Non-equilibrium thermodynamics

Extremal principles in non-equilibrium thermodynamics

Energy dissipation and entropy production extremal principles are ideas developed within non-equilibrium thermodynamics that attempt to predict the likely steady states and dynamical structures that a physical system might show. The search for extremum principles for non-equilibrium thermodynamics follows their successful use in other branches of physics. According to Kondepudi (2008), and to Grandy (2008), there is no general rule that provides an extremum principle that governs the evolution of a far-from-equilibrium system to a steady state. According to Glansdorff and Prigogine (1971, page 16), irreversible processes usually are not governed by global extremal principles because description of their evolution requires differential equations which are not self-adjoint, but local extremal principles can be used for local solutions. Lebon Jou and Casas-Vásquez (2008) state that "In non-equilibrium ... it is generally not possible to construct thermodynamic potentials depending on the whole set of variables". Šilhavý (1997) offers the opinion that "... the extremum principles of thermodynamics ... do not have any counterpart for [non-equilibrium] steady states (despite many claims in the literature)." It follows that any general extremal principle for a non-equilibrium problem will need to refer in some detail to the constraints that are specific for the structure of the system considered in the problem. (Wikipedia).

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Differential Equations | Undetermined Coefficients for a System of DEs

We use the method of undetermined coefficients to solve a nonhomogeneous system of first order linear differential equations.

From playlist Systems of Differential Equations

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Prove the Form of the General Solution to a Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous DE

This video explains the form of the general solution to linear second order nonhomogeneous differential equations. Site:

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

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Ex 1: Method of Undetermined Coefficients to Find the General Solution (exponential)

This video provides an example of how to find the general solution to a linear second order nonhomogeneous differential equation using the method of undetermined coefficients. Site:

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

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Find a Particular Solution to a Nonhomgeneous DE Using Variation of Parameters

This video explains how to determine a particular solution to a linear second order differential equation using the method of variation of parameters.

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Variation of Parameters

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Derive the Variation of Parameters Formula to Solve Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous DEs

This video derives or proves the variation of parameters formula used to find a particular solution and solve linear second order nonhomogeneous differential equations. Site:

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Variation of Parameters

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Find a General Solution to a Nonhomogeneous DE Using Undetermined Coefficients (Sine)

This video explains how to determine the general solution to a linear second order differential equation using the method of undetermined coefficients.

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

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Courses - G. JONA LASINIO “Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory”

Stationary non-equilibrium states describe steady flows through macroscopic systems. Although they represent the simplest generalization of equilibrium states, they exhibit a variety of new phenomena. Within a statistical mechanics approach, these states have been the subject of several th

From playlist T1-2015 : Disordered systems, random spatial processes and some applications

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A14 Nonhomegeneous linear systems solved by undetermined coefficients

There are two methods for solving nonhomogeneous systems. The first uses undetermined coefficients.

From playlist A Second Course in Differential Equations

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Non-perturbative Models of QGP by Ayan Mukhopadhyay

DISCUSSION MEETING EXTREME NONEQUILIBRIUM QCD (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Ayan Mukhopadhyay (IIT Madras) and Sayantan Sharma (IMSc Chennai) DATE & TIME: 05 October 2020 to 09 October 2020 VENUE: Online Understanding quantum gauge theories is one of the remarkable challenges of the millennium

From playlist Extreme Nonequilibrium QCD (Online)

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Bruce Turkington (DDMCS@Turing): Models that minimize the rate of information loss

Complex models in all areas of science and engineering, and in the social sciences, must be reduced to a relatively small number of variables for practical computation and accurate prediction. In general, it is difficult to identify and parameterize the crucial features that must be incorp

From playlist Data driven modelling of complex systems

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An Exact Solution of the Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory by Kirone Mallick

DISCUSSION MEETING : STATISTICAL PHYSICS OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS ORGANIZERS : Sumedha (NISER, India), Abhishek Dhar (ICTS-TIFR, India), Satya Majumdar (University of Paris-Saclay, France), R Rajesh (IMSc, India), Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI, India) and Tridib Sadhu (TIFR, India) DATE : 19 December

From playlist Statistical Physics of Complex Systems - 2022

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Large deviations in Nonequilibrium (Lecture 5) by Christian Maes


From playlist Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Systems: Theory and Applications

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Exploiting Coherence in Quantum Thermodynamics by Gabriele De Chiara

PROGRAM CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM TRANSPORT PROCESSES: CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Alberto Imparato (University of Aarhus, Denmark), Anupam Kundu (ICTS-TIFR, India), Carlos Mejia-Monasterio (Technical University of Madrid, Spain) and Lamberto Rondoni (Polytechni

From playlist Classical and Quantum Transport Processes : Current State and Future Directions (ONLINE)2022

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Relaxation theory for perturbed many-body quantum systems by Peter Reimann

PROGRAM THERMALIZATION, MANY BODY LOCALIZATION AND HYDRODYNAMICS ORGANIZERS: Dmitry Abanin, Abhishek Dhar, François Huveneers, Takahiro Sagawa, Keiji Saito, Herbert Spohn and Hal Tasaki DATE : 11 November 2019 to 29 November 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore How do is

From playlist Thermalization, Many Body Localization And Hydrodynamics 2019

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Jakob Yngvason - Understanding Entropywithout Probability

Jakob Yngvason (University of Vienna) Understanding Entropy without Probability. In 1856, Rudolf Clausius coined the word entropy as a suitable name for what he had been calling the "transformational content of a body". The new word made it possible to state the second law of thermodynam

From playlist Large-scale limits of interacting particle systems

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Differential Equations | Variation of Parameters for a System of DEs

We solve a nonhomogeneous system of linear differential equations using the method of variation of parameters.

From playlist Systems of Differential Equations

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(Non) equilibrium dynamics: a (broken) symmetry by Camille Aron

Open Quantum Systems DATE: 17 July 2017 to 04 August 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore There have been major recent breakthroughs, both experimental and theoretical, in the field of Open Quantum Systems. The aim of this program is to bring together leaders in the Open Q

From playlist Open Quantum Systems

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Ex 2: General Solution to a Second Order DE Using Variation of Parameters

This video provides an example of how to determine the general solution to a linear second order nonhomogeneous differential equation. Site:

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Variation of Parameters

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Universal features of current fluctuations of driven and active systems by Udo Seifert

Stochastic Thermodynamics, Active Matter and Driven Systems DATE: 07 August 2017 to 11 August 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore. Stochastic Thermodynamics and Active Systems are areas in statistical physics which have recently attracted a lot of attention and many intere

From playlist Stochastic Thermodynamics, Active Matter and Driven Systems - 2017

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Find a General Solution to a Nonhomogeneous DE Using Undetermined Coefficients (Quadratic)

This video explains how to determine the general solution to a linear second order differential equation using the method of undetermined coefficients.

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

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