Abstract algebra | Ring theory | Group theory


In abstract algebra, the idealizer of a subsemigroup T of a semigroup S is the largest subsemigroup of S in which T is an ideal. Such an idealizer is given by In ring theory, if A is an additive subgroup of a ring R, then (defined in the multiplicative semigroup of R) is the largest subring of R in which A is a two-sided ideal. In Lie algebra, if L is a Lie ring (or Lie algebra) with Lie product [x,y], and S is an additive subgroup of L, then the set is classically called the normalizer of S, however it is apparent that this set is actually the Lie ring equivalent of the idealizer. It is not necessary to specify that [S,r] ⊆ S, because anticommutativity of the Lie product causes [s,r] = −[r,s] ∈ S. The Lie "normalizer" of S is the largest subring of L in which S is a Lie ideal. (Wikipedia).

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(ML 11.1) Estimators

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C07 Homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients

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A03 Eigenvalues

The method of determining eigenvalues as part of calculating the sets of solutions to a linear system of ordinary first-order differential equations.

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Abstract Algebra | Ideals of quotients of PIDs

We prove that every ideal of a quotient of a principal ideal domain is also principal. Notice that the new space may not be an integral domain, so it is sometimes called a principal ring. Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/michaelpennmath?sub_confirmation=1 Personal Website: http:

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Abstract Algebra | Introduction to Principal Ideal Domains (PIDs)

After introducing the notion of a principal ideal domain (pid), we give some examples, and prove some simple results. Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/michaelpennmath?sub_confirmation=1 Personal Website: http://www.michael-penn.net Randolph College Math: http://www.randolphcolle

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RNT2.1. Maximal Ideals and Fields

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Proof: Ideal of a Ring is Proper iff it has no Units | Abstract Algebra

An ideal of a ring with identity is proper if and only if the ideal contains no units of the ring. We prove this result in today's abstract algebra video lesson! Remember that an ideal, I, of a ring, R, is an additive subgroup of I such that for all r in R and x in I, r*x and x*r are also

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Abstract Algebra | Principal Ideals of a Ring

We define the notion of a principal ideal of a ring and give some examples. We also prove that all ideals of the integers are principal ideals, that is, the integers form a principal ideal domain (PID). http://www.michael-penn.net https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Penn5 http://

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 7.2: Ideals, quotient rings, and finite fields

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Rings 6 Prime and maximal ideals

This lecture is part of an online course on rings and modules. We discuss prime and maximal ideals of a (commutative) ring, use them to construct the spectrum of a ring, and give a few examples. For the other lectures in the course see https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yHsr3EFj5

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