Higher category theory | Homotopy theory


In mathematics, an -algebra in a symmetric monoidal infinity category C consists of the following data: * An object for any open subset U of Rn homeomorphic to an n-disk. * A multiplication map:for any disjoint open disks contained in some open disk V subject to the requirements that the multiplication maps are compatible with composition, and that is an equivalence if . An equivalent definition is that A is an algebra in C over the little n-disks operad. (Wikipedia).

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RNT1.1. Definition of Ring

Ring Theory: We define rings and give many examples. Items under consideration include commutativity and multiplicative inverses. Example include modular integers, square matrices, polynomial rings, quaternions, and adjoins of algebraic and transcendental numbers.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Abstract Algebra: The definition of a Ring

Learn the definition of a ring, one of the central objects in abstract algebra. We give several examples to illustrate this concept including matrices and polynomials. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss new lessons from Socratica: http://bit.ly/1ixuu9W ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ We recommend th

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Ring Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

A ring is a commutative group under addition that has a second operation: multiplication. These generalize a wide variety of mathematical objects like the integers, polynomials, matrices, modular arithmetic, and more. In this video we will take an in depth look at the definition of a rin

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Definition of a Ring and Examples of Rings

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! https://goo.gl/JQ8Nys Definition of a Ring and Examples of Rings - Definition of a Ring. - Definition of a commutative ring and a ring with identity. - Examples of Rings include: Z, Q, R, C under regular addition and multiplication The Ring of all n x

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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RNT1.4. Ideals and Quotient Rings

Ring Theory: We define ideals in rings as an analogue of normal subgroups in group theory. We give a correspondence between (two-sided) ideals and kernels of homomorphisms using quotient rings. We also state the First Isomorphism Theorem for Rings and give examples.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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What is a Biring?

By Differential Algebra we mean rings with extra operations. In this video we show how to encode rings with extra operations using birings/affine ring schemes. This video was hacked together. Let me know if you have no idea what I'm talking about. I plan to use this later.

From playlist Birings

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Units in a Ring (Abstract Algebra)

The units in a ring are those elements which have an inverse under multiplication. They form a group, and this “group of units” is very important in algebraic number theory. Using units you can also define the idea of an “associate” which lets you generalize the fundamental theorem of ar

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Ring Examples (Abstract Algebra)

Rings are one of the key structures in Abstract Algebra. In this video we give lots of examples of rings: infinite rings, finite rings, commutative rings, noncommutative rings and more! Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss new lessons from Socratica: http://bit.ly/1ixuu9W ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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What is a Chow Ring?

This is a lazy introduction to the idea of a Chow Ring. I don't prove anything :-(. Maybe soon in another video.

From playlist Intersection Theory

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The Active Mechanical Behavior of the Cytoskeleton Studied via Cell-Free... by Gijsje Koenderink

Discussion Meeting Thirsting for Theoretical Biology (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan (UNSW & EMBL Australia), Vijaykumar Krishnamurthy (ICTS-TIFR, India) and Vidyanand Nanjundiah (Centre for Human Genetics, India) DATE: 11 January 2021 to 22 January 2021 VENUE: Online

From playlist Thirsting for Theoretical Biology (Online)

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René Schoof: Finite flat group schemes over Z

CONFERENCE Recording during the thematic meeting : « Symposium on Arithmetic Geometry and its Applications» the February 07, 2023 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide m

From playlist Number Theory

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Lecture 9: Properties of THH

In this video, we prove certain formal properties of THH, for example that it has a universal property in the setting of commutative rings. We also show base-change properties and use these to compute THH of perfect rings. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at h

From playlist Topological Cyclic Homology

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Calista Bernard - Applications of twisted homology operations for E_n-algebras

An E_n-algebra is a space equipped with a multiplication that is commutative up to homotopy. Such spaces arise naturally in geometric topology, number theory, and mathematical physics; some examples include classifying spaces of braid groups, spaces of long knots, and classifying spaces of

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Synthesis Workshop: Síntesis de la Talatisamina (Episodio 22)

En este episodio, exploramos la síntesis de la talatisamina (Grupo Inoue, 2020) en español. Parent reference: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 479-486. Other references (in order of appearance: For structural work, see: (a) Tetrahedron 1971, 27, 819-822. (b) Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E 2011

From playlist Episodios en Español

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Kernel Recipes 2015 - Kernel packet capture technologies - by Eric Leblond

Sniffing through the ages Capturing packets running on the wire to send them to a software doing analysis seems at first sight a simple tasks. But one has not to forget that with current network this can means capturing 30M packets per second. The objective of this talk is to show what met

From playlist Kernel Recipes 2015

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Structure of group rings and the group of units of integral group rings (Lecture 3) by Eric Jespers

PROGRAM GROUP ALGEBRAS, REPRESENTATIONS AND COMPUTATION ORGANIZERS: Gurmeet Kaur Bakshi, Manoj Kumar and Pooja Singla DATE: 14 October 2019 to 23 October 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Determining explicit algebraic structures of semisimple group algebras is a fund

From playlist Group Algebras, Representations And Computation

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Commutative algebra 3 (What is a syzygy?)

This lecture is part of an online course on commutative algebra, following the book "Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry" by David Eisenbud. We give several examples of rings of invariants and syzygies. Correction: Near the end (last but one sheet) I missed out one

From playlist Commutative algebra

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19. Aromatic Transition States: Cycloaddition and Electrocyclic Reactions

Freshman Organic Chemistry II (CHEM 125B) Cyclic conjugation that arises when p-orbitals touch one another can be as important for transition states as aromaticity is for stable molecules. It is the controlling factor in "pericyclic" reactions. Regiochemistry, stereochemistry, and kinet

From playlist Freshman Organic Chemistry II with Michael McBride

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RNT1.3. Ring Homomorphisms

Ring Theory: We define ring homomorphisms, ring isomorphisms, and kernels. These will be used to draw an analogue to the connections in group theory between group homomorphisms, normal subgroups, and quotient groups.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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