Categories in category theory

Discrete category

In mathematics, in the field of category theory, a discrete category is a category whose only morphisms are the identity morphisms: homC(X, X) = {idX} for all objects XhomC(X, Y) = ∅ for all objects X ≠ Y Since by axioms, there is always the identity morphism between the same object, we can express the above as condition on the cardinality of the hom-set | homC(X, Y) | is 1 when X = Y and 0 when X is not equal to Y. Some authors prefer a weaker notion, where a discrete category merely needs to be equivalent to such a category. (Wikipedia).

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Discrete Structures, Oct 20: Counting

Combinations, Permutations, Pigeonhole Principle

From playlist Discrete Structures

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What is Discrete Mathematics?

This video explains what is taught in discrete mathematics.

From playlist Mathematical Statements (Discrete Math)

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Discrete Data and Continuous Data

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Discrete Data and Continuous Data

From playlist Statistics

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Introduction to Discrete and Continuous Functions

This video defines and provides examples of discrete and continuous functions.

From playlist Introduction to Functions: Function Basics

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DISCRETE Random Variables: Finite and Infinite Distributions (9-2)

A Discrete Random Variable is any outcome of a statistical experiment that takes on discrete (i.e., separate and distinct) numerical values. Discrete outcomes: all potential outcomes numerical values are integers (i.e., whole numbers). They cannot be negative. Using an example of tests in

From playlist Discrete Probability Distributions in Statistics (WK 9 - QBA 237)

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Introduction to Discrete and Continuous Variables

This video defines and provides examples of discrete and continuous variables.

From playlist Introduction to Functions: Function Basics

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Formal Definition of a Function using the Cartesian Product

Learning Objectives: In this video we give a formal definition of a function, one of the most foundation concepts in mathematics. We build this definition out of set theory. **************************************************** YOUR TURN! Learning math requires more than just watching vid

From playlist Discrete Math (Full Course: Sets, Logic, Proofs, Probability, Graph Theory, etc)

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Discrete or Continuous Variable

In this video I explain the difference between discrete and continuous variables.

From playlist Maths B / Methods Course, Grade 11/12, High School, Queensland, Australia.

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Foundations S2 - Seminar 9 - Morgan Rogers on Morita equivalences and topological monoids

In this guest lecture, Morgan Rogers presents some results on topological monoids, topoi and Morita equivalences. Abstract: This talk presents the story which convinced me that logic has something positive to contribute in resolving questions in other areas of mathematics. Groups (and mor

From playlist Foundations seminar

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Felix Klein Lectures 2020: Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum), Lecture 1

Quiver moduli spaces are algebraic varieties encoding the continuous parameters of linear algebra type classification problems. In recent years their topological and geometric properties have been explored, and applications to, among others, Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten theory have

From playlist Felix Klein Lectures 2020: Quiver moduli and applications, Markus Reineke (Bochum)

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Contract Law 56 IV Centronics Corp v Genicom Corp

IV. Contract Performance C. Duty of Good Faith Centronics Corp. v. Genicom Corp (unreleased escrow) To access case file, copy and paste link into browser These video lectures are taken from Prof. Ayr

From playlist American Contract Law

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Christopher TOWNSEND - There are categories of ‘spaces' that are not categories of locales

Abstract We described a short list of categorical axioms that make a category behave like the category of locales. In summary the axioms assert that the category has an object that behaves like the Sierpnski space and this object is double exponentiable. A number of the usual results of lo

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Lecture 6: HKR and the cotangent complex

In this video, we discuss the cotangent complex and give a proof of the HKR theorem (in its affine version) Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at Homepage with further information: https://www.uni-m

From playlist Topological Cyclic Homology

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Statistics Lesson #2: Types of Data

This video is for my College Algebra and Statistics students (and anyone else who may find it helpful). It includes defining different types of variables: qualitative, quantitative, ordinal, nominal, discrete, and continuous, as well as looking at many different examples of each. I hope th

From playlist Statistics

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Statistics - 1.2 Classifying Data

Classifying data as either qualitative or (discrete or continuous) quantitative data. In addition, we explore the difference between nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio data. Power Point:

From playlist Applied Statistics (Entire Course)

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Morgan Rogers - Toposes of Topological Monoid Actions

Talk at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: We explain the properties of the familiar properties of continuous actions of groups o

From playlist Toposes online

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Algebraic Topology - 8.1 - Right Adjoints Preserve Limits (RAPL)

Right adjoints preserve limits. Errata: Arkamouli Debnath points out @ 10:04 I mean to write Sets and not Top on the RHS.

From playlist Category Theory Crash Course

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Excel Statistical Analysis 06: Frequency Distributions, Visualizations & Skew for Quantitative Data

Download Excel File: Learn about creating frequency distributions and visualizations for quantitative data, including Column Charts for Discrete Data, Line and Clustered Column charts for Date Data and Column Chart Histograms for Continuous Data.

From playlist Excel Statistical Analysis for Business Class Playlist of Videos from excelisfun

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Statistics: Ch 5 Discrete Random Variable (2 of 27) What is a Discrete Random Variable?

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: We will learn a discrete random variable can be a count of something, an integer, as how many times a coin comes up “heads” or “tails


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