Finite fields | Computational hardness assumptions | Unsolved problems in computer science | Group theory | Modular arithmetic | Cryptography | Logarithms

Discrete logarithm

In mathematics, for given real numbers a and b, the logarithm logb a is a number x such that bx = a. Analogously, in any group G, powers bk can be defined for all integers k, and the discrete logarithm logb a is an integer k such that bk = a. In number theory, the more commonly used term is index: we can write x = indr a (mod m) (read "the index of a to the base r modulo m") for rx ≡ a (mod m) if r is a primitive root of m and gcd(a,m) = 1. Discrete logarithms are quickly computable in a few special cases. However, no efficient method is known for computing them in general. Several important algorithms in public-key cryptography, such as ElGamal base their security on the assumption that the discrete logarithm problem over carefully chosen groups has no efficient solution. (Wikipedia).

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Ex: Determine the Value of a Number on a Logarithmic Scale (Log Form)

This video explains how to determine the value of several numbers on a logarithmic scale scaled in logarithmic form.

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What are natural logarithms and their properties

👉 Learn all about the properties of logarithms. The logarithm of a number say a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). The logarithm of a negative number is not defined. (i.e. it is no

From playlist Rules of Logarithms

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What are the properties of logarithms and natural logarithms

👉 Learn all about the properties of logarithms. The logarithm of a number say a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). The logarithm of a negative number is not defined. (i.e. it is no

From playlist Rules of Logarithms

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When is a logarithm undefined? log4 (-32)

👉 Learn all about the properties of logarithms. The logarithm of a number say a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). The logarithm of a negative number is not defined. (i.e. it is no

From playlist Rules of Logarithms

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Solving the Logarithmic Equation log(A) = log(B) - C*log(x) for A

Solving the Logarithmic Equation log(A) = log(B) - C*log(x) for A Please Subscribe here, thank you!!!

From playlist Logarithmic Equations

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What are the properties of logarithms

👉 Learn all about the properties of logarithms. The logarithm of a number say a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). The logarithm of a negative number is not defined. (i.e. it is no

From playlist Rules of Logarithms

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Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP)

Cryptography and Network Security by Prof. D. Mukhopadhyay, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist Computer - Cryptography and Network Security

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Cyclic Groups in Cryptography

Some detail about cyclic groups and their application to cryptography, especially Diffie Hellman Key Exchange.

From playlist PubKey

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Combining Logs 2

This is an worked example of logarithms in Algebra 2.

From playlist Logs Group Quiz

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The Diffie-Hellman Problem and Security of ElGamal Systems

Cryptography and Network Security by Prof. D. Mukhopadhyay, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist Computer - Cryptography and Network Security

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Application of Elliptic Curves to Cryptography

Cryptography and Network Security by Prof. D. Mukhopadhyay, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist Computer - Cryptography and Network Security

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Jan Maas : Gradient flows and Ricci cuevature in discrete and quantum probability

Recording during the thematic meeting : "Geometrical and Topological Structures of Information" the August 28, 2017 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent

From playlist Geometry

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Math tutorial for evaluating a logarithmic expression when undefined

👉 Learn all about the properties of logarithms. The logarithm of a number say a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). The logarithm of a negative number is not defined. (i.e. it is no

From playlist Rules of Logarithms

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Eugenia Malinnikova : Uncertainty principles for discrete Schrödinger evolutions

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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DLP Attacks and intro to El Gamal

We cover basic attacks on the discrete logarithm problem. The El Gamal Cipher is presented. We start discussion digital signatures.

From playlist PubKey

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Parallel session 4 by Jayadev Athreya

Geometry Topology and Dynamics in Negative Curvature URL: DATES: Monday 02 Aug, 2010 - Saturday 07 Aug, 2010 VENUE : Raman Research Institute, Bangalore DESCRIPTION: This is An ICM Satellite Conference. The conference intends to bring together ma

From playlist Geometry Topology and Dynamics in Negative Curvature

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Elliptic Curves - Lecture 17a - Torsion on groups associated to formal groups

This video is part of a graduate course on elliptic curves that I taught at UConn in Spring 2021. The course is an introduction to the theory of elliptic curves. More information about the course can be found at the course website:

From playlist An Introduction to the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

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Overview of log properties - Inverse properties

👉 Learn all about the properties of logarithms. The logarithm of a number say a to the base of another number say b is a number say n which when raised as a power of b gives a. (i.e. log [base b] (a) = n means that b^n = a). The logarithm of a negative number is not defined. (i.e. it is no

From playlist Rules of Logarithms

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