Category: Educational abstract machines

WDR paper computer
The WDR paper computer or Know-how Computer is an educational model of a computer consisting only of a pen, a sheet of paper, and individual matches in the most simple case. This allows anyone interes
Turing machine
A Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation describing an abstract machine that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite the model's simplicity, it is
MikroSim is an educational software computer program for hardware-non-specific explanation of the general functioning and behaviour of a virtual processor, running on the Microsoft Windows operating s
Krivine machine
In theoretical computer science, the Krivine machine is an abstract machine (sometimes called virtual machine). As an abstract machine, it shares features with Turing machines and the SECD machine. Th
The DLX (pronounced "Deluxe") is a RISC processor architecture designed by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, the principal designers of the Stanford MIPS and the Berkeley RISC designs (respecti
MMIX (pronounced em-mix) is a 64-bit reduced instruction set computing (RISC) architecture designed by Donald Knuth, with significant contributions by John L. Hennessy (who contributed to the design o
Mano machine
The Mano machine is a computer theoretically described by . It contains a central processing unit, random access memory, and an input-output bus. Its limited instruction set and small address space li
MIX is a hypothetical computer used in Donald Knuth's monograph, The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP). MIX's model number is 1009, which was derived by combining the model numbers and names of seve
Playware is hardware and software that aims at producing play and playful experiences among its users. Examples of playware products are numerous with computer games as the most widespread and success
Little man computer
The Little Man Computer (LMC) is an instructional model of a computer, created by Dr. Stuart Madnick in 1965. The LMC is generally used to teach students, because it models a simple von Neumann archit
The MIC-1 is a processor architecture invented by Andrew S. Tanenbaum to use as a simple but complete example in his teaching book Structured Computer Organization. It consists of a very simple contro
LogP machine
The LogP machine is a model for parallel computation.It aims at being more practical than the PRAM model while still allowing for easy analysis of computation.The name is not related to the mathematic
Simplified Instructional Computer
The Simplified Instructional Computer (abbreviated SIC) is a hypothetical computer system introduced in System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming, by Leland Beck. Due to the fact that mo