lost forever." What is this sentence about? In 2D, the random walk is "recurrent", i.e. you are guaranteed to go back

From playlist Novel topics (not in usual math curricula)

Related pages

Random walk | Independence (probability theory) | Hurst exponent | Rate of return | Surrogate data testing | Standard deviation | Independent and identically distributed random variables