Geometric algorithms | Discrete geometry

Centroidal Voronoi tessellation

In geometry, a centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) is a special type of Voronoi tessellation in which the generating point of each Voronoi cell is also its centroid (center of mass). It can be viewed as an optimal partition corresponding to an optimal distribution of generators. A number of algorithms can be used to generate centroidal Voronoi tessellations, including Lloyd's algorithm for K-means clustering or Quasi-Newton methods like BFGS. (Wikipedia).

Centroidal Voronoi tessellation
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mandelbrot julia rotation 3

some julia dynamics combined with a rotation in the direction of mandelbrot.

From playlist Fractal

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Linear Desface

Here we show a quick way to set up a face in desmos using domain and range restrictions along with sliders. @shaunteaches

From playlist desmos

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PARABOLIC DISH MIRROR REFLECTOR SPHERICAL SUN PARABOLIC SOLAR COOKER REFLECTIVE ALUMINUM This is a video demonstrating the 24" paraboloid which is roughly a 75% mirror vs. a spherical shape with a 95% mirror lining.

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A Multi-Scale Approach to Global Ocean Climate Modeling

Multi-Scale approach to Global Ocean Climate Modeling

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Midpoint Challenge

In this video, we show work the goal of the midpoint challenge looks like. @shaunteaches

From playlist desmos

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The Cosmic Spiderweb: void/wall perpendicularity in (...) - M. Neyrinck - Workshop 1 - CEB T3 2018

Mark Neyrinck (Univ. of the Basque Country, Bilbao) / 20.09.2018 The Cosmic Spiderweb: void/wall perpendicularity in the adhesion model ---------------------------------- Vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur les réseaux sociaux pour suivre nos actualités. Facebook :

From playlist 2018 - T3 - Analytics, Inference, and Computation in Cosmology

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Descriptions of the Grain-Growth Structure - Jeremy Mason

Jeremy Mason Institute for Advanced Study October 12, 2010 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Elliot Paquette : Anchored expansion in the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation

Abstract: We show that random walk on a stationary random graph with positive anchored expansion and exponential volume growth has positive speed. We also show that two families of random triangulations of the hyperbolic plane, the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation and the hyperbolic

From playlist Combinatorics

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Chris Judge: Translation structures, ideas and connections

CONFERENCE Recorded during the meeting " Structures on Surfaces " the May 05, 2022 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathema

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Clustering (3): K-Means Clustering

The K-Means clustering algorithm. Includes derivation as coordinate descent on a squared error cost function, some initialization techniques, and using a complexity penalty to determine the number of clusters.

From playlist cs273a

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Tobias Mueller: Percolation on hyperbolic Poisson-Voronoi tessellations

I will discuss percolation on the Voronoi tessellation generated by a homogeneous Poisson point process on the hyperbolic plane. That is, we colour each cell of the hyperbolic Poisson-Voronoi tessellation black with probability p and white with probability 1 − p, independently of the colou

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Paul GUNNELLS - Cohomology of arithmetic groups and number theory: geometric, ... 4

In this lecture series, the first part will be dedicated to cohomology of arithmetic groups of lower ranks (e.g., Bianchi groups), their associated geometric models (mainly from hyperbolic geometry) and connexion to number theory. The second part will deal with higher rank groups, mainly

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Collisionless Dynamics and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Part 5 - Volker Springel

Collisionless Dynamics and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Part 5 Volker Springel Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics July 23, 2009

From playlist PiTP 2009

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Canonical structures inside the Platonic solids III | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 51

The dodecahedron is surely one of the truly great mathematical objects---revered by the ancient Greeks, Kepler, and many mathematicians since. Its symmetries are particularly rich, and in this video we look at how to see the five-fold and six-fold symmetries of this object via internal str

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mandelbrot julia rotation 4

rotation around some two axes at some offset.

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Desmos Point Slope Form

Quick tips for setting up a line in desmos from a point and slope

From playlist desmos

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How far is it from everywhere to somewhere?

Computing the Euclidean Distance Transform on a regular grid. A fundamental operation in image processing, used as part of separating objects, finding best matches, finding sizes of objects, and so on. The algorithm presented here is described in: J. Wang and Ying Tan, Efficient Euclide

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Hexagon | Numerical integration | Circle packing | Congruence (geometry) | Lloyd's algorithm | Quasi-Newton method | Rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb | Voronoi tessellation | Quantization (signal processing) | Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm | Geometry | Patterns in nature | Centroid | Tessellation | Close-packing of equal spheres | K-means clustering