Formal languages | Trees (data structures)

Abstract syntax tree

In computer science, an abstract syntax tree (AST), or just syntax tree, is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of text (often source code) written in a formal language. Each node of the tree denotes a construct occurring in the text. The syntax is "abstract" in the sense that it does not represent every detail appearing in the real syntax, but rather just the structural or content-related details. For instance, grouping parentheses are implicit in the tree structure, so these do not have to be represented as separate nodes. Likewise, a syntactic construct like an if-condition-then statement may be denoted by means of a single node with three branches. This distinguishes abstract syntax trees from concrete syntax trees, traditionally designated parse trees. Parse trees are typically built by a parser during the source code translation and compiling process. Once built, additional information is added to the AST by means of subsequent processing, e.g., contextual analysis. Abstract syntax trees are also used in program analysis and program transformation systems. (Wikipedia).

Abstract syntax tree
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WTF is an Abstract Syntax Tree?

Potential interview question: What is an Abstract Syntax Tree? #shorts #programming #compsci

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Group Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

The group is the most fundamental object you will study in abstract algebra. Groups generalize a wide variety of mathematical sets: the integers, symmetries of shapes, modular arithmetic, NxM matrices, and much more. After learning about groups in detail, you will then be ready to contin

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Equivalence Relations Definition and Examples

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Equivalence Relations Definition and Examples. This video starts by defining a relation, reflexive relation, symmetric relation, transitive relation, and then an equivalence relation. Several examples are given.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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06 More about mappings

In this tutorial I show a few more notations and share a few more thoughts on mappings.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Concrete nouns are nouns that can be heard, tasted, smelled, touched, or seen. Abstract nouns are nouns that can be believed, felt emotionally, understood, learned, or known. LIKE AND SHARE THE VIDEO IF IT HELPED! Support me on Patreon: Visit our website: http://

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An Introduction to Propositional Logic

An introduction to propositions, truth tables, and logical equivalence, and logical operators — including negation, conjunction, disjunction, and implication. *** Spanning Tree is a collection of educational videos covering topics related to computer science and mathematics. https://span

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Abstract Algebra: The definition of a Field

Learn the definition of a Field, one of the central objects in abstract algebra. We give several familiar examples and a more unusual example. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ways to support our channel: ► Join our Patreon : ► Make a one-time PayPal donation: https://www

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Field Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

The field is one of the key objects you will learn about in abstract algebra. Fields generalize the real numbers and complex numbers. They are sets with two operations that come with all the features you could wish for: commutativity, inverses, identities, associativity, and more. They

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Virtual EmberConf 2020: AST: the Secret Weapon to Transform a Codebase by Sophia Wang

AST: the Secret Weapon to Transform a Codebase by Sophia Wang Ever wonder what is metaprogramming? Ever wonder how a machine translates ember code into the websites that you interact with? Want to update your codebase to a newer syntax without going through editing every line? Curious abo

From playlist EmberConf 2020

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RubyConf 2022: Analyzing an analyzer - A dive into how RuboCop works by Kyle d'Oliveira

To help us with aspects like linting, security or style, many of us have Rubocop analyzing our code. It's a very useful tool that is widely used, easy to set up and configure. Rubocop can even automatically auto-correct your source code as needed. How is this even possible? It turns out th

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What is Abstract Algebra? (Modern Algebra)

Abstract Algebra is very different than the algebra most people study in high school. This math subject focuses on abstract structures with names like groups, rings, fields and modules. These structures have applications in many areas of mathematics, and are being used more and more in t

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Compilation - Part Three: Syntax Analysis

This is part three of a series of videos about compilation. Part three is about syntax analysis. It explains how the syntax analyser, otherwise known as the parser, takes a token stream from the lexical analyser, and checks it to make sure that the rules of the source language have been

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Compilation - Part One: Overview of the Stages of Compilation

This is part one of a series of videos about compilation. As you will see when you watch this series, compilation involves a diverse range of themes in the field of computer science including high and low level programming paradigms, the definition of context free grammars, the application

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Ruby Conf 2013 - Compilers For Free by Tom Stuart

Partial evaluation is a powerful tool for timeshifting some aspects of a program's execution from the future into the present. Among other things, it gives us an automatic way to turn a general, abstract program into a faster, more specialized one. This math-free talk uses Ruby to explain

From playlist RubyConf 2013

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Discrete Structures: Graph Theory, part 3

In this session we'll look at how graphs--trees, in particular--are used by compilers to analyze and transform your source code.

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Live CEOing Ep 330: Language Design in Wolfram Language

Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Language Design in the Wolfram Language.

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DinosaurJS 2019: Codemods: Refactoring JavaScript using JavaScript by Saimon Sharif

DinosaurJS 2019: Codemods: Refactoring JavaScript using JavaScript by Saimon Sharif

From playlist DinosaurJS 2019

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Overview of compiling a program

Compiling a program takes place over several stages. This video is an overview of the compilation process: scanner/lexer, parser, semantic analyzer, code generator, and optimizer. An introduction to token streams and abstract syntax trees.

From playlist Discrete Structures

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Groups in abstract algebra examples

In this tutorial I discuss two more examples of groups. The first contains four elements and they are the four fourth roots of 1. The second contains only three elements and they are the three cube roots of 1. Under the binary operation of multiplication, these sets are in fact groups.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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The real purpose of Python's match statement, feat. CSTs

What's the purpose of the match statement in Python? The match statement is commonly mistaken for being Python's way of adding a switch-case statement. NOPE! This is not the intended purpose of the match statement, and it does not have similar performance benefits. Let's see what the matc

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