Computer-assisted proofs | Disproved conjectures | Cubes | Parametric families of graphs | Tessellation

Keller's conjecture

In geometry, Keller's conjecture is the conjecture that in any tiling of n-dimensional Euclidean space by identical hypercubes, there are two hypercubes that share an entire (n − 1)-dimensional face with each other. For instance, in any tiling of the plane by identical squares, some two squares must share an entire edge, as they do in the illustration. This conjecture was introduced by Ott-Heinrich Keller, after whom it is named. A breakthrough by Lagarias and Shor showed that it is false in ten or more dimensions, and after subsequent refinements, it is now known to be true in spaces of dimension at most seven and false in all higher dimensions. The proofs of these results use a reformulation of the problem in terms of the clique number of certain graphs now known as Keller graphs. The related Minkowski lattice cube-tiling conjecture states that whenever a tiling of space by identical cubes has the additional property that the cubes' centers form a lattice, some cubes must meet face-to-face. It was proved by György Hajós in 1942. , , and give surveys of work on Keller's conjecture and related problems. (Wikipedia).

Keller's conjecture
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What is the Riemann Hypothesis?

This video provides a basic introduction to the Riemann Hypothesis based on the the superb book 'Prime Obsession' by John Derbyshire. Along the way I look at convergent and divergent series, Euler's famous solution to the Basel problem, and the Riemann-Zeta function. Analytic continuation

From playlist Mathematics

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Ptolemy's theorem and generalizations | Rational Geometry Math Foundations 131 | NJ Wildberger

The other famous classical theorem about cyclic quadrilaterals is due to the great Greek astronomer and mathematician, Claudius Ptolemy. Adopting a rational point of view, we need to rethink this theorem to state it in a purely algebraic way, without resort to `distances' and the correspon

From playlist Math Foundations

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Introduction to additive combinatorics lecture 10.8 --- A weak form of Freiman's theorem

In this short video I explain how the proof of Freiman's theorem for subsets of Z differs from the proof given earlier for subsets of F_p^N. The answer is not very much: the main differences are due to the fact that cyclic groups of prime order do not have lots of subgroups, so one has to

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The Riemann Hypothesis

The Riemann Hypothesis is one of the Millennium Prize Problems and has something to do with primes. What's that all about? Rather than another hand-wavy explanation, I've tried to put in some details here. Some grown-up maths follows. More information:

From playlist My Maths Videos

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A (compelling?) reason for the Riemann Hypothesis to be true #SOME2

A visual walkthrough of the Riemann Zeta function and a claim of a good reason for the truth of the Riemann Hypothesis. This is not a formal proof but I believe the line of argument could lead to a formal proof.

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Robbins' formulas, the Bellows conjecture + polyhedra volumes|Rational Geometry Math Foundations 128

We discuss modern developments in the direction of our latest videos, namely formulas for areas of polygons in terms of the quadrances of the sides. We discuss work of Moebius, Bowman and Robbins on the areas of cyclic pentagons. There is also a rich story about 3 dimensional generalizati

From playlist Math Foundations

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On the Chow motive of some hyper Kaehler varieties - Charles Vial

Charles Vial March 13, 2015 Workshop on Chow groups, motives and derived categories More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Galois theory II | Math History | NJ Wildberger

We continue our historical introduction to the ideas of Galois and others on the fundamental problem of how to solve polynomial equations. In this video we focus on Galois' insights into how extending our field of coefficients, typically by introducing some radicals, the symmetries of the

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Proof by Strong Induction [Discrete Math Class]

This video is not like my normal uploads. This is a supplemental video from one of my courses that I made in case students had to quarantine. In this video, we discuss the principle of strong induction: what it is for, why it works, and how to go about using the technique. We compare the t

From playlist Discrete Mathematics Course

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GraphData: New Developments and Research Applications

GraphData is an extensive curated database of simple graphs and their properties available in Mathematica as a built-in data paclet and in Wolfram|Alpha via natural language queries. GraphData was first introduced in Mathematica Version 6, and the number of graphs, property count, and frac

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Bourbaki - 24/01/15 - 4/4 - Philippe EYSSIDIEUX

Métriques de Kähler-Einstein sur les variétés de Fano [d'après Chen-Donaldson-Sun et Tian]

From playlist Bourbaki - 24 janvier 2015

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“Gauss sums and the Weil Conjectures,” by Bin Zhao (Part 4 of 8)

“Gauss sums and the Weil Conjectures,” by Bin Zhao. The topics include will Gauss sums, Jacobi sums, and Weil’s original argument for diagonal hypersurfaces when he raised his conjectures. Further developments towards the Langlands program and the modularity theorem will be mentioned at th

From playlist CTNT 2016 - ``Gauss sums and the Weil Conjectures" by Bin Zhao

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Philippe Eyssidieux: Examples of Kähler groups

Abstract : Malgré les succès de la théorie de Hodge non abélienne de Corlette-Simpson pour exclure que de nombreux groupes de présentation finie soient groupes fondamentaux de variétés projectives lisses (ou des groupes Kähleriens), les techniques de construction manquent. La construction

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Some aspects of open de Rham spaces by Wong, Michael Lennox

Higgs bundles URL: DATES: Monday 21 Mar, 2016 - Friday 01 Apr, 2016 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore DESCRIPTION: Higgs bundles arise as solutions to noncompact analog of the Yang-Mills equation. Hitchin showed that irreducible solutio

From playlist Higgs Bundles

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Milton Jara : The weak KPZ universality conjecture - 1

Abstract: The aim of this series of lectures is to explain what the weak KPZ universality conjecture is, and to present a proof of it in the stationary case. Lecture 1: The KPZ equation, the KPZ universality class and the weak and strong KPZ universality conjectures. Lecture 2: The marting

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