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Musical isomorphism

In mathematics—more specifically, in differential geometry—the musical isomorphism (or canonical isomorphism) is an isomorphism between the tangent bundle and the cotangent bundle of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold induced by its metric tensor. There are similar isomorphisms on symplectic manifolds. The term musical refers to the use of the symbols (flat) and (sharp). In covariant and contravariant notation, it is also known as raising and lowering indices. (Wikipedia).

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Group Isomorphisms in Abstract Algebra

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Group Isomorphisms in Abstract Algebra - Definition of a group isomorphism and isomorphic groups - Example of proving a function is an Isomorphism, showing the group of real numbers under addition is isomorphic to the group of posit

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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23 Algebraic system isomorphism

Isomorphic algebraic systems are systems in which there is a mapping from one to the other that is a one-to-one correspondence, with all relations and operations preserved in the correspondence.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Isomorphisms (Abstract Algebra)

An isomorphism is a homomorphism that is also a bijection. If there is an isomorphism between two groups G and H, then they are equivalent and we say they are "isomorphic." The groups may look different from each other, but their group properties will be the same. Be sure to subscribe s

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Homomorphisms in abstract algebra

In this video we add some more definition to our toolbox before we go any further in our study into group theory and abstract algebra. The definition at hand is the homomorphism. A homomorphism is a function that maps the elements for one group to another whilst maintaining their structu

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Isomorphisms in abstract algebra

In this video I take a look at an example of a homomorphism that is both onto and one-to-one, i.e both surjective and injection, which makes it a bijection. Such a homomorphism is termed an isomorphism. Through the example, I review the construction of Cayley's tables for integers mod 4

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Isomorphic Graphs

This video defines and gives and example of isomorphic graphs.

From playlist Graph Theory (Discrete Math)

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Graph Theory FAQs: 04. Isomorphism vs Homomorphism

In this video we recall the definition of a graph isomorphism and then give the definition of a graph homomorphism. Then we look at two examples of graph homomorphisms and discuss a special case that relates to graph colourings. -- Graph Theory FAQs by Dr. Sarada Herke. Related videos:

From playlist Graph Theory FAQs

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Synesthesia - Music Composition

My website: This piece began with the funky piano riff you can hear in the chorus, and grew from there. For those of you who may not know, Synesthesia is the condition of linking ideas within two methods of sensing, such as specific colours being attributed to music

From playlist Music Compositions

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What are Isomorphic Graphs? | Graph Isomorphism, Graph Theory

How do we formally describe two graphs "having the same structure"? The term for this is "isomorphic". Two graphs that have the same structure are called isomorphic, and we'll define exactly what that means with examples in today's video graph theory lesson! Check out the full Graph Theor

From playlist Graph Theory

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Introduction to additive combinatorics lecture 5.8 --- Freiman homomorphisms and isomorphisms.

The notion of a Freiman homomorphism and the closely related notion of a Freiman isomorphism are fundamental concepts in additive combinatorics. Here I explain what they are and prove a lemma that states that a subset A of F_p^N such that kA - kA is not too large is "k-isomorphic" to a sub

From playlist Introduction to Additive Combinatorics (Cambridge Part III course)

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Landau-Ginzburg - Seminar 14 - Revisiting the cut operation

This seminar series is about the bicategory of Landau-Ginzburg models LG, hypersurface singularities and matrix factorisations. Combining many of the previous seminars, Rohan constructs the cut operation with explicit homotopy equivalences (needed to get the explicit form of the Clifford o

From playlist Metauni

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Olivier Taïbi - 1/3 The Local Langlands Conjecture

We formulate the local Langlands conjecture for connected reductive groups over local fields, including the internal parametrization of L-packets. Olivier Taïbi (ENS Lyon)

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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Christopher Schafhauser: On the classification of nuclear simple C*-algebras, Lecture 2

Mini course of the conference YMC*A, August 2021, University of Münster. Abstract: A conjecture of George Elliott dating back to the early 1990’s asks if separable, simple, nuclear C*-algebras are determined up to isomorphism by their K-theoretic and tracial data. Restricting to purely i

From playlist YMC*A 2021

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Dimitri Grigoryev - On a Tropical Version of the Jacobian Conjecture

We prove that, for a tropical rational map if for any point the convex hull of Jacobian matrices at smooth points in a neighborhood of the point does not contain singular matrices then the map is an isomorphism. We also show that a tropical polynomial map on the plane is an isomorphism if

From playlist Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: 02-03 December 2020

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Geordie Williamson: Langlands and Bezrukavnikov II Lecture 9

SMRI Seminar Series: 'Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence' Geordie Williamson (University of Sydney) Abstract: The second part of the course focuses on affine Hecke algebras and their categorifications. Last year I discussed the local Langlands correspondence in bro

From playlist Geordie Williamson: Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence

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Geometry of the Global Nilpotent Cone Lecture 1 by Ana Peon-Nieto

PROGRAM : QUANTUM FIELDS, GEOMETRY AND REPRESENTATION THEORY 2021 (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS : Aswin Balasubramanian (Rutgers University, USA), Indranil Biswas (TIFR, india), Jacques Distler (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), Chris Elliott (University of Massachusetts, USA) and Pranav Pan

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE)

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Stefan Schwede: Equivariant stable homotopy - Lecture 2

I will use the orthogonal spectrum model to introduce the tensor triangulated category of genuine G-spectra, for compact Lie groups G. I will explain structural properties such as the smash product of G-spectra, and functors relating the categories for varying G (fixed points, geometric fi

From playlist Summer School: Spectral methods in algebra, geometry, and topology

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Chapter 6: Homomorphism and (first) isomorphism theorem | Essence of Group Theory

The isomorphism theorem is a very useful theorem when it comes to proving novel relationships in group theory, as well as proving something is a normal subgroup. But not many people can understand it intuitively and remember it just as a kind of algebraic coincidence. This video is about t

From playlist Essence of Group Theory

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