Geometric algorithms | Optimization algorithms and methods

Lloyd's algorithm

In electrical engineering and computer science, Lloyd's algorithm, also known as Voronoi iteration or relaxation, is an algorithm named after Stuart P. Lloyd for finding evenly spaced sets of points in subsets of Euclidean spaces and partitions of these subsets into well-shaped and uniformly sized convex cells. Like the closely related k-means clustering algorithm, it repeatedly finds the centroid of each set in the partition and then re-partitions the input according to which of these centroids is closest. In this setting, the mean operation is an integral over a region of space, and the nearest centroid operation results in Voronoi diagrams. Although the algorithm may be applied most directly to the Euclidean plane, similar algorithms may also be applied to higher-dimensional spaces or to spaces with other non-Euclidean metrics. Lloyd's algorithm can be used to construct close approximations to centroidal Voronoi tessellations of the input, which can be used for quantization, dithering, and stippling. Other applications of Lloyd's algorithm include smoothing of triangle meshes in the finite element method. (Wikipedia).

Lloyd's algorithm
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Euler’s method - How to use it?

► My Differential Equations course: Euler’s method is a numerical method that you can use to approximate the solution to an initial value problem with a differential equation that can’t be solved using a more traditional method,

From playlist Differential Equations

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The Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm

Here I discuss the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm, one of the most important algorithms of all time. Book Website: Book PDF: These lectures follow Chapter 2 from: "Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, D

From playlist Fourier

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Gaussian Integral 6 Gamma Function

Welcome to the awesome 12-part series on the Gaussian integral. In this series of videos, I calculate the Gaussian integral in 12 different ways. Which method is the best? Watch and find out! In this video, I calculate the Gaussian integral by using properties of the gamma function, which

From playlist Gaussian Integral

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Abel formula

This is one of my all-time favorite differential equation videos!!! :D Here I'm actually using the Wronskian to actually find a nontrivial solution to a second-order differential equation. This is amazing because it brings the concept of the Wronskian back to life! And as they say, you won

From playlist Differential equations

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The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

Here I introduce the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which is how we compute the Fourier Transform on a computer. The FFT is one of the most important algorithms of all time. Book Website: Book PDF: These lectures follow Chapter

From playlist Fourier

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The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): Most Ingenious Algorithm Ever?

In this video, we take a look at one of the most beautiful algorithms ever created: the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This is a tricky algorithm to understand so we take a look at it in a context that we are all familiar with: polynomial multiplication. You will see how the core ideas of t

From playlist Fourier

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Euler's Identity (Equation)

This video given Euler's identity, reviews how to derive Euler's formula using known power series, and then verifies Euler's identity with Euler's formula

From playlist Mathematics General Interest

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Euler's Formula for the Quaternions

In this video, we will derive Euler's formula using a quaternion power, instead of a complex power, which will allow us to calculate quaternion exponentials such as e^(i+j+k). If you like quaternions, this is a pretty neat formula and a simple generalization of Euler's formula for complex

From playlist Math

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CS50 Explained 2016 - Week 0 - Finding Mike Smith

This is CS50 Explained, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 0's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016

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CS50 Explained VR 2016 - Week 0 - Finding Mike Smith

This is CS50 Explained VR, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd (and you!) watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 0's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016 in Virtual Reality

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How to Come Up with the Semi-Implicit Euler Method Using Hamiltonian Mechanics #some2 #PaCE1

Notes for this video: When you first learn about Hamiltonian Mechanics, it seems like Lagrangian Mechanics with more work for less gain. The only reason we even learn Hamiltonian Mechanics in undergrad is that the Hamiltoni

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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CS50 Explained 2016 - Week 3 - Merge Sort

This is CS50 Explained, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 3's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016

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CS50 Explained VR 2016 - Week 3 - Merge Sort

This is CS50 Explained VR, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd (and you!) watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 3's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016 in Virtual Reality

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CS50 Explained 2016 - Week 3 - Sorting Humans

This is CS50 Explained, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 3's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016

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CS50 Explained VR 2016 - Week 3 - Sorting Humans

This is CS50 Explained VR, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd (and you!) watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 3's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016 in Virtual Reality

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CS50 Explained 2016 - Week 0 - Taking Attendance

This is CS50 Explained, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 0's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016

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CS50 Explained VR 2016 - Week 0 - Taking Attendance

This is CS50 Explained VR, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd (and you!) watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 0's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016 in Virtual Reality

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Quantum Simulations I by Barry Sanders

Dates: Thursday 03 Jan, 2013 - Saturday 05 Jan, 2013 Venue: ICTS-TIFR, IISc Campus, Bangalore The school aims to provide students and researchers an introduction to the field of quantum information, computation and communication. Topics that will be covered include introduction to quantu

From playlist Mini Winter School on Quantum Information and Computation

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B03 An improvement of the Euler method

Introducing predictor-corrector methods, improving on Euler's method of numerical analysis.

From playlist A Second Course in Differential Equations

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CS50 Explained 2016 - Week 3 - Finding 50

This is CS50 Explained, wherein David J. Malan and Doug Lloyd watch CS50's lectures and discuss the pedagogy behind CS50 itself. For Week 3's lecture, see

From playlist CS50 Explained 2016

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