Asymptotic geometric analysis | Banach spaces | Theorems in functional analysis

Quotient of subspace theorem

In mathematics, the quotient of subspace theorem is an important property of finite-dimensional normed spaces, discovered by Vitali Milman. Let (X, ||·||) be an N-dimensional normed space. There exist subspaces Z ⊂ Y ⊂ X such that the following holds: * The quotient space E = Y / Z is of dimension dim E ≥ c N, where c > 0 is a universal constant. * The induced norm || · || on E, defined by is uniformly isomorphic to Euclidean. That is, there exists a positive quadratic form ("Euclidean structure") Q on E, such that for with K > 1 a universal constant. The statement is relative easy to prove by induction on the dimension of Z (even for Y=Z, X=0, c=1) with a K that depends only on N; the point of the theorem is that K is independent of N. In fact, the constant c can be made arbitrarily close to 1, at the expense of theconstant K becoming large. The original proof allowed (Wikipedia).

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Determine the Fundamental Subspaces of a Matrix (2 by 3)

This video explains how to determine the 4 fundamental subspaces of a matrix.

From playlist Fundamental Subspaces of a Matrix

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Determine if W is a Subspace of a Vector Space V

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Determine if W is a Subspace of a Vector Space V

From playlist Proofs

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Prove the Set of all Odd Functions is a Subspace of a Vector Space

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Prove the Set of all Odd Functions is a Subspace of a Vector Space

From playlist Proofs

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Determine the Fundamental Subspaces of a Matrix Given the Singular Value Decomposition(2 by 3)

This video explains how to determine the 4 fundamental subspaces of a matrix given the singular value decomposition of the matrix.

From playlist Fundamental Subspaces of a Matrix

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Fundamentals of Mathematics - Lecture 25: Quotient Maps (Real Projective Line, Modular Arithmetic)

course page - videography - Eric Melton, UVM

From playlist Fundamentals of Mathematics

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Linear Algebra - Lecture 30 - Basis of a Subspace

In this video, I give the definition of "basis" for a subspace. Then, I work through the process for finding a basis for the null space and column space of any matrix.

From playlist Linear Algebra Lectures

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Difference Quotient

What is a difference quotient? How to find a difference quotient. Deriving it from the rise over run formula.

From playlist Calculus

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Linear Algebra 4.2 Subspaces

My notes are available at (so you can write along with me). Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version 12th Edition by Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, and Anton Kaul

From playlist Linear Algebra

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 15: The cylinder as a quotient space

What is a Manifold? Lesson 15: The cylinder as a quotient space This lesson covers several different ideas on the way to showing how the cylinder can be described as a quotient space. Lot's of ideas in this lecture! ... too many probably....

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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PreCalculus | Finding the difference quotient: Example 3

We present a few examples of calculating the difference quotient.

From playlist PreCalculus

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Duality in Linear Algebra: Dual Spaces, Dual Maps, and All That

An exploration of duality in linear algebra, including dual spaces, dual maps, and dual bases, with connections to linear and bilinear forms, adjoints in real and complex inner product spaces, covariance and contravariance, and matrix rank. More videos on linear algebra: https://youtube.c

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition Youtube Videos

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Kristin Courtney: Generalized inductive limits with asymptotically order zero maps

Talk by Kristin Courtney in Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar (Europe) on March 2, 2021

From playlist Talks of Mathematics Münster's reseachers

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SIAM's Gene Golub's Rayleigh Quotient Based Numerical Methods for Eigenvalue Problems, Lecture 1

Gene Golub's SIAM summer school presents Rayleigh Quotient Based Numerical Methods for Eigenvalue Problems by Ren-Cang Li 2013; Lecture 1

From playlist Gene Golub SIAM Summer School Videos

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Pre-recorded lecture 6: Constant normal forms, nilpotent Nijenhuis operators and Thompson theorem

MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and integrable systems Pre-recorded lecture: These lectures were recorded as part of a cooperation between the Chinese-Russian Mathematical Center (Beijing) and the Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics (Moscow). Nijenhuis Geomet

From playlist MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry companion lectures (Sino-Russian Mathematical Centre)

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Lecture 3: Quotient Spaces, the Baire Category Theorem and the Uniform Boundedness Theorem

MIT 18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis, Spring 2021 Instructor: Dr. Casey Rodriguez View the complete course: YouTube Playlist:

From playlist MIT 18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis, Spring 2021

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Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum), Lecture 3

Quiver moduli spaces are algebraic varieties encoding the continuous parameters of linear algebra type classification problems. In recent years their topological and geometric properties have been explored, and applications to, among others, Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten theory have

From playlist Felix Klein Lectures 2020: Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum)

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Brent Pym: Holomorphic Poisson structures - lecture 3

The notion of a Poisson manifold originated in mathematical physics, where it is used to describe the equations of motion of classical mechanical systems, but it is nowadays connected with many different parts of mathematics. A key feature of any Poisson manifold is that it carries a cano

From playlist Virtual Conference

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Harold Dales: Multi-norms and Banach lattices

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Hodge theory and cycle theory of locally symmetric spaces – Nicolas Bergeron – ICM2018

Geometry Invited Lecture 5.1 Hodge theory and cycle theory of locally symmetric spaces Nicolas Bergeron Abstract: We discuss several results pertaining to the Hodge and cycle theories of locally symmetric spaces. The unity behind these results is motivated by a vague but fruitful analogy

From playlist Geometry

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Fundamentals of Mathematics - Lecture 26: Well-Definedness

course page: videography - Eric Melton, UVM

From playlist Fundamentals of Mathematics

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Quotient space (linear algebra) | Norm (mathematics) | Isomorphism | Quadratic form