Lemmas in graph theory | Theoretical computer science

Expander mixing lemma

The expander mixing lemma intuitively states that the edges of certain -regular graphs are evenly distributed throughout the graph. In particular, the number of edges between two vertex subsets and is always close to the expected number of edges between them in a random -regular graph, namely . (Wikipedia).

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Integral of 1/(eˣ + e⁻ˣ) - Integration by Substitution, Calculus 2

https://bit.ly/PavelPatreon https://lem.ma/LA - Linear Algebra on Lemma http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook https://lem.ma/prep - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Calculus 2: Integration, Computation of Areas and Volumes, Differential Equations

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Integral of e²ˣ/(еˣ+1) - Integration by Substitution, Calculus 2

https://bit.ly/PavelPatreon https://lem.ma/LA - Linear Algebra on Lemma http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook https://lem.ma/prep - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Calculus 2: Integration, Computation of Areas and Volumes, Differential Equations

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Power series of ln(1+x), ALL DETAILS!

The radius of convergence stays the same when we integrate or differentiate a power series. HOWEVER, we must do more work to check the convergence at the end points of the interval of convergence., Power series of ln(1+x), radius of convergence, 1 interval of convergence, (-1, 1], how t

From playlist Calculus, Sect 11.9, Power Series Representations of Functions

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Foreword to Integration by Partial Fractions (No examples in this video)

https://bit.ly/PavelPatreon https://lem.ma/LA - Linear Algebra on Lemma http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook https://lem.ma/prep - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Calculus 2: Integration, Computation of Areas and Volumes, Differential Equations

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11. Pseudorandom graphs I: quasirandomness

MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019 Instructor: Yufei Zhao View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/18-217F19 YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP62qauV_CpT1zKaGG_Vj5igX Prof. Zhao discusses a classic result of Chung, Graham, a

From playlist MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019

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Calculus 2: The Integral of sin⁶x cos x and the Right Way to Think About Integration by Substitution

https://bit.ly/PavelPatreon https://lem.ma/LA - Linear Algebra on Lemma http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook https://lem.ma/prep - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Calculus 2: Integration, Computation of Areas and Volumes, Differential Equations

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A solution to Weaver's KS2KS2 - Adam Marcus

A solution to Weaver's KS2KS2Primary tabs Adam Marcus Yale University December 2, 2013 We will outline the proof that gives a positive solution of to Weaver's conjecture KS2KS2. That is, we will show that any isotropic collection of vectors whose outer products sum to twice the identity ca

From playlist Mathematics

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Field Theory - the Extension Lemma - Lecture 14

--Let \sigma: F_1 \to F_2 be an isomorphism of fields. --Let f_1(x) \in F_1[x] and let f_2(x) be the image in f_1(x) under the natural isomorphism F_1[x] \to F_2[x]. --Let L_1 is the splitting field of f_1(x) and L_2 the splitting field of f_2(x). Lemma: The isomorphism \sigma extends t

From playlist Field Theory

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Integral of 1/(1+√x) - Integration by Substitution, Calculus 2

https://bit.ly/PavelPatreon https://lem.ma/LA - Linear Algebra on Lemma http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook https://lem.ma/prep - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Calculus 2: Integration, Computation of Areas and Volumes, Differential Equations

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Paths and cycles in expanders - Michael Krivelevich

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: Paths and cycles in expanders Speaker: Michael Krivelevich Affiliation: Tel Aviv University Date: February 10, 2020 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Linear Algebra 6j: Linear Systems for the Impatient

https://bit.ly/PavelPatreon https://lem.ma/LA - Linear Algebra on Lemma http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook https://lem.ma/prep - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 1 Linear Algebra: An In-Depth Introduction with a Focus on Applications

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Landau-Ginzburg - Seminar 8 - The perturbation lemma II

This seminar series is about the bicategory of Landau-Ginzburg models LG, hypersurface singularities and matrix factorisations. In this seminar Rohan Hitchcock finishes the proof of the perturbation lemma and explains how strong deformation retracts arise from exact sequences. The webpage

From playlist Metauni

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Non-amenable groups admitting no sofic approximation by expander graphs - Gabor Kun

Stability and Testability Topic: Non-amenable groups admitting no sofic approximation by expander graphs Speaker: Gabor Kun Affiliation: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics Date: February 10, 2021 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Stability and Testability

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Vaughn Climenhaga: Closed geodesics and the measure of maximal entropy on surfaces without...

For negatively curved Riemannian manifolds, Margulis gave an asymptotic formula for the number of closed geodesics with length below a given threshold. I will describe joint work with Gerhard Knieper and Khadim War in which we obtain the corresponding result for surfaces without conjugate

From playlist Jean-Morlet Chair - Pollicott/Vaienti

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12. Pseudorandom graphs II: second eigenvalue

MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019 Instructor: Yufei Zhao View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/18-217F19 YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP62qauV_CpT1zKaGG_Vj5igX What can be inferred about a graph from its second eigenv

From playlist MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics, Fall 2019

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Patrick Morris - Triangle factors in pseudorandom graphs (CMSA Combinatorics Seminar)

Patrick Morris presents "Triangle factors in pseudorandom graphs," 31st March 2021 (CMSA Combinatorics Seminar) http://combinatorics-australasia.org/seminars.html

From playlist CMSA Combinatorics Seminar

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From playlist Mathematics

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Landau-Ginzburg - Seminar 7 - The perturbation lemma

This seminar series is about the bicategory of Landau-Ginzburg models LG, hypersurface singularities and matrix factorisations. In this seminar Rohan Hitchcock introduces and proves the perturbation lemma, a fundamental result in homological algebra and one of the key ingredients in defini

From playlist Metauni

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Building Expanders in Three Steps - Amir Yehudayoff

Amir Yehudayoff Technion-Israel; Institute for Advanced Study February 23, 2012 The talk will have 2 parts (between the parts we will have a break). In the first part, we will discuss two options for using groups to construct expander graphs (Cayley graphs and Schreier diagrams). Specifica

From playlist Mathematics

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