Discrete groups | Euclidean symmetries

Frieze group

In mathematics, a frieze or frieze pattern is a two-dimensional design that repeats in one direction. Such patterns occur frequently in architecture and decorative art. Frieze patterns can be classified into seven types according to their symmetries. The set of symmetries of a frieze pattern is called a frieze group. Frieze groups are two-dimensional line groups, having repetition in only one direction. They are related to the more complex wallpaper groups, which classify patterns that are repetitive in two directions, and crystallographic groups, which classify patterns that are repetitive in three directions. (Wikipedia).

Frieze group
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From playlist FRESNEL LENS

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Wen Wei Li - Sur la stabilisation de la formule des traces...

Wen Wei Li - Sur la stabilisation de la formule des traces pour c ertains revêtements des groupes symplectiques La stabilisation de la formule des traces pour les revêtements est largement inconnu, à l'exception notable du revêtement à deux feuillets de Sp(2n), qui utilise la représentat

From playlist Reductive groups and automorphic forms. Dedicated to the French school of automorphic forms and in memory of Roger Godement.

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Corinne Blondel - Godement le professeur, Godement l'objecteur

Godement le mathématicien était un enseignant hors pair, transmettant sa passion pour les mathématiques dans toute son exigence sans jamais omettre de rappeler la responsabilité morale du scientifique. Son Cours d'Algèbre est emblématique de cette démarche, ainsi que les volumes d'Analyse

From playlist Reductive groups and automorphic forms. Dedicated to the French school of automorphic forms and in memory of Roger Godement.

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This is a Spot Fresnel Lens focused on composite Fiber Optic Cable. This is a fiber optic ponytail.


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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 1.3: Groups in science, art, and mathematics

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 1.3: Groups in science, art, and mathematics Groups are always lurking where symmetry arises. In this lecture, we explore many beautiful examples of groups that arise from natural symmetries in science, art, and mathematics. This includes shapes of molecules,

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 1.4: Group presentations

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 1.4: Group presentations We begin this lecture by learning how to take a Cayley diagram and label its nodes with the elements of a group. Such a labeled diagram can function as a "group calculator". It leads to the notion of a "group presentation", which is a

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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Siphnian Treasury, Delphi

Pediment and Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, c. 530 B.C.E. Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker. Watch the next lesson: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ancient-art-civilizations/greek-art/ear

From playlist Art of the ancient Mediterranean | Art History | Khan Academy

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10. Accessing Afterlife: Tombs of Roman Aristocrats, Freedmen, and Slaves

Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner explores sepulchral architecture in Rome commissioned by the emperor, aristocrats, successful professionals, and former slaves during the age of Augustus. Unlike most civic and residential buildings, tombs serve no practical purpose other

From playlist Roman Architecture with Diana E. E. Kleiner

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The Parthenon Sculptures: Decoding Images of Ancient Myths - Joan Breton Connelly

The Parthenon Sculptures: Decoding Images of Ancient Myths Joan Breton Connelly, Professor of Classics New York University November 7, 2014 In this lecture, Joan Breton Connelly, former Member (2010–11) in the School of Historical Studies, will discuss how the Parthenon sculptures conve

From playlist AMIAS

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Alexander Sarcophagus

The Alexander Sarcophagus, c. 312 B.C.E., Pentelic marble and polychromy, found in Sidon, 195 x 318 x 167 cm (İstanbul Archaeological Museums). Speakers: Dr. Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Steven Zucker and Beth Harris.

From playlist Art of the ancient Mediterranean | Art History | Khan Academy

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Kolja Knauer : Posets, polynômes, et polytopes - Partie 2

Résumé : Les posets (ensembles partiellement ordonnés) sont des structures utiles pour la modélisation de divers problèmes (scheduling, sous-groupes d'un groupe), mais ils sont aussi la base d'une théorie combinatoire très riche. Nous discuterons des paramètres de posets comme la largeur,

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See new HD video below

See new HD video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF_W0jQ7bi0 Phidias(?), Parthenon Frieze, c. 438-32 B.C.E., pentelic marble, Classical Period (247 linear feet of the 525 that complete the frieze are in the British Museum). Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by B

From playlist Art of the ancient Mediterranean | Art History | Khan Academy

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Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze

Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze, Vienna Secession, 1902 A conversation with Khan Academy's Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris In the News: The heirs of the Austrian Jewish collector who owned this work before World War II recently lost their case to recover it. Learn more: March 7, 201

From playlist Art in 19th century Europe | Art History | Khan Academy

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Art Trip: London | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios

Pre-order our book YOU ARE AN ARTIST (which includes new assignments!) here: http://bit.ly/2kplj2h To check out any of the lectures available from Great Courses Plus go to http://ow.ly/wAoq304OIAX For our second international art trip, we travel to London during Frieze Art Fair. We saw a

From playlist Art Trip

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Laurent Lafforgue - 2/4 Fonctorialité et formules de Poisson non-linéaires

Laurent Lafforgue - professeur permanent à l'IHÉS Fonctorialité et formules de Poisson non-linéaires : Proposition de définition des transformations de Fourier et étude locale

From playlist Laurent Lafforgue - Fonctorialité et formules de Poisson no

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