String (computer science)

Comparison of programming languages (strings)

This comparison of programming languages (strings) compares the features of string data structures or text-string processing for over 52 various computer programming languages. (Wikipedia).

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Programming Languages - (part 6 of 7)

How source code becomes a running program, how languages are categorized, and a survey of important languages. Part of a larger series teaching programming. Visit

From playlist Programming Languages

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Fun with Strings

Experimenting and seeing what we can do with strings

From playlist Computer Science

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the C language (part 2 of 5)

Introduction to the C programming language. Part of a larger series teaching programming. See

From playlist The C language

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the C language (part 5 of 5)

Introduction to the C programming language. Part of a larger series teaching programming. See

From playlist The C language

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Python - strings and collections (part 1 of 3)

Strings and collections in the Python language. Part of a larger series at

From playlist Python strings and collections

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A Simple Programming Language - (part 13 of 13)

An introduction to programming with a reductively simple programming language. Part of a larger series teaching programming. Visit Please link to the playlist ( rather than this video as individual videos may g

From playlist A Simple Programming Language

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C Strings! C tutorial 4

much about strings in the C language!

From playlist C Tutorial

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From C to Python by Ross Rheingans-Yoo

Python is a popular language for everything from short, informal scripts to complex data-processing frameworks. Fortunately, the syntax is very similar to C, with just a few key differences. In this seminar, we’ll walk you through them, leaving you with the ability to write your own short

From playlist CS50 Seminars 2015

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Clojure Data Structures Part 1 - Rich Hickey

Part 1 of an informal introductory talk/screencast covering Clojure's data structures by Rich Hickey, the author of Clojure. Covers numbers, symbols, keywords, lists, vectors and maps.

From playlist Clojure, Lisp

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C Programming: Cracking passwords faster by sorting and searching

In previous sessions we have increased the speed of our password cracker by pre-hashing the passwords. However, we are still doing a linear search on the array. This week we will learn how to search an array more quickly by sorting it, then using binary search.

From playlist C Programming

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C++ vs Python | C++ And Python Difference | Python vs C++ Comparison | C++ And Python | Simplilearn

In this video on C++ vs Python, you will learn the basics of two popular languages. C++ and Python difference will make you understand their syntax and why they are used. Python vs C++ comparison will make you learn the top features of C++ and Python and how they differ in terms of perform

From playlist C++ Tutorial Videos

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C Programming: String functions

Learn about how the string functions in the C library work. We'll write our own versions of them in order to see what goes on inside functions like strlen, index, strstr, and more.

From playlist C Programming

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C Programming: Function Pointers and qsort

In this video I will show you the basics of function pointers in C. They are useful for passing a function as a parameter into another function such as qsort.

From playlist C Programming

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Lesson 06_01 Strings

In this lesson I introduce you to the basic concepts of strings and characters in Julia. We will take a look at the various functions that can manipulate strings and conclude with a section on regular expressions.

From playlist The Julia Computer Language

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C Programming: sorting an array with bubble sort and quicksort (qsort)

In this session we will learn how to sort an array using bubble sort and the built-in quicksort function qsort. We will do an array of floats, an array of strings, and an array of structs.

From playlist C Programming

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C Programming: Searching an array with binary search (bsearch)

In this stream we'll learn how to search an array using the built-in binary search function, bsearch. We will use it to search an array of floats, an array of strings, and an array of structs.

From playlist C Programming

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[Rust Programming] Crafting Interpreters: Day 7

In this video we continue to look at the Crafting Interpreters book, and learn how to port it to Rust. Since I'm a Rust beginner, the intent is that it will help me learn the language more in-depth than before. The book: I removed all the ni

From playlist Rust Ports

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James Arthur: The Langlands program: arithmetic, geometry and analysis

Abstract: As the Abel Prize citation points out, the Langlands program represents a grand unified theory of mathematics. We shall try to explain in elementary terms what this means. We shall describe an age old question concerning the arithmetic prime numbers, together with a profound gene

From playlist Abel Lectures

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Python - strings and collections (part 2 of 3)

Strings and collections in the Python language. Part of a larger series at

From playlist Python strings and collections

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[Rust Programming] Crafting Interpreters: Day 4

In this video we continue to look at the Crafting Interpreters book, and learn how to port it to Rust. Since I'm a Rust beginner, the intent is that it will help me learn the language more in-depth than before. The book: Today we finished ch

From playlist Rust Ports

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String literal | Eiffel (programming language) | Julia (programming language) | Scala (programming language) | String (computer science) | MATLAB | Character (computing) | Nim (programming language) | Wolfram Language | Erlang (programming language) | Here document | Dart (programming language)