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Clustering coefficient

In graph theory, a clustering coefficient is a measure of the degree to which nodes in a graph tend to cluster together. Evidence suggests that in most real-world networks, and in particular social networks, nodes tend to create tightly knit groups characterised by a relatively high density of ties; this likelihood tends to be greater than the average probability of a tie randomly established between two nodes (Holland and Leinhardt, 1971; Watts and Strogatz, 1998). Two versions of this measure exist: the global and the local. The global version was designed to give an overall indication of the clustering in the network, whereas the local gives an indication of the embeddedness of single nodes. (Wikipedia).

Clustering coefficient
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Clustering Coefficient - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Clustering Coefficient Code - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Clustering Coefficient - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Bipartite IV - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Clustering Coefficient - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Clustering Coefficient Quiz - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Clustering (2): Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

Hierarchical agglomerative clustering, or linkage clustering. Procedure, complexity analysis, and cluster dissimilarity measures including single linkage, complete linkage, and others.

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Randomizing Clustering Coefficient - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture 14.1 - Generative Models for Graphs

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Jure Leskovec Computer Science, PhD In this lecture, we will cover generative models for graphs. The goal of generative models for graphs is to generate sy

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Statistical analysis of networks - Professor Gesine Reinert, University of Oxford

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Lecture 08 -Jack Simons Electronic Structure Theory- Coupled-cluster theory

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11/21/2019, Rémi Imbach

Rémi Imbach, New York University Title: Practical Advances in Complex Roots Clustering Abstract: We are interested in computing clusters of complex roots of polynomials and square polynomials systems. Root clustering differs of root isolation in that it can be performed softly, i.e. avoi

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Cluster algebras from surfaces II: expansion formulas, good bases,... (Lecture 2) by Jon Wilson

PROGRAM :SCHOOL ON CLUSTER ALGEBRAS ORGANIZERS :Ashish Gupta and Ashish K Srivastava DATE :08 December 2018 to 22 December 2018 VENUE :Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore In 2000, S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky introduced Cluster Algebras as abstractions of a combinatoro-algebra

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Statistical inference for networks: Professor Gesine Reinert, University of Oxford

Professor Gesine Reinert, Oxford University Research interests Applied Probability, Computational Biology, and Statistics. In particular: Stein’s method, networks, word count statistics Have you heard about the phenomenon that everyone is six handshakes away from the President? The six d

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Cluster algebras from surfaces II: expansion formula (Lecture 1) by Jon Wilson

PROGRAM :SCHOOL ON CLUSTER ALGEBRAS ORGANIZERS :Ashish Gupta and Ashish K Srivastava DATE :08 December 2018 to 22 December 2018 VENUE :Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore In 2000, S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky introduced Cluster Algebras as abstractions of a combinatoro-algebra

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Network Analysis. Lecture 4. Small world and dynamical growth models.

Barabasi-Albert model. Preferential attachment. Time evolition of node degrees. Node degree distribution. Average path length and clustering coefficient. Small world model. Watts-Strogats model. Transition from regular to random. Lecture slides:

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CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture 14.2 - Erdos Renyi Random Graphs

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Jure Leskovec Computer Science, PhD We introduce the simplest model for graph generation, Erdös-Renyi graph (E-R graphs, Gnp graphs). The Gnp random graphs

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