Fiber bundles | Vector bundles

Frame bundle

In mathematics, a frame bundle is a principal fiber bundle F(E) associated to any vector bundle E. The fiber of F(E) over a point x is the set of all ordered bases, or frames, for Ex. The general linear group acts naturally on F(E) via a change of basis, giving the frame bundle the structure of a principal GL(k, R)-bundle (where k is the rank of E). The frame bundle of a smooth manifold is the one associated to its tangent bundle. For this reason it is sometimes called the tangent frame bundle. (Wikipedia).

Frame bundle
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Introduction to Fiber Bundles Part 4: Torsor Interlude

Torsors and Principal Homogeneous Spaces. What is the difference?

From playlist Fiber bundles

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Introduction to Fiber Bundles part 1: Definitions

We give the definition of a fiber bundle with fiber F, trivializations and transition maps. This is a really basic stuff that we use a lot. Here are the topics this sets up: *Associated Bundles/Principal Bundles *Reductions of Structure Groups *Steenrod's Theorem *Torsor structure on arith

From playlist Fiber bundles

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 12: Fiber Bundles - Formal Description

This is a long lesson, but it is not full of rigorous proofs, it is just a formal definition. Please let me know where the exposition is unclear. I din't quite get through the idea of the structure group of a fiber bundle fully, but I introduced it. The examples in the next lesson will h

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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Data Frames - Introduction to R Programming - Part 6

A Data frame is one of the main objects in R that you will often use when working with data in R. Learn how to access a data frame’s rows and columns, and look up the structure of a data frame. -- Learn more about Data Science Dojo here:

From playlist Introduction to R Programming

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The TRUTH about TENSORS, Part 9: Vector Bundles

In this video we define vector bundles in full abstraction, of which tangent bundles are a special case.

From playlist The TRUTH about TENSORS

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The TRUTH about TENSORS, Part 10: Frames

What do the octonions have to do with spheres? Skip to the end of the video to find out!

From playlist The TRUTH about TENSORS

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Introduction to R: Data Frames

Data Frames in R are data structures that store tabular data with rows and columns similar to an excel spreadsheet. Data Frames are among the most common data structures for working with data in R and many data reading functions load data into R in the form of data frames. They are analogo

From playlist Introduction to R

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Computer Networks. Part Three: Ethernet Fundamentals

This is third in a series about computer networks. This video covers how Ethernet transmits frames of data on a Local Area Network (LAN). The way in which frame collisions can occur is illustrated, along with the system known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detention (CSM

From playlist Computer Networks

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Add whitespace to a module list

In this video we add some whitespace with a text header to a module list in canvas. You can find other quick Canvas video here:

From playlist Canvas

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Alexander Neshitov - Fibrant Resolutions of Motivic Thom Spectra

Notes: This is a joint work with G. Garkusha. In the talk I will discuss the construction of fibrant replacements for spectra consisting of Thom spaces (suspension spectra of varieties and algebraic cobordism 𝑀𝐺𝐿 being the motivating e

From playlist Summer School 2020: Motivic, Equivariant and Non-commutative Homotopy Theory

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David Ayala: Factorization homology (part 3)

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Homotopy theory, manifolds, and field theories and Introductory School (8.5.2015)

From playlist HIM Lectures 2015

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Hilbert Space Techniques in Complex Analysis and Geometry (Lecture - 2) by Dror Varolin

PROGRAM CAUCHY-RIEMANN EQUATIONS IN HIGHER DIMENSIONS ORGANIZERS: Sivaguru, Diganta Borah and Debraj Chakrabarti DATE: 15 July 2019 to 02 August 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Complex analysis is one of the central areas of modern mathematics, and deals with holomo

From playlist Cauchy-Riemann Equations in Higher Dimensions 2019

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A. Song - What is the (essential) minimal volume? 4

I will discuss the notion of minimal volume and some of its variants. The minimal volume of a manifold is defined as the infimum of the volume over all metrics with sectional curvature between -1 and 1. Such an invariant is closely related to "collapsing theory", a far reaching set of resu

From playlist Ecole d'été 2021 - Curvature Constraints and Spaces of Metrics

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A. Song - What is the (essential) minimal volume? 4 (version temporaire)

I will discuss the notion of minimal volume and some of its variants. The minimal volume of a manifold is defined as the infimum of the volume over all metrics with sectional curvature between -1 and 1. Such an invariant is closely related to "collapsing theory", a far reaching set of resu

From playlist Ecole d'été 2021 - Curvature Constraints and Spaces of Metrics

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Lecture 5: Equivariant CNNs II (Riemannian manifolds) - Maurice Weiler

Video recording of the First Italian School on Geometric Deep Learning held in Pescara in July 2022. Slides:

From playlist First Italian School on Geometric Deep Learning - Pescara 2022

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Spinors and the Clutching Construction

What’s the connection between spinors and the clutching construction? Chapters: 00:00 Why should we care? 00:32 Spinors in pop culture 01:34 Graph 03:15 Wall 03:42 Tome 04:18 Sir Roger Penrose 04:53 Hopf fibration 06:23 Paul Dirac 07:12 The belt trick 08:54 Exterior derivative 09:49 Deter

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition Youtube Videos

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What is the span of vectors?

What is the span of vectors? A basic geometric explanation is given. Such ideas are important in linear algebra and differential equations. Free ebook (updated link) Test your understanding via a short quiz

From playlist Introduction to Vectors

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Oliver Gabriel: Functorial Rieffel deformations and (periodic) cyclic cohomology

Inspired by previous work by S. Brain, G. Landi and W. van Suijlekom, we study functorial deformations of algebras and modules based on actions of Abelian locally compact groups. We consider the case of G = S^1 \times \mathbb Z, provide an explicit form for the deformation and show how fun

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