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Hurwitz quaternion order

The Hurwitz quaternion order is a specific order in a quaternion algebra over a suitable number field. The order is of particular importance in Riemann surface theory, in connection with surfaces with maximal symmetry, namely the Hurwitz surfaces. The Hurwitz quaternion order was studied in 1967 by Goro Shimura, but first explicitly described by Noam Elkies in 1998. For an alternative use of the term, see Hurwitz quaternion (both usages are current in the literature). (Wikipedia).

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Quaternions EXPLAINED Briefly

This is a video I have been wanting to make for some time, in which I discuss what the quaternions are, as mathematical objects, and how we do calculations with them. In particular, we will see how the fundamental equation of the quaternions i^2=j^2=k^2=ijk=-1 easily generates the rule for

From playlist Quaternions

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Maxim Kazarian - 2/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

From playlist ­­­­Physique mathématique des nombres de Hurwitz pour débutants

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Maxim Kazarian - 3/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

From playlist ­­­­Physique mathématique des nombres de Hurwitz pour débutants

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Maxim Kazarian - 1/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

From playlist ­­­­Physique mathématique des nombres de Hurwitz pour débutants

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Example of Quaternions

Matrix Theory: For the quaternion alpha = 1 - i + j - k, find the norm N(alpha) and alpha^{-1}. Then write alpha as a product of a length and a direction.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 2 - Quaternions

This video is about Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 2 - Quaternions We study the algebraic nature of quaternions and cover the ideas of an algebra and a field. Later we will discover how quaternions fit into the description of the classical Lie Groups. NOTE: An astute viewer noted th

From playlist Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

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Thermodynamical approach to the Markoff-Hurwitz equation - Michael Magee

Analysis Math-Physics Seminar Topic: Thermodynamical approach to the Markoff-Hurwitz equation Speaker: Michael Magee Affiliation: Yale University Date:April 19, 2017 For more info, please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Dimitri Zvonkine - On two ELSV formulas

The ELSV formula (discovered by Ekedahl, Lando, Shapiro and Vainshtein) is an equality between two numbers. The first one is a Hurwitz number that can be defined as the number of factorizations of a given permutation into transpositions. The second is the integral of a characteristic class

From playlist 4th Itzykson Colloquium - Moduli Spaces and Quantum Curves

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Quaternions as 4x4 Matrices - Connections to Linear Algebra

In math, it's usually possible to view an object or concept from many different (but equivalent) angles. In this video, we will see that the quaternions may be viewed as 4x4 real-valued matrices of a special form. What is interesting here is that if you know how to multiply matrices, you a

From playlist Quaternions

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Recovering elliptic curves from their p-torsion - Benjamin Bakker

Benjamin Bakker New York University May 2, 2014 Given an elliptic curve EE over a field kk, its p-torsion EpEp gives a 2-dimensional representation of the Galois group GkGk over 𝔽pFp. The Frey-Mazur conjecture asserts that for k=ℚk=Q and p13p13, EE is in fact determined up to isogeny by th

From playlist Mathematics

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Dimitri Zvonkine - Hurwitz numbers, the ELSV formula, and the topological recursion

We will use the example of Hurwitz numbers to make an introduction into the intersection theory of moduli spaces of curves and into the subject of topological recursion.

From playlist ­­­­Physique mathématique des nombres de Hurwitz pour débutants

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David Roberts, Hurwitz Belyi maps

VaNTAGe seminar, October 12, 2021 License: CC-BY-NC-SA

From playlist Belyi maps and Hurwitz spaces

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History of representation theory in quantum mechanics

In this video I speak about the early history of group representation theory in quantum mechanics using the rather recent history book by Schneider on van der Waerden, called "Zwischen Zwei Disziplinen". Other names dropped are Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, Killing, Study, Cartan, Weyl, Brau

From playlist Physics

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Transversality and super-rigidity in Gromov-Witten Theory (Lecture - 03) by Chris Wendl

J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants DATE:25 December 2017 to 04 January 2018 VENUE:Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Holomorphic curves are a central object of study in complex algebraic geometry. Such curves are meaningful even when the target has an almost complex stru

From playlist J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants

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An asymptotic for the growth of Markoff-Hurwitz tuples - Ryan Ronan

Special Seminar Topic: An asymptotic for the growth of Markoff-Hurwitz tuples Speaker: Ryan Ronan Affiliation: Baruch College, The City University of New York Date: December 8, 2017 For more videos, please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Algebraic geometry 45: Hurwitz curves

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It discusses Hurwitz curves and sketches a proof of Hurwitz's bound for the symmetry group of a complex curve.

From playlist Algebraic geometry I: Varieties

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The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion

In this video we explore the Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion and investigate how it can be applied to control systems engineering. The Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion can be used to determine how many roots of a polynomial are in the right half plane. Topics and time stamps: 0:00 –

From playlist Control Theory

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Quaternion algebras via their Mat2x2(F) representations

In this video we talk about general quaternion algebras over a field, their most important properties and how to think about them. The exponential map into unitary groups are covered. I emphasize the Hamiltionion quaternions and motivate their relation to the complex numbers. I conclude wi

From playlist Algebra

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Billiards in quadrilaterals, Hurwitz spaces, and real multiplication of Hecke type - Alex Wright

Members' Seminar Topic: Billiards in quadrilaterals, Hurwitz spaces, and real multiplication of Hecke type Speaker: Alexander Wright Affiliation: Stanford University; Member, School of Mathematics Monday, November 30 Video Link: https://video.ias.edu/membsem/2015/1130-Wright After a brief

From playlist Mathematics

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Root of unity | Riemann surface | (2,3,7) triangle group | Macbeath surface | Quaternion algebra | Klein quartic | Order (ring theory) | Hurwitz surface | Symmetry | Goro Shimura | Ring of integers | Systoles of surfaces | First Hurwitz triplet | Hurwitz quaternion