Graph invariants

Clique number

No description. (Wikipedia).

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Definition of a Critical Number with Examples

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Definition of a Critical Number with Examples

From playlist Calculus 1 Exam 2 Playlist

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Tutorial - What is an imaginary number In this video playlist you will learn everything you need to know with complex and imaginary numbers

From playlist Complex Numbers

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Amicable Numbers

Numbers in numerology and astrology that symbolise friendship and love.

From playlist My Maths Videos

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Find The 10 Digit Number Classic Puzzle And Solution

I'm thinking of a 10 digit number that uses the each digit 0 to 9 exactly once and where the number formed by the first n digits is divisible by n. What could my number be? The video explains how to find the answer using tests for divisibility. Blog post: Divisibil

From playlist Logic Puzzles And Riddles

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Divisibility Rules

This video covers the divisibility rules for 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,and 10.

From playlist Factors, Prime Factors, and Least Common Factors

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Complex Numbers - Division Part 1 | Don't Memorise

How can one complex number be divided by another? Watch this video to know more To access all videos related to Complex Numbers, enrol in our full course now: In this video, we will learn: 0:00 Introduction 0:15 Complex number divided by real number 0:46

From playlist Complex Numbers

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Magic Numbers

This is CS50

From playlist CS50 Sections 2015

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Maximum and Maximal Cliques | Graph Theory, Clique Number

What are maximum cliques and maximal cliques in graph theory? We'll be defining both terms in today's video graph theory lesson, as well as going over an example of finding maximal and maximum cliques in a graph. These two terms can be a little confusing, so let's dig in and clarify our un

From playlist Graph Theory

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Network Analysis. Lecture 8. Network communitites

Cohesive subgroups. Graph cliques, k-plexes, k-cores. Network communities. Vertex similarity matrix. Similarity based clustering. Agglomerative clustering. Graph partitioning. Repeated bisection. Edge Betweenness. Newman-Girvin algorithm. Lecture slides: http//

From playlist Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks.

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Stanford Lecture: Donald Knuth - "Trees and chordal graphs" (2012)

Professor Knuth's 18th Annual Christmas Tree Lecture at Stanford December 14, 2012 Chordal graphs—also known as triangulated graphs or perfect-elimination graphs—are perhaps the most important generalizations of trees. Many graph-theoretical problems can be solved much more efficiently on

From playlist Donald Knuth Lectures

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Lecture 22 - More Reductions

This is Lecture 22 of the CSE373 (Analysis of Algorithms) taught by Professor Steven Skiena [] at Stony Brook University in 1997. The lecture slides are available at:

From playlist CSE373 - Analysis of Algorithms - 1997 SBU

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Network Analysis. Lecture10. Community detection

Community detection algorithms. Overlapping communities. Clique percolation method. Heuristic methods. Label propagation. Fast community unfolding. Random walk based methods. Walktrap. Nibble. Lecture slides:

From playlist Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks.

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R8. NP-Complete Problems

MIT 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2015 View the complete course: Instructor: Amartya Shankha Biswas In this recitation, problems related to NP-Completeness are discussed. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at

From playlist MIT 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2015

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Math for Liberal Studies - Lecture 1.7.3 Upper and Lower Bounds

This is the third and final video lecture for Math for Liberal Studies Section 1.7: Coloring Graphs. In this video, we discuss the "chromatic number" for a graph, which is the smallest number of colors needed to properly color the vertices of the graph. In general, finding the exact chroma

From playlist Math for Liberal Studies Lectures

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Complex Numbers - Basics | Don't Memorise

Now that we know what imaginary numbers are, we can move on to understanding Complex Numbers. ✅To access all videos related to Complex Numbers, enroll in our full course now:

From playlist Complex Numbers

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15. NP-Completeness

MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020 Instructor: Michael Sipser View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Quickly reviewed last lecture. Covered NP-completeness; SAT and 3SAT;

From playlist MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020

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Introduction to SNA. Lecture 5. Network communities.

Cohesive subgroups. Graph cliques. Network communities. Graph partitioning. Modularity. Edge Betweenness. Spectral partitioning. Modularity maximization. Heuristic methods. Label propagation. Fast community unfolding. Walktrap. Lecture slides:

From playlist Introduction to SNA

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Square Roots of Complex Numbers (1 of 2: Establishing their nature)

More resources available at

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