Graph families

Expander graph

In graph theory, an expander graph is a sparse graph that has strong connectivity properties, quantified using vertex, edge or spectral expansion. Expander constructions have spawned research in pure and applied mathematics, with several applications to complexity theory, design of robust computer networks, and the theory of error-correcting codes. (Wikipedia).

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High Dimensional Expanders - Ori Parzanchevski

Ori Parzanchevski Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Member, School of Mathematics October 1, 2013 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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High dimensional expanders - Ori Parzanchevski

Ori Parzanchevski Member, School of Mathematics September 25, 2014 More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Dimension expanders via rank condensers - Micheal Forbes

Michael Forbes Member, School of Mathematics February 3, 2015 Expander graphs are sparse graphs with good connectivity properties and they have become ubiquitous in theoretical computer science. Dimension expanders are a linear-algebraic variant where we ask for a constant number of linea

From playlist Mathematics

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PMSP - Expander graphs: Applications and combinatorial constructions II

Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study June 15, 2010 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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High Dimensional Expanders and Ramanujan Complexes - Alex Lubotzky

Alex Lubotzky Hebrew University February 12, 2013 Expander graphs, in general, and Ramanujan graphs, in particular, have been objects of intensive research in the last four decades. Many application came out, initially to computer science and combinatorics and more recently also to pure ma

From playlist Mathematics

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Building Expanders in Three Steps - Amir Yehudayoff

Amir Yehudayoff Technion-Israel; Institute for Advanced Study February 23, 2012 The talk will have 2 parts (between the parts we will have a break). In the first part, we will discuss two options for using groups to construct expander graphs (Cayley graphs and Schreier diagrams). Specifica

From playlist Mathematics

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PMSP - Expander graphs: Applications and combinatorial constructions I - Avi Wigderson

Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study June 15, 2010 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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An Introduction to Lifted Expander Graphs - Fernando Granha Jeronimo

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: An Introduction to Lifted Expander Graphs Speaker: Fernando Granha Jeronimo Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: December 14, 2021 Expander graphs are sparse and yet well-connected graphs. Several applications in theoret

From playlist Mathematics

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Constructions of Expanders Using Group Theory - Martin Kassabov

Martin Kassabov Cornell University; von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics November 3, 2009 I will survey some constructions of expander graphs using variants of Kazhdan property T . First, I describe an approach to property T using bounded generation and then I will describe a recent

From playlist Mathematics

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High dimensional expanders – Alexander Lubotzky – ICM2018

Plenary Lecture 13 High dimensional expanders Alexander Lubotzky Abstract: Expander graphs have been, during the last five decades, the subject of a most fruitful interaction between pure mathematics and computer science, with influence and applications going both ways. In the last decad

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Monotone Expanders - Constructions and Applications - Zeev Dvir

Monotone Expanders -- Constructions and Applications Zeev Dvir Princeton University; Member, School of Mathematics April 22, 2011 A Monotone Expander is an expander graph which can be decomposed into a union of a constant number of monotone matchings, under some fixed ordering of the verti

From playlist Mathematics

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Robust sublinear expanders, and an application towards the Erdos-Gallai conjecture - Matija Bucic

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: Robust sublinear expanders, and an application towards the Erdos-Gallai conjecture Speaker: Matija Bucic Veblen Research Instructor, School of Mathematics Date: September 27, 2022 Expander graphs have been perhaps one of the most wi

From playlist Mathematics

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Paths and cycles in expanders - Michael Krivelevich

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: Paths and cycles in expanders Speaker: Michael Krivelevich Affiliation: Tel Aviv University Date: February 10, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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An introductory survey on expanders and their applications - Avi Wigderson

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: An introductory survey on expanders and their applications Speaker: Avi Wigderson Affiliation: Herbert H. Maass Professor, School of Mathematics Date: September 29, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Robust sublinear expanders - Matija Bucic

Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members Topic: Robust sublinear expanders Speaker: Matija Bucic Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: September 21, 2022

From playlist Mathematics

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High dimensional expanders - Part 2 - Shai Evra

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: High dimensional expanders - Part 2 Speaker: Shai Evra Affiliation: Princeton University Date: February 16, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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High Dimensional Expanders and Ramanujan Complexes - Alexander Lubotzky

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: High Dimensional Expanders and Ramanujan Complexes Speaker: Alexander Lubotzky Affiliation: Hebrew University Date: December 8, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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High Dimensional Expansion and Error Correcting Codes - Irit Dinur

Hermann Weyl Lectures Topic: High Dimensional Expansion and Error Correcting Codes Speaker: Irit Dinur Affiliation: Weizmann Institute of Science; Visiting Professor, School of Mathematics Date: November 19, 2019 For more video please visit

From playlist Hermann Weyl Lectures

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