Homotopy theory | Algebraic topology

Plus construction

In mathematics, the plus construction is a method for simplifying the fundamental group of a space without changing its homology and cohomology groups. Explicitly, if is a based connected CW complex and is a perfect normal subgroup of then a map is called a +-construction relative to if induces an isomorphism on homology, and is the kernel of . The plus construction was introduced by Michel Kervaire, and was used by Daniel Quillen to define algebraic K-theory. Given a perfect normal subgroup of the fundamental group of a connected CW complex , attach two-cells along loops in whose images in the fundamental group generate the subgroup. This operation generally changes the homology of the space, but these changes can be reversed by the addition of three-cells. The most common application of the plus construction is in algebraic K-theory. If is a unital ring, we denote by the group of invertible -by- matrices with elements in . embeds in by attaching a along the diagonal and s elsewhere. The direct limit of these groups via these maps is denoted and its classifying space is denoted . The plus construction may then be applied to the perfect normal subgroup of , generated by matrices which only differ from the identity matrix in one off-diagonal entry. For , the -th homotopy group of the resulting space, , is isomorphic to the -th -group of , that is, (Wikipedia).

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NOVA "'What's This Stuff" Material 1 - Clue 1


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What is Concrete?

What's the difference between concrete and cement? Concrete is the most important construction material on earth and foundation of our modern society. At first glance it seems rudimentary, but there is a tremendous amount of complexity involved in every part of designing and placing conc

From playlist Civil Engineering

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Top 4 Civil Engineering Projects

Civil engineering, which is developing more and more every day, presents us some of the most important structural projects of all time. From the longest tunnels and highest towers to the longest bridges and impressive buildings, new civil engineering projects help us shape the world around

From playlist Engineering Wonders

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How engineers build different bridges

Do you know how engineers build different types of bridges for different situations? From arch bridges and beam bridges to suspension bridges and movable bridges, here is all you need to know about the technology behind them. To get the latest science and technology news, subscribe to o

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Why Buildings Need Foundations

What the heck is a foundation and why do all structures need one? The bundle deal with Curiosity Stream has ended, but you can still get a great discount on Nebula and support Practical Engineering here: https://go.nebula.tv/practical-engineering If all the earth was solid rock, life woul

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Infinite Limits With Equal Exponents (Calculus)

#Calculus #Math #Engineering #tiktok #NicholasGKK #shorts

From playlist Calculus

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11_4_1 The Derivative of the Composition of Functions

The composition of a multivariable function and a vector function and calculating its derivative.

From playlist Advanced Calculus / Multivariable Calculus

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Derivative Of A Square Root!! (Calculus)

#Math #Calculus #Physics #Tiktok #Studyhacks #NicholasGKK #Shorts

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Galois theory: Heptadecagon

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Galois theory. As an application of Galois theory, we prove Gauss's theorem that it is possible to construct a regular heptadecagon with ruler and compass.

From playlist Galois theory

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.7: Ruler and compass constructions

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.7: Ruler and compass constructions Inspired by philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, one of the chief purposes of ancient Greek mathematics was to find exact constructions for various lengths, using only the basic tools of a ruler and compass. However, t

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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Jessica Fintzen - 2/2 Supercuspidal Representations: Construction, Classification, and Characters

We have seen in the first week of the summer school that the buildings blocks for irreducible representations of p-adic groups are the supercuspidal representations. In these talks we will explore explicit exhaustive constructions of these supercuspidal representations and their character

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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Representations of p-adic groups - Jessica Fintzen

Workshop on Representation Theory and Geometry Topic: Representations of p-adic groups Speaker: Jessica Fintzen Affiliation: University of Cambridge and Duke University; Member, School of Mathematics Date: April 02, 2021 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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New Developments in Hypergraph Ramsey Theory - D. Mubayi - Workshop 1 - CEB T1 2018

Dhruv Mubayi (UI Chicago) / 30.01.2018 I will describe lower bounds (i.e. constructions) for several hypergraph Ramsey problems. These constructions settle old conjectures of Erd˝os–Hajnal on classical Ramsey numbers as well as more recent questions due to Conlon–Fox–Lee–Sudakov and othe

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Heptadecagon and Fermat Primes (the math bit) - Numberphile

Main (previous) video: http://youtu.be/87uo2TPrsl8 David Eisenbud from MSRI on the math behind the 17-gon and other constructible polygons. NUMBERPHILE Website: http://www.numberphile.com/ Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com

From playlist David Eisenbud on Numberphile

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Geometric Impossibilities, Part 2: The Field of Constructible Numbers

The second video of the series, where we complete the demonstration that constructible numbers are closed under all the field operations. We also show that, unlike arbitrary fields, the constructible numbers contain the square root of any of its elements. Constructing Products & Quotient

From playlist Geometric Impossibilities

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Compiler Design | L - 9 | Operator grammar & Operator precedence parser | CS/IT #RavindrababuRaula

Click for free access to Educator's best classes: : https://www.unacademy.com/a/Best-Classes-of-all-time-by-Vishvadeep-Gothi-CS.html For regular updates follow : https://unacademy.com/community/Q3ZGJY/ To purchase please click : https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/zv9co3u1

From playlist Compiler Design

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The Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence in Nonarchimedean Geometry - Jacob Lurie

IAS/Princeton Arithmetic Geometry Seminar Topic: The Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence in Nonarchimedean Geometry Speaker: Jacob Lurie Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: March 13, 2023 Let X be a smooth projective variety over the field of complex numbers. The classical Rieman

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Fill In The Blank (Dynamics/Friction)

#Physics #Dynamics #Engineering #TikTok #NicholasGKK #shorts

From playlist Mechanical Engineering

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Geometric Impossibilities , Part 4: The Finale

In the final installment of this mini-series, we prove and apply the algebraic characterization of the constructible numbers, and resolve the famous ancient conjectures.

From playlist Geometric Impossibilities

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