Functional analysis | Linear algebra | Quotient objects

Quotient space (linear algebra)

In linear algebra, the quotient of a vector space V by a subspace N is a vector space obtained by "collapsing" N to zero. The space obtained is called a quotient space and is denoted V/N (read "V mod N" or "V by N"). (Wikipedia).

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What is a Vector Space?

What is a Vector Space? Definition of a Vector space.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Quotients of Vector Spaces

Affine subsets. Quotients of vector spaces. The dimension of a quotient space.

From playlist Linear Algebra Done Right

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Definition of Vector Space

The formal definition of a vector space.

From playlist Linear Algebra Done Right

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Linear Transformations: Onto

Linear Algebra: Continuing with function properties of linear transformations, we recall the definition of an onto function and give a rule for onto linear transformations.

From playlist MathDoctorBob: Linear Algebra I: From Linear Equations to Eigenspaces | Mathematics

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Linear Algebra 8p: The Relationship Between the Column Space and the Null Space - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 1 Linear Algebra: An In-Depth Introduction with a Focus on Applications

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13B Vectors in n Space

Euclidean n Space. Norm and distance in n space.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Linear Algebra 4.1 Real Vector Spaces

My notes are available at (so you can write along with me). Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version 12th Edition by Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, and Anton Kaul

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum), Lecture 3

Quiver moduli spaces are algebraic varieties encoding the continuous parameters of linear algebra type classification problems. In recent years their topological and geometric properties have been explored, and applications to, among others, Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten theory have

From playlist Felix Klein Lectures 2020: Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum)

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Anthony Henderson: Hilbert Schemes Lecture 2

SMRI Seminar Series: 'Hilbert Schemes' Lecture 2 H is smooth Anthony Henderson (University of Sydney) This series of lectures aims to present parts of Nakajima’s book `Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces’ in a way that is accessible to PhD students interested in representat

From playlist SMRI Course: Hilbert Schemes

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Felix Klein Lectures 2020: Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum), Lecture 2

Quiver moduli spaces are algebraic varieties encoding the continuous parameters of linear algebra type classification problems. In recent years their topological and geometric properties have been explored, and applications to, among others, Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten theory have

From playlist Felix Klein Lectures 2020: Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum)

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Null Spaces And Ranges

Definitions of null space, injectivity, range, and surjectivity. Fundamental theorem of linear maps. Consequences for systems of linear equations.

From playlist Linear Algebra Done Right

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Nonlinear algebra, Lecture 1: "Polynomials, Ideals, and Groebner Bases", by Bernd Sturmfels

This is the first lecture in the IMPRS Ringvorlesung, the advanced graduate course at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences. Topics covered: polynomilas, ideals and Groebner bases.

From playlist IMPRS Ringvorlesung - Introduction to Nonlinear Algebra

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David Rydh. Local structure of algebraic stacks and applications

Abstract: Some natural moduli problems, such as moduli of sheaves and moduli of singular curves, give rise to stacks with infinite stabilizers that are not known to be quotient stacks. The local structure theorem states that many stacks locally look like the quotient of a scheme by the act

From playlist CORONA GS

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Andrei Okounkov - Nakajima Varieties

April 4, 2014 - This is the 6th of 10 Minerva Distinguished Visitor Lectures at the Princeton University Mathematics Department. Nakajima varieties are very remarkable algebraic symplectic varieties that can be associated to an arbitrary multigraph (which later in the theory plays the ro

From playlist Minerva Mini Course - Andrei Okounkov

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Joseph Silverman, Moduli problems and moduli spaces in algebraic dynamics

VaNTAGe seminar on June 23, 2020. License: CC-BY-NC-SA. Closed captions provided by Max Weinreich

From playlist Arithmetic dynamics

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Holomorphic Curves in Compact Quotients of SL(2,C) by Sorin Dumitrescu

DISCUSSION MEETING TOPICS IN HODGE THEORY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: Indranil Biswas (TIFR, Mumbai, India) and Mahan Mj (TIFR, Mumbai, India) DATE: 20 February 2023 to 25 February 2023 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall and Online This is a followup discussion meeting on complex and algebraic ge

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Symplectic geometry of surface group representations - William Goldman

Joint IAS/Princeton University Symplectic Geometry Seminar Topic: Symplectic geometry of surface group representations Speaker: William Goldman Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: February 28, 2022 If G is a Lie group whose adjoint representation preserves a nondegenerate sy

From playlist Mathematics

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Vic Reiner, Lecture II - 11 February 2015

Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota) - Lecture II Many results in the combinatorics and invariant theory of reflection groups have q-analogues for the finite general linear groups GLn(Fq). These lectures will discuss several examples, and open questions

From playlist Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory - 2015

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Linear Algebra for Beginners

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning linear equations such as linear functions and their representations through matrices and vector spaces. Linear algebra is central to almost all areas of mathematics. Topic covered: Vectors: Basic vectors notation, adding, scaling (0:0

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