Static program analysis tools


JSHint is a static code analysis tool used in software development for checking if JavaScript source code complies with coding rules. JSHint was created in 2011 by Anton Kovalyov as a fork of the JSLint project (by Douglas Crockford). Anton and others felt JSLint was getting "too opinionated", and did not allow enough customization options. The JSHint maintainers publish both an online version, and a command-line version. The online version is accessible through the official website in which users can paste code to run the application online. The command-line version of JSHint (distributed as a Node.js module), enables automated linting processes by integrating JSHint into a project's development workflow. (Wikipedia).

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JS.Geo- Real Time GeoJSON APIs

By, Jason Denizac Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist JS.Geo

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Populate select boxes with jQuery

It’s the age old (well, in webby terms) issue of how to populate one select box based on another’s selection. It’s actually quite easy compared with the bad old days, and incredibly easy with jQuery and a dash of Ajax. Original post the extra information, demos and source: http://jqueryfo

From playlist jQuery for Designers

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Populate Select Boxes

It’s the age old (well, in webby terms) issue of how to populate one select box based on another’s selection. It’s actually quite easy compared with the bad old days, and incredibly easy with jQuery and a dash of Ajax. Original post the extra information, demos and source: http://jqueryfo

From playlist jQuery for Designers

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What is JSP | Introduction to JSP (Java Server Pages) Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka

( Java Training - ) JSP is a technology that is used to create web application just like Servlet technology. JSP technology makes available all the dynamic capabilities of Java Servlet technology but provides a more natural approach to crea

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JupyterLab JSON rendering

Demonstration of rendering a JSON file in JupyterLab

From playlist JupyterLab Documentation

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Augmenting Node.js with WebAssembly

WebAssembly is a technology that is changing the way the web works by allowing code from other languages to be imported and used in many places, including the browser and Node.js. With this, we can bring modules from other languages into our applications without all the hassle of native co

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Not using a build system/task runner? You're missing out. A build tool like Grunt, Gulp, Brunch, etc will drastically improve your local development workflow as well as your deployed website. After watching this, checkout the next video on building your first system with Grunt: http://y

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JupyterLab JSON editing

Demonstration of editing a JSON file using JupyterLab

From playlist JupyterLab Documentation

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Sublime Text 3: Setup, Package Control, and Settings

A quick walkthrough on setting up a development environment using Sublime Text 3. The packages installed in this video are: Dayle Rees Colorschemes Predawn BracketHighlighter Sidebar Enhancements (No longer on Sublime Text 2) SublimeCodeIntel Emmet SublimeLinter with JSHint and CSSLint

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MountainWest JavaScript 2014 - Build Systems The Next Generation by Eric Schoffstall

Build systems play a crucial role in every developers life. Why do we settle for subpar processes when we can have it all? I'll talk about grunt, gulp, and a little about the philosophy of builds. Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist MountainWest JavaScript 2014

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JQuery Video Tutorial

Best JQuery Book : This is the first part of my JQuery Video Tutorial. I will also cover all of the techniques that go into implementing a dynamic site using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). Code is Here: Article on AJAX Here:http://bit.

From playlist JQuery Video Tutorial

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What is Node.js Exactly? - a beginners introduction to Nodejs

What exactly is node.js? Is it a command-line tool, a language, the same thing as Ruby on Rails, a cure for cancer? If you're new to web development, it can be a bit confusing as to what exactly node.js is and to what you should do with it, and there's a lot of information out

From playlist Node.js Tutorials

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Ruby Conf 2013 - A Peek Inside The Ruby Toolbox

By Loren Segal You can usually judge the maturity of a programming language ecosystem by the breadth of its tooling. For example, Java has a plethora of IDEs that each, in turn, have many well maintained refactoring and code quality plugins (like FindBugs and PMD). C/C++ is equally well

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Go Node Without Code - Brian Rinaldi Many designers and developers don't realize that, even if they have no interest in doing server side JavaScript development, NodeJS offers a wide array of useful command line tools that they can integrate to improve their development workflow. In this session, we'll c

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Paul Irish on Web Application Development Workflow

Iterating faster, avoiding bugs through tools, and improved automated testing are great ideas, but in this talk Google's Paul Irish will show how to really incorporate them into a functional and realistic developer workflow. Additionally, Paul gives us an overview of Yeoman and shows how t

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Basic jQuery features - out of box functionality

Very simply overview of what jQuery does out of the box and what it looks like (note: based on 2008 version of jQuery). Background post and slides:

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Related pages

List of tools for static code analysis | JSLint | Lint (software)