Dynamical systems

Invariant manifold

In dynamical systems, a branch of mathematics, an invariant manifold is a topological manifold that is invariant under the action of the dynamical system. Examples include the slow manifold, center manifold, stable manifold, unstable manifold, and inertial manifold. Typically, although by no means always, invariant manifolds are constructed as a 'perturbation' of an invariant subspace about an equilibrium.In dissipative systems, an invariant manifold based upon the gravest, longest lasting modes forms an effective low-dimensional, reduced, model of the dynamics. (Wikipedia).

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A. Song - What is the (essential) minimal volume? 3

I will discuss the notion of minimal volume and some of its variants. The minimal volume of a manifold is defined as the infimum of the volume over all metrics with sectional curvature between -1 and 1. Such an invariant is closely related to "collapsing theory", a far reaching set of resu

From playlist Ecole d'été 2021 - Curvature Constraints and Spaces of Metrics

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Manifolds 2.2 : Examples and the Smooth Manifold Chart Lemma

In this video, I introduce examples of smooth manifolds, such as spheres, graphs of smooth functions, real vectorspaces, linear map spaces, and the Grassmannian of real vectorspaces (G_k(V)). Email : fematikaqna@gmail.com Code : https://github.com/Fematika/Animations Notes : None yet Play

From playlist Manifolds

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An introduction to Invariant Theory - Harm Derksen

Optimization, Complexity and Invariant Theory Topic: An introduction to Invariant Theory Speaker: Harm Derksen Affiliation: University of Michigan Date: June 4, 2018 For more videos, please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Manifolds 1.1 : Basic Definitions

In this video, I give the basic intuition and definitions of manifolds. Email : fematikaqna@gmail.com Code : https://github.com/Fematika/Animations Notes : None yet

From playlist Manifolds

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 2: Elementary Definitions

This lesson covers the basic definitions used in topology to describe subsets of topological spaces.

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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Bertrand Eynard - An overview of the topological recursion

The "topological recursion" defines a double family of "invariants" $W_{g,n}$ associated to a "spectral curve" (which we shall define). The invariants $W_{g,n}$ are meromorphic $n$-forms defined by a universal recursion relation on $|\chi|=2g-2+n$, the initial terms $W_{0,1}$

From playlist ­­­­Physique mathématique des nombres de Hurwitz pour débutants

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Commutative algebra 4 (Invariant theory)

This lecture is part of an online course on commutative algebra, following the book "Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry" by David Eisenbud. This lecture is an informal historical summary of a few results of classical invariant theory, mainly to show just how complic

From playlist Commutative algebra

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A. Song - What is the (essential) minimal volume? 4 (version temporaire)

I will discuss the notion of minimal volume and some of its variants. The minimal volume of a manifold is defined as the infimum of the volume over all metrics with sectional curvature between -1 and 1. Such an invariant is closely related to "collapsing theory", a far reaching set of resu

From playlist Ecole d'été 2021 - Curvature Constraints and Spaces of Metrics

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Contact invariants in sutured monopole and instanton homology - Steven Sivek

Steven Sivek University of Warwick March 5, 2014 Kronheimer and Mrowka recently used monopole Floer homology to define an invariant of sutured manifolds, following work of Juhász in Heegaard Floer homology. In this talk, I will construct an invariant of a contact structure on a 3-manifold

From playlist Mathematics

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Claude LeBrun - Yamabe invariants, Weyl curvature, and the differential topology of 4-manifolds

The behavior of the Yamabe invariant, as defined in Bernd Ammann’s previous lecture, differs strangely in dimension 4 from what is seen in any other dimension. These peculiarities not only manifest themselves in the context of the usual scalar curvature, but also occur in connection with

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Rod Gover - An introduction to conformal geometry and tractor calculus (Part 1)

After recalling some features (and the value of) the invariant « Ricci calculus » of pseudo­‐Riemannian geometry, we look at conformal rescaling from an elementary perspective. The idea of conformal covariance is visited and some covariant/invariant equations from physics are recovered in

From playlist Ecole d'été 2014 - Analyse asymptotique en relativité générale

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Lectures on Homological Mirror Symmetry II - Sheridan Nick

Lectures on Homological Mirror Symmetry Sheridan Nick Institute for Advanced Study; Member, School of Mathematics November 4, 2013

From playlist Mathematics

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Computations of Heegaard Floer Homologies - Andras Stipsicz

Computations of Heegaard Floer Homologies Andras Stipsicz Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences April 9, 2012 Heegaard Floer homology groups were recently introduced by Ozsvath and Szabo to study properties of 3-manifolds and knots in them. The definition of the inv

From playlist Members Seminar

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[BOURBAKI 2019] Manolescu’s work on the triangulation conjecture - Stipsicz - 15/06/19

András STIPSICZ Manolescu’s work on the triangulation conjecture The triangulation conjecture (asking whether a manifold is necessarily a simplicial complex) has been recently resolved in the negative by Ciprian Manolescu. His proof is based on work of Galweski–Stern and Matumoto, reduci

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2019

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Symplectic Dynamics of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems - Alvaro Pelayo

Alvaro Pelayo Member, School of Mathematics April 4, 2011 I will start with a review the basic notions of Hamiltonian/symplectic vector field and of Hamiltonian/symplectic group action, and the classical structure theorems of Kostant, Atiyah, Guillemin-Sternberg and Delzant on Hamiltonian

From playlist Mathematics

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Developments in 4-manifold topology arising from a theorem of Donaldson's - John Morgan [2017]

slides for this talk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_wHviPab9klzwE4UkCOvVecyopxDsZA3/view?usp=sharing Name: John Morgan Event: Workshop: Geometry of Manifolds Event URL: view webpage Title: Developments in 4-manifold topology arising from a theorem of Donaldson's Date: 2017-10-23 @9:3

From playlist Mathematics

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Bernd Ammann - Yamabe constants, Yamabe invariants, and Gromov-Lawson surgeries

In this talk I want to study the (conformal) Yamabe constant of a closed Riemannian (resp. conformal) manifold and how it is affected by Gromov-Lawson type surgeries. This yields information about Yamabe invariants and their bordism invariance. So far the talk gives an overview over older

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Heegaard Biagrams and Holomorphic Disks - Peter Ozsváth

75th Anniversary Celebration School of Mathematics Peter Ozsváth Columbia University March 12, 2005 More videos on http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Introduction to geometric invariant theory 1: Noncommutative duality - Ankit Garg

Optimization, Complexity and Invariant Theory Topic: Introduction to geometric invariant theory 1: Noncommutative duality Speaker: Ankit Garg Affiliation: Microsoft Research New England Date: June 5. 2018 For more videos, please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Center manifold | Spectral submanifold | Manifold | Topological manifold | Differential equation | Slow manifold | Mathematics | Stable manifold | Inertial manifold | Non-autonomous system (mathematics) | Hyperbolic set | Lagrangian coherent structure | Invariant subspace