Harmonic functions | Differential forms | Riemann surfaces

Differential forms on a Riemann surface

In mathematics, differential forms on a Riemann surface are an important special case of the general theory of differential forms on smooth manifolds, distinguished by the fact that the conformal structure on the Riemann surface intrinsically defines a Hodge star operator on 1-forms (or differentials) without specifying a Riemannian metric. This allows the use of Hilbert space techniques for studying function theory on the Riemann surface and in particular for the construction of harmonic and holomorphic differentials with prescribed singularities. These methods were first used by in his variational approach to the Dirichlet principle, making rigorous the arguments proposed by Riemann. Later found a direct approach using his method of orthogonal projection, a precursor of the modern theory of elliptic differential operators and Sobolev spaces. These techniques were originally applied to prove the uniformization theorem and its generalization to planar Riemann surfaces. Later they supplied the analytic foundations for the harmonic integrals of . This article covers general results on differential forms on a Riemann surface that do not rely on any choice of Riemannian structure. (Wikipedia).

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Solve the general solution for differentiable equation with trig

Learn how to solve the particular solution of differential equations. A differential equation is an equation that relates a function with its derivatives. The solution to a differential equation involves two parts: the general solution and the particular solution. The general solution give

From playlist Differential Equations

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Examples of curvatures of surfaces | Differential Geometry 30 | NJ Wildberger

We review the formulas for the curvature of a surface we derived/discussed in the last lecture, and then give explicit examples of how these formulas work out in special cases. The formulas were given in several roughly equivalent forms, applying to different situations. The first applied

From playlist Differential Geometry

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Find the particular solution given the conditions and second derivative

Learn how to solve the particular solution of differential equations. A differential equation is an equation that relates a function with its derivatives. The solution to a differential equation involves two parts: the general solution and the particular solution. The general solution give

From playlist Solve Differential Equation (Particular Solution) #Integration

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C73 Introducing the theorem of Frobenius

The theorem of Frobenius allows us to calculate a solution around a regular singular point.

From playlist Differential Equations

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How to solve a differentialble equation by separating the variables

Learn how to solve the particular solution of differential equations. A differential equation is an equation that relates a function with its derivatives. The solution to a differential equation involves two parts: the general solution and the particular solution. The general solution give

From playlist Solve Differential Equation (Particular Solution) #Integration

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Differential Equations | Variation of Parameters.

We derive the general form for a solution to a differential equation using variation of parameters. http://www.michael-penn.net

From playlist Differential Equations

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How to solve differentiable equations with logarithms

Learn how to solve the particular solution of differential equations. A differential equation is an equation that relates a function with its derivatives. The solution to a differential equation involves two parts: the general solution and the particular solution. The general solution give

From playlist Differential Equations

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Introduction to Differential Equations

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! https://goo.gl/JQ8Nys Introduction to Differential Equations - The types of differential equations, ordinary versus partial. - How to find the order of a differential equation.

From playlist Differential Equations

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Quadratic differentials and measured foliations on Riemann surfaces by Subhojoy Gupta

Program : Integrable? ?systems? ?in? ?Mathematics,? ?Condensed? ?Matter? ?and? ?Statistical? ?Physics ORGANIZERS : Alexander Abanov, Rukmini Dey, Fabian Essler, Manas Kulkarni, Joel Moore, Vishal Vasan and Paul Wiegmann DATE & TIME : 16 July 2018 to 10 August 2018 VENUE : Ramanujan L

From playlist Integrable​ ​systems​ ​in​ ​Mathematics,​ ​Condensed​ ​Matter​ ​and​ ​Statistical​ ​Physics

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C. Leininger - Teichmüller spaces and pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism (Part 2)

I will start by describing the Teichmuller space of a surface of finite type from the perspective of both hyperbolic and complex structures and the action of the mapping class group on it. Then I will describe Thurston's compactification of Teichmuller space, and state his classification t

From playlist Ecole d'été 2018 - Teichmüller dynamics, mapping class groups and applications

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Hodge Theory -- From Abel to Deligne - Phillip Griffiths

Phillip Griffiths School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study October 14, 2013 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Michael Wolf - Sheared Pleated surfaces and Limiting Configurations for Hitchin's equations

Michael Wolf Sheared Pleated surfaces and Limiting Configurations for Hitchin's equations A recent work by Mazzeo-Swoboda-Weiss-Witt describes a stratum of the frontier of the space of SL(2,C) surface group representations in terms of 'limiting configurations' which solve a degenerate ver

From playlist Maryland Analysis and Geometry Atelier

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Limits of cubic differentials and projective structures by David Dumas

ORGANIZERS Siddhartha Gadgil, Krishnendu Gongopadhyay, Subhojoy Gupta and Mahan Mj DATE & TIME 27 November 2017 to 30 November 2017 VENUE Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore The focus of this discussion meeting will be geometric aspects of the representation spaces of surface groups int

From playlist Surface Group Representations and Geometric Structures

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Sheared Pleated surfaces and Limiting Configurations for Hitchin's equations by Michael Wolf

Surface Group Representations and Geometric Structures DATE: 27 November 2017 to 30 November 2017 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore The focus of this discussion meeting will be geometric aspects of the representation spaces of surface groups into semi-simple Lie groups. Classi

From playlist Surface Group Representations and Geometric Structures

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John H. Hubbard: Introduction to Thurston’s theorems

HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "Advancing Bridges in Complex Dynamics" the September 20, 2021 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM'

From playlist Topology

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Find the particular solution with exponential and inverse trig

Learn how to solve the particular solution of differential equations. A differential equation is an equation that relates a function with its derivatives. The solution to a differential equation involves two parts: the general solution and the particular solution. The general solution give

From playlist Solve Differential Equation (Particular Solution) #Integration

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D. Chen - Are affine invariant submanifolds affine

We study the question whether affine invariant submanifolds arising from Teichmueller dynamics are affine varieties in the sense of algebraic geometry.

From playlist Ecole d'été 2018 - Teichmüller dynamics, mapping class groups and applications

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S. Filip - K3 surfaces and Dynamics (Part 1)

K3 surfaces provide a meeting ground for geometry (algebraic, differential), arithmetic, and dynamics. I hope to discuss: - Basic definitions and examples - Geometry (algebraic, differential, etc.) of complex surfaces - Torelli theorems for K3 surfaces - Dynamics on K3s (Cantat, McMullen)

From playlist Ecole d'été 2018 - Teichmüller dynamics, mapping class groups and applications

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The differential calculus for curves (II) | Differential Geometry 8 | NJ Wildberger

In this video we extend Lagrange's approach to the differential calculus to the case of algebraic curves. This means we can study tangent lines, tangent conics and so on to a general curve of the form p(x,y)=0; this includes the situation y=f(x) as a special case. It also allows us to deal

From playlist Differential Geometry

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