Register-based virtual machines

Erlang (programming language)

Erlang (/ˈɜːrlæŋ/ UR-lang) is a general-purpose, concurrent, functional programming language, and a garbage-collected runtime system. The term Erlang is used interchangeably with Erlang/OTP, or Open Telecom Platform (OTP), which consists of the Erlang runtime system, several ready-to-use components (OTP) mainly written in Erlang, and a set of design principles for Erlang programs. The Erlang runtime system is designed for systems with these traits: * Distributed * Fault-tolerant * Soft real-time * Highly available, non-stop applications * Hot swapping, where code can be changed without stopping a system. The Erlang programming language has immutable data, pattern matching, and functional programming. The sequential subset of the Erlang language supports eager evaluation, single assignment, and dynamic typing. A normal Erlang application is built out of hundreds of small Erlang processes. It was originally proprietary software within Ericsson, developed by Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding, and Mike Williams in 1986, but was released as free and open-source software in 1998. Erlang/OTP is supported and maintained by the Open Telecom Platform (OTP) product unit at Ericsson. (Wikipedia).

Erlang (programming language)
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Erlang DC 2013 Lightning Talk - little languages in erlang by Eric Merritt

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From playlist Erlang DC 2013

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 5 - Compiling and running on a virtual machine These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 3 - Using recursion: pretty printing These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 1 - Introduction to language processing These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 7 - Simplification These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 2 - Representing structured data These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 6 - Parsing These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 4 - Evaluation expressions These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Erlang Master Class 1: Video 8 - Discussion These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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ElixirDaze 2018 - Why Elixir Matters: A Genealogy of Functional Programming by Osayame Gaius-Obaseki

ElixirDaze 2018 - Why Elixir Matters: A Genealogy of Functional Programming by Osayame Gaius-Obaseki

From playlist ElixirDaze 2018

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Why Functional Programming?

When should you turn to functional programming approaches? Steve Vinoski tells of his own experiences with distributed application development and why Erlang eased (many of) his headaches.

From playlist Programming Podcast

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Programming Elixir: The magic of today's tonic

Presenter(s): Katie Miller URL: Elixir is a new arrival on the programming language scene but many of the features that have its devotees raving are actually old favourites for functional fans. Pragmatic Programmer Dave Thomas has laud

From playlist erlang

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EMPEX LA 2018 - Morning Keynote: Embracing an Error-Prone Reality by Emma Cunningham

Morning Keynote: Embracing an Error-Prone Reality by Emma Cunningham Emma is a Senior Software Engineer at Second Spectrum, where she gets to solve all kinds of fun problems around how to build compelling data visualization and analytics apps for clients like the NBA and the LA Clippers.

From playlist Empex LA Conf 2018

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LambdaConf 2015 - The Meaning of LFE Zeeshan Lakhani

Do you enjoy Lisp-based languages, built on s-expressions and homoiconicity? Do you like writing syntactic abstractions with pattern matching? What if you could use a Lisp to write a fault-tolerant, highly-available distributed datastore? Welcome to the wonderful world of LFE (Lisp-Flavore

From playlist LambdaConf 2015

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Erlang Master Class 2: Video 3 - Handling errors These Master Classes will show you how Erlang can be used in practice to solve larger problems. The examples provide 'capstones' for different aspects of Erlang: functional programming, concurrent programming and larger-scale programming with O

From playlist Erlang Master Class

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Interview with Erlang Solutions' Francesco Cesarini

From OSCON 2015 in Portland, an interview with the Technical Director and founder of Erlang Solutions. About Francesco Cesarini: Francesco Cesarini is the founder of Erlang Solutions Ltd. He has used Erlang on a daily basis since 1995, starting as an intern at Ericsson’s computer science

From playlist OSCON 2015

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Erlang DC 2013 Erlang meta-programming with Elixir by Yurii Rashkovskii

We all know Erlang as a language has certain limitations (for better or worse). It also makes you write a lot of boilerplate code. Sometimes we can put up with it, sometimes it's just annoying. I've been looking into different meta-programming techniques to be used with Erlang. I've been

From playlist Erlang DC 2013

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