Educational abstract machines

Little man computer

The Little Man Computer (LMC) is an instructional model of a computer, created by Dr. Stuart Madnick in 1965. The LMC is generally used to teach students, because it models a simple von Neumann architecture computer—which has all of the basic features of a modern computer. It can be programmed in machine code (albeit in decimal rather than binary) or assembly code. The LMC model is based on the concept of a little man shut in a closed mail room (analogous to a computer in this scenario). At one end of the room, there are 100 mailboxes (memory), numbered 0 to 99, that can each contain a 3 digit instruction or data (ranging from 000 to 999). Furthermore, there are two mailboxes at the other end labeled INBOX and OUTBOX which are used for receiving and outputting data. In the center of the room, there is a work area containing a simple two function (addition and subtraction) calculator known as the Accumulator and a resettable counter known as the Program Counter. The Program Counter holds the address of the next instruction the Little Man will carry out. This Program Counter is normally incremented by 1 after each instruction is executed, allowing the Little Man to work through a program sequentially. Branch instructions allow iteration (loops) and conditional programming structures to be incorporated into a program. The latter is achieved by setting the Program Counter to a non-sequential memory address if a particular condition is met (typically the value stored in the accumulator being zero or positive). As specified by the von Neumann architecture, any mailbox (signifying a unique memory location) can contain either an instruction or data. Care therefore needs to be taken to stop the Program Counter from reaching a memory address containing data - or the Little Man will attempt to treat it as an instruction. One can take advantage of this by writing instructions into mailboxes that are meant to be interpreted as code, to create self-modifying code. To use the LMC, the user loads data into the mailboxes and then signals the Little Man to begin execution, starting with the instruction stored at memory address zero. Resetting the Program Counter to zero effectively restarts the program, albeit in a potentially different state. (Wikipedia).

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Little Man Computer: 1. Introduction

Little Man Computer is a model of a computer that was created to help students of computer science learn about assembly language programming and how the fetch, decode execute cycle works. In this computer science lesson, you will be introduced to a Little Man Computer simulator and the Li

From playlist Computer Hardware and Architecture

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The Little Man Computer - Paper Computers #2

The Little Man Computer, created in the 1960s by Stuart Madnick, and popularized by Irv Englander. This is Episode 2 of my series on paper computers. Please let me know if you have any information about any paper computers that I could look at in future episodes! Chris Staecker webare

From playlist Paper computers

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Little Man Computer: 2. Branching Code

Little Man Computer is a model of a computer that was created to help students of computer science learn about assembly language programming and the Von Neumann Architecture. In this computer science lesson, you will learn about operations in the Little Man Computer instruction set that a

From playlist Computer Hardware and Architecture

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Little Man Computer: 3. Loops

Little Man Computer is a model of a computer that was created to help students of computer science learn about assembly language programming and the Von Neumann Architecture. In this computer science lesson, you will learn how to write looping code, that is, you will learn how to make a b

From playlist Computer Hardware and Architecture

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Computer Basics: What Is a Computer?

Computers are all around us, and they play an important role in our lives. But what exactly is a computer? We're going to answer that question and give you an overview of some of the different types of computers you might use. 0:00 Intro 0:22 Ones and zeros 0:39 Hardware and software 1:0

From playlist Starting out with Technology

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The Apple IIe: The Most Personal Computer (1983)

Vintage 1983 promotional video from Apple introduces the Apple IIe. Includes footage of Steve Jobs introducing the computer.

From playlist Early Microcomputers & PCs

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🔥 First Mechanical Computer - Did You Know? | Unbelievable Facts | #Shorts | Simplilearn

First Mechanical Computer - Did You Know? is a #shorts video by simplilearn dedicated to helping aspiring computer science engineers and tech enthusiasts with a very interesting fact about the First Mechanical Computer. This #shorts video focuses on the important fact about the First man m

From playlist #Shorts | #Simplilearn

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1-Bit Breadboard Computer P.07 – Programming in an Increment Program

Did you think we were done? Not quite! We got one more trick up our sleeve for this awesome little breadboard computer. Time to put a proper program on it and get some meaningful output out of it! So, where to next? I’d love to hear from y’all about where you’d like to see the next evoluti

From playlist 1-Bit Breadboard Computer

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Computational Advances in Social Science Experiments

Dr. Lisa Argyle, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, talks about how experiments can be advanced using computational methods.

From playlist SICSS 2022

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DEFCON 20: Subterfuge: The Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack Framework

Speaker: MATTHEW TOUSSAIN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE CHRISTOPHER SHIELDS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Walk into Starbucks, plop down a laptop, click start, watch the credentials roll in. Enter Subterfuge, a Framework to take the arcane art of Man-in-the-Middle Attacks and make it as simple as poi

From playlist DEFCON 20

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QANTA vs. Ken Jennings at UW

Jeopardy! champion Ken Jennings and cutting-edge quiz-playing AI QANTA go head-to-CPU in quiz bowl UW Computer Science and Engineering is pleased to host an event for both trivia aficionados and those interested in artificial intelligence: a quiz bowl match pitting a computer against the

From playlist Human-Computer QA

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The reincarnation of a notebook- Tony Fast (Ronin), Nick Bollweg (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

To its author, a single Jupyter notebook can represent a narrative, a program, or data. While this dynamic, interactive state of an editing session is fleeting, the work represented lies dormant, waiting to be unlocked. Confounding the rediscovery and reuse of notebooks are technical issue

From playlist JupyterCon in New York 2018

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[Univers Convergents 2021] "2001, l'Odyssée de l'espace" | Intervenants : Raja Chatila

[Univers Convergents, le ciné-club de l'IHP] - 16 novembre 2021 Projection : "2001, l'Odyssée de l'espace", de Stanley Kubrick (1968). Plus d'informations sur le ciné-club Univers Convergents : [Intervenant] RAJA CHATILA Roboticien, professeur en robotique

From playlist Ciné-Club Univers Convergents

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Tools and Techniques: The command line and text editors - Dr James Geddes

Tools and Techniques - The command line and text editors - James Geddes (Research Software Engineer, The Alan Turing Institute) #datascienceclasses

From playlist Data science classes

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NASA@60: The Role of the Robots (live public talk)

Original air date: Thursday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. PT (10 p.m. ET, 0200 UTC) As NASA celebrates its 60th anniversary, this panel discussion will look back over the decades at how far our robotic exploration has come, and consider where we might be headed. Much has changed about the way we ex

From playlist Von Karman Public Talks

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Computer Pioneers: Pioneer Computers Part 1

[Recorded: 1996] Part 1 of 2 The Dawn of Electronic Computing 1935 1945 Computer pioneer Gordon Bell hosts this two-part program on the evolution of electronic computing from its pre-World War II origins through the development of the first commercial computers. His narration traces the

From playlist Early Vacuum Tube Computers - 1940's and 1950's.

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Making the Most of the Micro (Part 4) - Introducing Graphics - BBC 1983

First aired on 31 January 1983. TV series broadcast as part of the BBC's Computer Literacy Project. Digitised from VHS video tape by The Centre for Computing History.

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