Control theory


Optogenetics is a biological technique to control the activity of neurons or other cell types with light. This is achieved by expression of light-sensitive ion channels, pumps or enzymes specifically in the target cells. On the level of individual cells, light-activated enzymes and transcription factors allow precise control of biochemical signaling pathways. In systems neuroscience, the ability to control the activity of a genetically defined set of neurons has been used to understand their contribution to decision making, learning, fear memory, mating, addiction, feeding, and locomotion. In a first medical application of optogenetic technology, vision was partially restored in a blind patient. Optogenetic techniques have also been introduced to map the functional connectivity of the brain. By altering the activity of genetically labelled neurons with light and using imaging and electrophysiology techniques to record the activity of other cells, researchers can identify the statistical dependencies between cells and brain regions. In a broader sense, optogenetics also includes methods to record cellular activity with genetically encoded indicators. In 2010, optogenetics was chosen as the "Method of the Year" across all fields of science and engineering by the interdisciplinary research journal Nature Methods. At the same time, optogenetics was highlighted in the article on "Breakthroughs of the Decade" in the academic research journal Science. (Wikipedia).

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Method of the Year 2010: Optogenetics - by Nature Video

This video shows how scientists can control the behaviour of cells simply by switching on a light. The technique, known as optogenetics, is teaching us about everything from how we wake up to how we learn. That's why Nature Methods has named optogenetics as its Method of the Year 2010.

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First Ever Use of Optogenetics in Humans Allows Blind Man to See

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Karl Deisseroth Optogenetics Controlling the Brain with Light

Karl Deisseroth, PhD, MD, is a bioengineer and a psychiatrist at Stanford who has developed a breakthrough research tool that is allowing scientists studying the brain an unprecedented degree of control over brain cells by making the cells sensitive to different colors of light. Using fibe

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OptiKey v2 - intro

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Engineering the Brain: Deploying a New Neural Toolkit

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Can we switch our brains on and off? | Sci Guide (Ep 33) | Head Squeeze

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Optogenetics - light gets on your nerves

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Shining a light on the brain | The Royal Society

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Implantable Optoelectronic and Microfluidic Systems for Neuroscience

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