Mathematical examples

List of mathematical examples

This page will attempt to list examples in mathematics. To qualify for inclusion, an article should be about a mathematical object with a fair amount of concreteness. Usually a definition of an abstract concept, a theorem, or a proof would not be an "example" as the term should be understood here (an elegant proof of an isolated but particularly striking fact, as opposed to a proof of a general theorem, could perhaps be considered an "example"). The discussion page for list of mathematical topics has some comments on this. Eventually this page may have its own discussion page. This page links to itself in order that edits to this page will be included among related changes when the user clicks on that button. The concrete example within the article titled Rao-Blackwell theorem is perhaps one of the best ways for a probabilist ignorant of statistical inference to get a quick impression of the flavor of that subject. (Wikipedia).

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Limit doesn't exist 2 variables example

Example of how to show a limit doesn't exist for a function of 2 variables.

From playlist Engineering Mathematics

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B28 An example problem of a linear model

Here is our first real-world linear problem.

From playlist Differential Equations

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B13 Example problem with a linear equation

Solving an example problem for a linear equation.

From playlist Differential Equations

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(PP 6.2) Multivariate Gaussian - examples and independence

Degenerate multivariate Gaussians. Some sketches of examples and non-examples of Gaussians. The components of a Gaussian are independent if and only if they are uncorrelated.

From playlist Probability Theory

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B12 Example problem with a linear equation

Solving an example problem for a linear equation.

From playlist Differential Equations

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C36 Example problem solving a Cauchy Euler equation

An example problem of a homogeneous, Cauchy-Euler equation, with constant coefficients.

From playlist Differential Equations

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C74 Example problem

A first example problem solving a linear, second-order, homogeneous, ODE with variable coefficients around a regular singular point.

From playlist Differential Equations

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AlgTopReview: An informal introduction to abstract algebra

This is a review lecture on some aspects of abstract algebra useful for algebraic topology. It provides some background on fields, rings and vector spaces for those of you who have not studied these objects before, and perhaps gives an overview for those of you who have. Our treatment is

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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B07 Example problem with separable variables

Solving a differential equation by separating the variables.

From playlist Differential Equations

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Introduction and Invitation | Six: An Elementary Course in Pure Mathematics Six 1| Wild Egg

Welcome to Six --- an Elementary Course in Pure Mathematics meant for a general lay audience with a minimal amount of mathematical prerequisites! In this video we introduce the basic objects: the symbols 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 along with the basic tools to create more complex mathematical objec

From playlist Six: An elementary course in Pure Mathematics

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Mathematical Knowledge Management software survey (paper review)

In this video I talk about the paper "The Space of Mathematical Software Systems — A Survey of Paradigmatic Systems" found here: My notes on the text and all links shown on in the video can be found here:

From playlist Reviews

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Wolfram Physics Project: Working Session Aug 18, 2020 [Physicalization of Empirical Metamathematics]

This is a Wolfram Physics Project working session on empirical metamathematics and its physicalization. Begins at 3:00 Originally livestreamed at: Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: Check out the announcement

From playlist Wolfram Physics Project Livestream Archive

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Michael R. Douglas - How will we do mathematics in 2030?

Abstract: We make the case that over the coming decade, computer assisted reasoning will become far more widely used in the mathematical sciences. This includes interactive and automatic theorem verification, symbolic algebra, and emerging technologies such as formal knowledge repositories

From playlist 2nd workshop Nokia-IHES / AI: what's next?

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Mathematica Experts Live: Integration with R using RLink

Yu-Sung Chang gives an overview of Mathematica's built-in integration with R using RLink as part of Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9. For more information about Mathematica, please visit:

From playlist Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9

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Basic Organization of 6 objects | Six: An Elementary Course in Pure Mathematics Six2 | Wild Egg

We continue our introduction to this elementary course in Pure Mathematics, concentrated on the magical and beautiful properties of the number 6. In our first video we introduced Nodes, Edges and Meets. In this video we review these and give a simple geometrical interpretation of them in t

From playlist Six: An elementary course in Pure Mathematics

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Advice for research mathematicians | Matrices vs Linear Transformations: which wins? | Wild Egg Math

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the relative importance of matrices and linear transformations changed places. But which is more fundamental? Here is some personal advice for prospective mathematics researchers, especially amateurs, about how to approach certain questions and investigation

From playlist Maxel inverses and orthogonal polynomials (non-Members)

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A Mathematical Definition of an Algorithm | The Art Of Computer Programming Visualised #SoME1

A visual explanation of the mathematical definition of an algorithm inspired by the book series "The Art of Computer Programming" by Donald Knuth. Timestamps: 0:00 0. Motivation 1:05 1. High-level Overview 3:23 2. Implementation 6:11 3.1 States 7:46 3.2 State Transitions 9:36 4. A Side No

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition Youtube Videos

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Mathematica Experts Live: Data Manipulation and Visualization

A panel of Mathematica experts share a number of examples showcasing new capabilities of Mathematica 9 for data manipulation and visualization, including image and signal processing, interactive gauges, legends for plots and charts, and integration with R. For more information about Math

From playlist Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9

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Applications of row reduction II | Wild Linear Algebra A 16 | NJ Wildberger

This video looks at applications of row reduction to understanding linear transformations between two and three dimensional space. It also introduces the important notions of a spanning set and a linearly independent set of vectors. This is the16th lecture in this series on Linear Algebra

From playlist WildLinAlg: A geometric course in Linear Algebra

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Equivalence Relations Definition and Examples

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Equivalence Relations Definition and Examples. This video starts by defining a relation, reflexive relation, symmetric relation, transitive relation, and then an equivalence relation. Several examples are given.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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