Semiconductor material types

Magnetic semiconductor

Magnetic semiconductors are semiconductor materials that exhibit both ferromagnetism (or a similar response) and useful semiconductor properties. If implemented in devices, these materials could provide a new type of control of conduction. Whereas traditional electronics are based on control of charge carriers (n- or p-type), practical magnetic semiconductors would also allow control of quantum spin state (up or down). This would theoretically provide near-total spin polarization (as opposed to iron and other metals, which provide only ~50% polarization), which is an important property for spintronics applications, e.g. spin transistors. While many traditional magnetic materials, such as magnetite, are also semiconductors (magnetite is a semimetal semiconductor with bandgap 0.14 eV), materials scientists generally predict that magnetic semiconductors will only find widespread use if they are similar to well-developed semiconductor materials. To that end, dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS) have recently been a major focus of magnetic semiconductor research. These are based on traditional semiconductors, but are doped with transition metals instead of, or in addition to, electronically active elements. They are of interest because of their unique spintronics properties with possible technological applications. Doped wide band-gap metal oxides such as zinc oxide (ZnO) and titanium oxide (TiO2) are among the best candidates for industrial DMS due to their multifunctionality in opticomagnetic applications. In particular, ZnO-based DMS with properties such as transparency in visual region and piezoelectricity have generated huge interest among the scientific community as a strong candidate for the fabrication of spin transistors and spin-polarized light-emitting diodes, while copper doped TiO2 in the anatase phase of this material has further been predicted to exhibit favorable dilute magnetism. Hideo Ohno and his group at the Tohoku University were the first to measure ferromagnetism in transition metal doped compound semiconductors such as indium arsenide and gallium arsenide doped with manganese (the latter is commonly referred to as GaMnAs). These materials exhibited reasonably high Curie temperatures (yet below room temperature) that scales with the concentration of p-type charge carriers. Ever since, ferromagnetic signals have been measured from various semiconductor hosts doped with different transition atoms. (Wikipedia).

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Semiconductors - Physics inside Transistors and Diodes

Bipolar junction transistors and diodes explained with energy band levels and electron / hole densities. My Patreon page is at

From playlist Physics

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Magnetism (2 of 13) Why are Magnets Magnetic, An Explanation

An explanation of why magnets are magnetic. Ever wondered why some pieces of metal stick together and some don't? Watch this video and find out why. It is amazing. A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible but is responsible for t

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The Attractiveness Of Magnetic Fields

What causes a material to be magnetic? License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at

From playlist Physics

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Intrinsic semiconductors

Intrinsic semiconductors are pure, stoichiometric materials that have not been doped with additional compounds in order to modify their electrical conductivity. The band gap of these materials increases as we move from group IV materials like silicon and germanium to III-V (GaAs etc) and I

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Magnetism (1 of 13) Magnets & Magnetic Field Lines, An Explanation

An explanation of magnets and how to draw magnetic field lines. Covers force of attraction and repulsion. How to draw magnetic field lines for like poles (bar magnet), unlike poles and a U-shaped magnet. A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic fiel

From playlist Magnets, Magnetism and Charges in Magnetic Fields

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What are Conductors and Insulators? | Don't Memorise

There are lots of ways to categorise different materials based on their Physical or Chemical Properties. One way is to categorise them based on their CONDUCTIVITY! Based on this property, we classify materials as Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors. In this video, we will study abou

From playlist Physics

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Magnetism (4 of 13) Magnetic Field of a Wire, Calculations

Explains how to do simple calculations for the magnetic field generated by the current in a long straight wire. Three worked examples show you how to calculate the magnetic field strength, the amount of current flowing through the wire and the distance r from the wire. The magnetic field

From playlist Magnets, Magnetism and Charges in Magnetic Fields

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Mod-01 Lec-36 Semiconductors

Condensed Matter Physics by Prof. G. Rangarajan, Department of Physics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist NPTEL: Condensed Matter Physics - Physics Course

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Semiconductors, Insulators & Conductors, Basic Introduction, N type vs P type Semiconductor

This chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into semiconductors, insulators and conductors. It explains the difference between an N-type semiconductor a P-type semiconductor. Conductors are metals like copper and silver which conduct electricity very well. Insulators are

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Mod-01 Lec-37 Semiconductors (Continued)

Condensed Matter Physics by Prof. G. Rangarajan, Department of Physics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist NPTEL: Condensed Matter Physics - Physics Course

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Long-Range Coupling of Spins with Microwave-Frequency Photons by Jason Petta

PROGRAM NON-HERMITIAN PHYSICS (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Manas Kulkarni (ICTS, India) and Bhabani Prasad Mandal (Banaras Hindu University, India) DATE: 22 March 2021 to 26 March 2021 VENUE: Online Non-Hermitian Systems / Open Quantum Systems are not only of fundamental interest in physics a

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Jay Deep Sau - The return of Majorana : the end of a 75 year-old search

PROGRAM: The ICTS Condensed Matter Programme 2011 Venue: Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore Date: Friday 09 Dec, 2011 - Thursday 22 Dec, 2011 DESCRIPTION: The ICTS Condensed Matter Programme 2011 (ICMP 2011) consists of a 10 day Winter School (December 9 to December 18) followed by a 4

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Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and others) [Part 46]

Stephen Wolfram hosts a live and unscripted Ask Me Anything about science and technology for all ages. Find the playlist of Q&A's here: Originally livestreamed at: Outline of Q&A 0:00 Stream starts 2:31 Stephen begins the s

From playlist Stephen Wolfram Ask Me Anything About Science & Technology

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Quantum Transport, Lecture 20: Majorana fermions

Instructor: Sergey Frolov, University of Pittsburgh, Spring 2013 Summary: Kitaev's model, Majorana's in nanowires, experimental results from Delft. Quantum Transport course development supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant DMR C

From playlist Quantum Transport

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Mod-03 Lec-18 Metal and Metal Oxide Nanowires - I

Nano structured materials-synthesis, properties, self assembly and applications by Prof. A.K. Ganguli,Department of Nanotechnology,IIT Delhi.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Delhi: Nano structured materials-synthesis, properties, self assembly and applications | Materials Science

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Quantum Transport, Lecture 1: Introduction

Instructor: Sergey Frolov, University of Pittsburgh, Spring 2013 Summary: In this lecture the notion of quantum transport is defined, the interest in quantum transport is motivated and key experiments in the field are highlighted. Quantum Transport course

From playlist Quantum Transport

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Day 36 semiconductor devices

0:00 recap of last class extrinsic semiconductors 2:30 learning objectives and reading quiz 7:06 electrical conductivity in intrinsic semiconductors 9:14 intrinsic semiconduction as a function of temperature 10:00 using carrier concentration vs temperature to estimate band gap 12:48 diagra

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Quantum Locking Will Blow Your Mind—How Does it Work?

In this video I use a type II superconductor to perform a quantum locking demonstration using YCBO (Yttrium barium copper oxide). I then explain in depth how superconductors and quantum locking (Flux pinning) works. Follow me on Twitter: Facebook: http

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Introduction to Solid State Physics, Lecture 1: Overview of the Course

Upper-level undergraduate course taught at the University of Pittsburgh in the Fall 2015 semester by Sergey Frolov. The course is based on Steven Simon's "Oxford Solid State Basics" textbook. Lectures recorded using Panopto, to see them in Panopto viewer follow this link:

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Magnetic Field of a Wire

Iron filings are used to visualize the magnetic field generated by a wire.

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