Game theory | Mechanism design

Incentive compatibility

A mechanism is called incentive-compatible (IC) if every participant can achieve the best outcome to themselves just by acting according to their true preferences. There are several different degrees of incentive-compatibility: * The stronger degree is dominant-strategy incentive-compatibility (DSIC). It means that truth-telling is a weakly-dominant strategy, i.e. you fare best or at least not worse by being truthful, regardless of what the others do. In a DSIC mechanism, strategic considerations cannot help any agent achieve better outcomes than the truth; hence, such mechanisms are also called strategyproof or truthful. (See Strategyproofness) * A weaker degree is Bayesian-Nash incentive-compatibility (BNIC). It means that there is a Bayesian Nash equilibrium in which all participants reveal their true preferences. I.e, if all the others act truthfully, then it is also best or at least not worse for you to be truthful. Every DSIC mechanism is also BNIC, but a BNIC mechanism may exist even if no DSIC mechanism exists. Typical examples of DSIC mechanisms are majority voting between two alternatives, and second-price auction. Typical examples of a mechanisms that are not DSIC are plurality voting between three or more alternatives and first-price auction. (Wikipedia).

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The Explainer: Balancing Execution and Adaptation

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You MUST Harness the ‘Power of Intention’ When Learning Anything

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Ex: Consumer Surplus (Linear)

This video provides an example of how to find the equilibrium point given the demand and supply functions. Then consumer surplus is found. Site:

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Ex: Producer Surplus

This video provides an example of how to determine producer surplus. Complete Video Library at

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Dynamic contracts part II

Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series Dynamic contracts Yuliy Sannikov Stanford University, USA

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What Are Interspecific & Intraspecific Interactions | Ecology & Environment | Biology | FuseSchool

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Lecture 11: Contracts and Mechanism Design

MIT 14.04 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory, Fall 2020 Instructor: Prof. Robert Townsend View the complete course: YouTube Playlist:

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Bitcoin Q&A: Node Compatibility, Lightning, and Incentives

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Web 2.0 Expo NY 09: Ben Bixby, Earth Aid

Ben Bixby (Earth Aid), Earth Aid, "Cupcakes as the Solution to Climate Change: Data, Engagement, & Earth Aid Rewards"

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Tradeoff Matrix - Agile Software Development

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Catalyzing Healthier Communities | Steve Luby

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How to be Warm

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Payment Channels by Sushmita Ruj

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A Tour of Bitcoin, Blockchains, Attacks and More.. by Sushmita Ruj

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Lecture 16: Land Markets (Part 1)

MIT 14.771 Development Economics, Fall 2021 Instructor: Ben Olken View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Presents simple principal agent mode

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Lecture 20: Malleability and Inaccessibility of Preferences

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Classical liberalism #5: Can foreign intervention lead to peaceful solutions? | Abigail Blanco

Classical liberalism #5: Can foreign intervention manifest peaceful solutions? Watch the newest video from Big Think: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity - pH, Temperature, Competitive and Noncompetitive Inhibition

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