Generic programming

Intel Array Building Blocks

Intel Array Building Blocks (also known as ArBB) was a C++ library developed by Intel Corporation for exploiting data parallel portions of programs to take advantage of multi-core processors, graphics processing units and Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture processors. ArBB provides a generalized vector parallel programming solution designed to avoid direct dependencies on particular low-level parallelism mechanisms or hardware architectures. ArBB is oriented to applications that require data-intensive mathematical computations. By default, ArBB programs cannot create data races or deadlocks. (Wikipedia).

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Array In Data Structure | What Is An Array In Data Structure? | Data Structures | Simplilearn

🔥Explore our FREE Courses: This video is based on Array in Data Structure. The Array in data structures tutorial will explain data structures fundamentals. T

From playlist Data Structures & Algorithms

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Arrays and matrices I Data structures in Mathematics Math Foundations 164 | NJ Wildberger

We introduce the ideas of arrays and matrices as 2 dimensional data structures. In this video we define arrays as lists of lists, which is standard practice in computer science and popular programming environments. But we will go a bit beyond the usual two dimensional situation, looking al

From playlist Math Foundations

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Array Variables - Introduction

This video introduces array variables. It defines an array variable as a named group of contiguous memory locations, each element of which can be accessed by means of an index number. It explains the difference between one dimensional and two dimensional arrays, and covers how these can

From playlist Data Structures

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[c] Introduction to Data Structures with Arrays

Excuse the train (3:55). The pointer arithmetic shown in the video can raise a few questions, but I will be making a video on it.

From playlist Data Structures

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2 Construction of a Matrix-YouTube

This video shows you how a matrix is constructed from a set of linear equations. It helps you understand where the various elements in a matrix comes from.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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9.1: What is an Array? - Processing Tutorial

This covers looks at the concept of an array and why we need them. Book: Learning Processing A Beginner's Guide to Programming, Images,Animation, and Interaction Chapter: 9 Official book website: Twitter: Help us caption & tr

From playlist 9: Arrays - Processing Tutorial

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Accelerating compute with software defined hardware (FPGA's) with Bernhard Friebe (Intel)

Subscribe to O'Reilly on YouTube: Follow O'Reilly on Twitter: Facebook: Google:

From playlist Velocity 2017 - San Jose, California

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What Are Phased Arrays?

This video introduces the concept of phased arrays. An array refers to multiple sensors, arranged in some configuration, that act together to produce a desired sensor pattern. With a phased array, we can electronically steer that pattern without having to physically move the array simply b

From playlist Understanding Phased Array Systems and Beamforming

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SPO1469 Supermicro + SUSE = Open Source Solution Nirvana

This sponsor session was delivered at SUSECON in April 2019, in Nashville, TN. Abstract: This session will highlight the latest product offerings from Supermicro which support SLES, Ceph, OpenStack and IoT Solutions. Supermicro has a high value and broad product portfolio with the latest

From playlist SUSECON 2019

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The New Runtime Library

To learn more about Wolfram Technology Conference, please visit: Speaker: Mark Sofroniou Wolfram developers and colleagues discussed the latest in innovative technologies for cloud computing, interactive deployment, mobile devices, an

From playlist Wolfram Technology Conference 2018

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Lec 6 | MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2010

Lecture 6: C to Assembler Instructor: Charles Leiserson View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems

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Starting a Productivity Revolution in Parallel Computation

(November 4, 2009) Anwar Ghuloum of Intel Corporation discusses Intel's Ct technology, which aims to provide a tool for developers to write parallel programs productively and create an infrastructure for implementation of other data parallel domain-specific libraries and languages. Stan

From playlist Engineering

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The Array - An Introduction

introducing the array as a tool for fraction multiplication

From playlist Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra: Fractions, Decimals and Percents

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Java (unit 1) - 14 of 14

Introduction of the Java programming language. Part of a larger series on learning to program. Visit

From playlist Java (unit 1)

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DevOpsDays Chicago 2019 - Jessie Frazelle - Why Open Source Firmware is Important

Jessie Frazelle - Why Open Source Firmware is Important This talk will dive into some of the problems of running servers at scale, with data from surveys and why open source firmware will solve some of the problems. Why is it important for security and root of trust? It will also cover th

From playlist DevOpsDays Chicago 2019

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CUDA In Your Python: Effective Parallel Programming on the GPU

It’s 2019, and Moore’s Law is dead. CPU performance is plateauing, but GPUs provide a chance for continued hardware performance gains, if you can structure your programs to make good use of them. In this talk you will learn how to speed up your Python programs using Nvidia’s CUDA platform.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Stream Computing

November 1, 2006 lecture by William Dally for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380). A discussion about the exploration of parallelism and locality with examples drawn from the Imagine and Merrimac projects and from three generations of stream programming systems.

From playlist Course | Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2006-2007)

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Scalable Parallel Programming with CUDA on Manycore GPUs

February 27, 2008 lecture by John Nickolls for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380). John Nickolls from NVIDIA talks about scalable parallel programming with a new language developed by NVIDIA, CUDA. NVIDIA's programming of their graphics processing unit in para

From playlist Lecture Collection | Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2007-2008)

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Stanford Seminar - Accelerating ML Recommendation with over a Thousand RISC-V/Tensor Processors...

Dave Ditzel is the founder and executive Chairman of Esperanto Technologies Inc. This talk was given on March 2, 2022. TAccelerating ML Recommendation with over a Thousand RISC-V/Tensor Processors on a 7nm Chip To accelerate Machine Learning Recommendation and other workloads, Esperant

From playlist Stanford EE380-Colloquium on Computer Systems - Seminar Series

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Arrays and matrices II | Data structures in Mathematics Math Foundations 165

This video introduce matrices, first in a rather familiar fashion coming from linear algebra, and then moving towards a novel approach which is motivated by our study of data structures. Along the way we review some essential facts about linear algebra, matrix algebra and linear transform

From playlist Math Foundations

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