Generic programming

Intel Parallel Studio

Intel Parallel Studio XE was a software development product developed by Intel that facilitated native code development on Windows, macOS and Linux in C++ and Fortran for parallel computing. Parallel programming enables software programs to take advantage of multi-core processors from Intel and other processor vendors. Intel Parallel Studio XE was rebranded and repackaged by Intel when oneAPI toolkits were released in December 2020. Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit + Intel oneAPI HPC toolkit contain all the tools in Parallel Studio XE and more. One significant addition is a Data Parallel C++ (DPC++) compiler designed to allow developers to reuse code across hardware targets (CPUs and accelerators such as GPUs and FPGAs). (Wikipedia).

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What is a parallel universe?

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How to use Parallel Computing in MATLAB

Parallel Computing Toobox™ lets you solve computationally and data-intensive problems using multicore processors, GPUs, clusters, and clouds. Parallel computing is ideal for problems such as parameter sweeps, optimizations, and Monte Carlo simulations. Perform parallel computing concepts u

From playlist “How To” with MATLAB and Simulink

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Parallel Computing: Its Opportunities and Challenges

(March 30, 2009) Victor W. Lee

From playlist Engineering

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Parallel Programming 2.0

November 7, 2007 lecture by Renee James and Wei Li for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380). Renee and her co-presenter touch upon Intel's processor direction for multi-core and then dive into its impact to software; parallel programming in the mainstream has differ

From playlist Lecture Collection | Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2007-2008)

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Scalable Parallel Programming with CUDA on Manycore GPUs

February 27, 2008 lecture by John Nickolls for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380). John Nickolls from NVIDIA talks about scalable parallel programming with a new language developed by NVIDIA, CUDA. NVIDIA's programming of their graphics processing unit in para

From playlist Lecture Collection | Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2007-2008)

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How a CPU Works in 100 Seconds // Apple Silicon M1 vs Intel i9

Learn how the central processing unit (CPU) works in your computer. Compare performance and processor architecture between the Intel and Apple Silicon M1 chips with @AZisk #compsci #tech #100SecondsOfCode 🔥 Subscribe to Alex's Channel 🔥

From playlist CS101

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Series and Parallel Circuits | Electricity | Physics | FuseSchool

Series and Parallel Circuits | Electricity | Physics | FuseSchool There are two main types of electrical circuit: series and parallel. In a series circuit the components are connected end-to-end, one after the other.They make a simple loop for the current to flow round. In a parallel ci

From playlist PHYSICS: Electricity

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M1 vs Intel Mac for Data Science

Parallels 14-day Free Trial 👉🏼 Which Mac (M1 or Intel) should you be getting to handle your data science needs. I perform a comparison test on popular tools used for spreadsheets (MS Excel, Sheets, Numbers), coding (Python, R), and business intelligenc

From playlist Computers for Data Nerds

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M1 Max/Pro vs M1 Macbook for Data Science.... should you?!?

Parallels 14-day Free Trial 👉🏼 How does the new M1 chip from Apple compare to the M1 Max and Pro chips? I set out to test the M1 chip on my 13" Macbook Pro against an M1 Max chip on my 14" Macbook Pro. For the tests, I compared the use of popular data

From playlist Computers for Data Nerds

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Starting a Productivity Revolution in Parallel Computation

(November 4, 2009) Anwar Ghuloum of Intel Corporation discusses Intel's Ct technology, which aims to provide a tool for developers to write parallel programs productively and create an infrastructure for implementation of other data parallel domain-specific libraries and languages. Stan

From playlist Engineering

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SIMD and Vectorization: Parallelism in C++ #1/3 (multitasking on single core)

Computer programs can be made faster by making them do many things simultaneously. Let’s study three categorical ways to accomplish that in GCC. In the first episode, we explore various alternative approaches to SIMD: Single Instruction, Multiple Data. As a plot device in this tool-assist

From playlist Programming

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The Computer Chronicles - Consumer Buying Guide (1993)

Special thanks to for hosting these episodes. Downloads of all these episodes and more can be found at:

From playlist Computer Chronicles Buyer's Guides

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Future Evolution of High-Performance Microprocessors

September 27, 2006 lecture by Norm Jouppi for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380). The evolution of high-performance microprocessors has recently gone through a significant inflection point; such issues will be discussed, as well as the likely future of high per

From playlist Course | Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2006-2007)

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François Broquedis: A gentle introduction to parallel programming using OpenMP

Recording during the "CEMRACS Summer school 2016: Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing" the July 20, 2016 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathem

From playlist Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

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The Computer Chronicles - Consumer Buying Guide (1993)

Special thanks to for hosting these episodes. Downloads of all these episodes and more can be found at:

From playlist The Computer Chronicles 1993 Episodes

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Do you believe in parallel universes?

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U. Visit our Website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

From playlist Science Unplugged: Parallel Universes

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Parallel & Perpendicular Lines | Graphs | Maths | FuseSchool

Learn about graphs. In this third part introductory video we will look at the parallel and perpendicular lines. Both parallel and perpendicular lines are found everywhere; just think of a car park. Parallel lines have the same gradient; they go in the same direction and will never ever

From playlist MATHS

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Steve Teixeira: "Unleash the Potential of the Internet of Things..." - Solid 2014 Keynote

From the 2014 Solid Conference: Steve Teixeira's Keynote, "Unleash the Potential of the Internet of Things Through Intelligent Systems". The Internet of Things is not a futuristic trend. It's here today, involving the "things" that are most valuable to you —the devices, sensors, data and

From playlist Solid Conference 2014

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