Static program analysis tools


JSLint is a static code analysis tool used in software development for checking if JavaScript source code complies with coding rules. It is provided primarily as a browser-based web application accessible through the domain, but there are also command-line adaptations. It was created in 2002 by Douglas Crockford. (Wikipedia).

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Augmenting Node.js with WebAssembly

WebAssembly is a technology that is changing the way the web works by allowing code from other languages to be imported and used in many places, including the browser and Node.js. With this, we can bring modules from other languages into our applications without all the hassle of native co

From playlist NodeJS

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Populate select boxes with jQuery

It’s the age old (well, in webby terms) issue of how to populate one select box based on another’s selection. It’s actually quite easy compared with the bad old days, and incredibly easy with jQuery and a dash of Ajax. Original post the extra information, demos and source: http://jqueryfo

From playlist jQuery for Designers

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What is JSP | Introduction to JSP (Java Server Pages) Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka

( Java Training - ) JSP is a technology that is used to create web application just like Servlet technology. JSP technology makes available all the dynamic capabilities of Java Servlet technology but provides a more natural approach to crea

From playlist Java Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

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What is Node.js Exactly? - a beginners introduction to Nodejs

What exactly is node.js? Is it a command-line tool, a language, the same thing as Ruby on Rails, a cure for cancer? If you're new to web development, it can be a bit confusing as to what exactly node.js is and to what you should do with it, and there's a lot of information out

From playlist Node.js Tutorials

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JavaScript: The Good Parts

Google Tech Talks Web Exponents presented by Doug Crockford February 27, 2009 blog post: JavaScript is a language with more than its share of bad parts. It went from non-existence to global a

From playlist Web Exponents

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HTML 5.tx 2013 Web Application Architecture -- Lessons Learned from Brackets by Brian Rinaldi

Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist HTML 5.tx 2013

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JS.Geo- Real Time GeoJSON APIs

By, Jason Denizac Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist JS.Geo

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Populate Select Boxes

It’s the age old (well, in webby terms) issue of how to populate one select box based on another’s selection. It’s actually quite easy compared with the bad old days, and incredibly easy with jQuery and a dash of Ajax. Original post the extra information, demos and source: http://jqueryfo

From playlist jQuery for Designers

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Sublime Text 3 Setup - Most Important Packages

1:30 Package Control 2:50 Emmet 3:58 Sublime Code Intel 4:54 Material Theme 10:30 Sidebar Enhancements 10:53 Advanced New File 12:08 Git Gutter 13:00 DocBlockr 15:36 SublimeLint 16:20 PHPCS 16:30 JSLint :: Support Me ::

From playlist Code Gear

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How To (Semi-)Automate JavaScript Refactoring - Giles Bowkett Refactoring bad code can be tedious, repetitive work. But tedious, repetitive work is for computers to do! Find out how you can build a happy little refactoring droid which can do (at least some of) the boring parts of your job for you. This talk will cover principle

From playlist Fluent Conference 2013

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Velocity 2011: Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript & Metaperformance"

There are lies, damned lies, and benchmarks. Tuning language processor performance to benchmarks can have the unintended consequence of encouraging bad programming practices. This is the true story of developing a new benchmark with the intention of encouraging good practices.

From playlist Velocity 2011

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JupyterLab JSON rendering

Demonstration of rendering a JSON file in JupyterLab

From playlist JupyterLab Documentation

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DjangoCon US 2016 - Things Your Mother Didn't Teach You About.... by Russell Keith Magee

Things Your Mother Didn't Teach You About Sharing Your Toys by Russell Keith Magee In this talk, Russell Keith-Magee will bring the experience born of 25+ years as a software developer, 10 years as a Django core developer, 5 years as DSF President, and 5 years as a business owner to expos

From playlist DjangoCon US 2016

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Basic jQuery features - out of box functionality

Very simply overview of what jQuery does out of the box and what it looks like (note: based on 2008 version of jQuery). Background post and slides:

From playlist jQuery for Designers

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The Seif Project - Douglas Crockford

From OSCON 2015 in Amsterdam: The web has grown to become a hugely important medium, but it has also become horrendously complex, which extends development schedules and promotes bug formation. The standards process cannot reduce the web’s complexity; it can only increase it. Making things

From playlist OSCON - Amsterdam 2015

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Grunt your Way to Glory - Shaun Dunne

What is Grunt, Why should you care and how can you use it FTW! I'd rather write my build scripts in a way that makes sense to me as a front end developer, that is why I love Grunt and I want to show everyone that build scripts dont have to be colossal XML files or written in Ruby syntax. T

From playlist SideView 2013

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Javascript Tutorial For Beginners - Free JS Course - Web Development Tutorial

This Javascript Tutorial is a Free Javascript Web Development Course designed for beginners. If you're wanting to know how to Javascript, in this course, you'll get JS tutorials that cover the basics and programming basics from the very beginning. We'll cover Javascript variables, if els

From playlist Javascript Tutorial For Beginners

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DjangoCon US 2017 - Understanding JavaScript Libraries via React... by Andrew Pinkham

DjangoCon US 2017 - Understanding JavaScript Libraries via React and the React Ecosystem by Andrew Pinkham After an initial foray into JavaScript in 2011, I actively avoided learning or using JavaScript. Then, in early 2017, JamBon Software took on a project to build a bleeding-edge JavaS

From playlist DjangoCon US 2017

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JSChannel 2015 - Opening Keynote

Opening Keynote by: Douglas Crockford The web was originally imagined to be a simple distributed document retrieval system. It is now being used for applications that go far beyond the system's original capabilities and intentions. We have found ways to make it work, but they are difficu

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Related pages

List of tools for static code analysis | JSHint | ESLint | Palantir Technologies | TypeScript