Social network analysis

Hierarchical network model

Hierarchical network models are iterative algorithms for creating networks which are able to reproduce the unique properties of the scale-free topology and the high clustering of the nodes at the same time. These characteristics are widely observed in nature, from biology to language to some social networks. (Wikipedia).

Hierarchical network model
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Lecture 4. Network models.

Network Science 2021 @ HSE

From playlist Network Science, 2021

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Data structures: Introduction to graphs

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have described Graph data structure as a mathematical model. We have briefly described the concept of Graph and some of its applications. For practice

From playlist Data structures

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Network Analysis. Lecture 3. Random graphs.

Erdos-Reni random graph model. Poisson and Bernulli distributions. Distribution of node degrees. Phase transition, gigantic connected component. Diameter and cluster coefficient. Configuration model Lecture slides:

From playlist Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks.

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Neural Network Overview

This lecture gives an overview of neural networks, which play an important role in machine learning today. Book website: Steve Brunton's website:

From playlist Intro to Data Science

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Generative Model Basics - Unconventional Neural Networks p.1

Hello and welcome to a series where we will just be playing around with neural networks. The idea here is to poke around with various neural networks, doing unconventional things with them. Doing things like trying to teach a sequence to sequence model math, doing classification with a gen

From playlist Unconventional Neural Networks

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Graph Neural Networks, Session 1: Introduction to Graphs

Examples of Graph representation of data Motivation for doing machine learning on Graphs

From playlist Graph Neural Networks (Hands-on)

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Data structures: Introduction to Trees

See complete series on data structures here: In this lesson, we have described tree data structure as a logical model in computer science. We have briefly discussed tree as a non-linear hierarchical data structure, i

From playlist Data structures

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Flavio Rusch - Self-organized criticality in hierarchical modular networks...

Self-organized criticality in hierarchical modular networks of Galves-Löcherbach neurons ---------------------------------- Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 PARIS Rejoingez les réseaux sociaux de l'IHP pour être au courant de nos actualités :

From playlist Workshop "Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Analysis in Neuroscience" - January 31st - February 4th, 2022

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Ruslan Salakhutdinov: "Advanced Hierarchical Models"

Graduate Summer School 2012: Deep Learning, Feature Learning "Advanced Hierarchical Models" Ruslan Salakhutdinov Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA July 24, 2012 For more information:

From playlist GSS2012: Deep Learning, Feature Learning

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NVAE: A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder (Paper Explained)

VAEs have been traditionally hard to train at high resolutions and unstable when going deep with many layers. In addition, VAE samples are often more blurry and less crisp than those from GANs. This paper details all the engineering choices necessary to successfully train a deep hierarchic

From playlist Papers Explained

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Jamie Haddock - Hierarchical and neural nonnegative tensor factorizations - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 02 December 2022. Jamie Haddock of Harvey Mudd College presents "Hierarchical and neural nonnegative tensor factorizations" at IPAM's Multi-Modal Imaging with Deep Learning and Modeling Workshop. Abstract: Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has found many applications includin

From playlist 2022 Multi-Modal Imaging with Deep Learning and Modeling

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Neural networks and the brain: from the retina to semantic cognition - Surya Ganguli

Surya Ganguli research spans the fields of neuroscience, machine learning and physics, focusing on understanding and improving how both biological and artificial neural networks learn striking emergent computations. In this talk Dr. Ganguli shows how a synthesis of machine learning, neuros

From playlist Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute

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Deep Learning of Hierarchical Multiscale Differential Equation Time Steppers

This video by Yuying Liu introduces a new deep learning architecture to accurately and efficiently integrate multiscale differential equations forward in time. This approach is benchmarked on several illustrative dynamical systems. Check out the paper on arXiv:

From playlist Data-Driven Science and Engineering

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Neural opinion dynamics model for the prediction of user-level stance dynamics - Yulan He, Warwick

Around the world, digital participation platforms are being used as a tool for direct democracy, aiming to empower citizens to contribute to policy making. As trust in traditional democratic institutions declines, these deliberative platforms offer a way to build new relationships and trus

From playlist Citizen participation and machine learning for a better democracy

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Spotlight Talks - Various

Workshop on Theory of Deep Learning: Where next? Topic: Spotlight Talks Speakers: Yuanzhi Li, Soham De, Mahyar Fazlyab, Maithra Raghu, Valentin Thomas Date: October 15, 2019 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Physics of functional networks - Henrik Ronellenfitsch

Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order in Complex Systems Topic: Physics of functional networks Speaker: Henrik Ronellenfitsch Affiliation: Williams College Date: March 19, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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On Expressiveness and Optimization in Deep Learning - Nadav Cohen

Members' Seminar Topic: On Expressiveness and Optimization in Deep Learning Speaker: Nadav Cohen Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: April 2, 2018 For more videos, please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Star Network - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

Related pages

Clustering coefficient | Erdős–Rényi model | Scale-free network | Social network | Degree distribution | Complex network | Distribution (mathematics) | Power law | Degree (graph theory) | Barabási–Albert model | Network topology