Linear algebra | Categories in category theory

Category of modules

In algebra, given a ring R, the category of left modules over R is the category whose objects are all left modules over R and whose morphisms are all module homomorphisms between left R-modules. For example, when R is the ring of integers Z, it is the same thing as the category of abelian groups. The category of right modules is defined in a similar way. Note: Some authors use the term module category for the category of modules. This term can be ambiguous since it could also refer to a category with a monoidal-category action. (Wikipedia).

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Modular Forms | Modular Forms; Section 1 2

We define modular forms, and borrow an idea from representation theory to construct some examples. My Twitter: Fourier Theory (0:00) Definition of Modular Forms (8:02) In Search of Modularity (11:38) The Eisenstein Series (18:25)

From playlist Modular Forms

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Rings and modules 2: Group rings

This lecture is part of an online course on rings and modules. We decribe some examples of rings constructed from groups and monoids, such as group rings and rings of Dirichlet polynomials. For the other lectures in the course see

From playlist Rings and modules

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What is a Module? (Abstract Algebra)

A module is a generalization of a vector space. You can think of it as a group of vectors with scalars from a ring instead of a field. In this lesson, we introduce the module, give a variety of examples, and talk about the ways in which modules and vector spaces are different from one an

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Category Theory 2.1: Functions, epimorphisms

Functions, epimorphisms

From playlist Category Theory

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Lecture 13. Modules

0:00 Motivation for studying modules 4:45 Definition of a vector space over a field 9:31 Definition of a module over a ring 12:12 Motivating example: structure of abelian groups 16:05 Motivating example: Jordan normal form 19:44 What unifies both examples (spoiler): Structure theorem for f

From playlist Abstract Algebra 2

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Programming Ruby 03 -- Basic Types

An overview of the basic types in Ruby -- strings, integers, arrays, and hashes.

From playlist Programming: Ruby

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Linear Transformations: Onto

Linear Algebra: Continuing with function properties of linear transformations, we recall the definition of an onto function and give a rule for onto linear transformations.

From playlist MathDoctorBob: Linear Algebra I: From Linear Equations to Eigenspaces | Mathematics

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Rings 8 Free modules

This lecture is part of an online course on rings and modules. We mainly discuss the problem of whether free modules over a ring have a well defined ran, generalizing the dimension of a vector space. We show that they do over many rings, including all non-zero commutative rings, but give

From playlist Rings and modules

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Paul-André Melliès - A Functorial Excursion between Algebraic Geometry and Linear Logic

In this talk, I will use the functor of points approach to Algebraic Geometry to establish that every covariant presheaf X on the category of commutative rings — and in particular every scheme X — comes equipped “above it” with a symmetric monoidal closed category PshModX of presheaves of

From playlist Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: special days

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Ben Elias: Categorifying Hecke algebras at prime roots of unity

Thirty years ago, Soergel changed the paradigm with his algebraic construction of the Hecke category. This is a categorification of the Hecke algebra at a generic parameter, where the parameter is categorified by a grading shift. One key open problem in categorification is to categorify He

From playlist Workshop: Monoidal and 2-categories in representation theory and categorification

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Representations on KU-modules - David Treumann

Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory Topic: Representations on KU-modules Speaker: David Treumann Affiliation: Boston College Date: November 18, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory

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Vanessa Miemietz: A categorified double centraliser theorem and applications to Soergel bimodules

I will explain how notions from classical representation theory, including a double centraliser theorem, lift to finitary 2-representation theory, and how this helps in classifying simple 2-representations of Soergel bimodules of finite Coxeter type in characteristic zero.

From playlist Workshop: Monoidal and 2-categories in representation theory and categorification

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Catherine Meusburger: Turaev-Viro State sum models with defects

Talk by Catherine Meusburger in Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar (Europe) on March 17, 2021

From playlist Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar (Europe)

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Generic bases for cluster algebras (Lecture 2) by Pierre-Guy Plamondon

PROGRAM :SCHOOL ON CLUSTER ALGEBRAS ORGANIZERS :Ashish Gupta and Ashish K Srivastava DATE :08 December 2018 to 22 December 2018 VENUE :Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore In 2000, S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky introduced Cluster Algebras as abstractions of a combinatoro-algebra

From playlist School on Cluster Algebras 2018

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A Hecke action on the principal block of a semisimple algebraic group - Simon Riche

Workshop on Representation Theory and Geometry Topic: A Hecke action on the principal block of a semisimple algebraic group Speaker: Simon Riche Affiliation: Université Paris 6; Member, School of Mathematics Date: April 01, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Geordie Williamson: Langlands and Bezrukavnikov II Lecture 16

SMRI Seminar Series: 'Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence' Geordie Williamson (University of Sydney) Abstract: The second part of the course focuses on affine Hecke algebras and their categorifications. Last year I discussed the local Langlands correspondence in bro

From playlist Geordie Williamson: Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence

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Group Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

The group is the most fundamental object you will study in abstract algebra. Groups generalize a wide variety of mathematical sets: the integers, symmetries of shapes, modular arithmetic, NxM matrices, and much more. After learning about groups in detail, you will then be ready to contin

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Sam Gunningham: Character stacks and (q−)geometric representation theory

Abstract: I will discuss applications of geometric representation theory to topological and quantum invariants of character stacks. In particular, I will explain how generalized Springer correspondence for class D-modules and Koszul duality for Hecke categories encode surprising structure

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Category of representations | Category of abelian groups | Vector space | Linear algebra | Isomorphism class | Symmetric monoidal category | Tensor product of modules | Algebraic K-theory | Module spectrum | Module homomorphism | Ringed space | Linear map | Abelian category | Cardinal number | Field (mathematics) | Integer | Dimension theorem for vector spaces | Equivalence of categories | Ring (mathematics) | Category (mathematics) | Morphism | Subcategory | Abstract algebra | Mitchell's embedding theorem | Category of rings | Derived category | Module (mathematics) | Commutative ring