Conjectures that have been proved | Complex manifolds | Theorems in differential geometry

Calabi conjecture

In the mathematical field of differential geometry, the Calabi conjecture was a conjecture about the existence of certain kinds of Riemannian metrics on certain complex manifolds, made by Eugenio Calabi . It was proved by Shing-Tung Yau , who received the Fields Medal and Oswald Veblen Prize in part for his proof. His work, principally an analysis of an elliptic partial differential equation known as the complex Monge–Ampère equation, was an influential early result in the field of geometric analysis. More precisely, Calabi's conjecture asserts the resolution of the prescribed Ricci curvature problem within the setting of Kähler metrics on closed complex manifolds. According to Chern–Weil theory, the Ricci form of any such metric is a closed differential 2-form which represents the first Chern class. Calabi conjectured that for any such differential form R, there is exactly one Kähler metric in each Kähler class whose Ricci form is R. (Some compact complex manifolds admit no Kähler classes, in which case the conjecture is vacuous.) In the special case that the first Chern class vanishes, this implies that each Kähler class contains exactly one Ricci-flat metric. These are often called Calabi–Yau manifolds. However, the term is often used in slightly different ways by various authors — for example, some uses may refer to the complex manifold while others might refer to a complex manifold together with a particular Ricci-flat Kähler metric. This special case can equivalently be regarded as the complete existence and uniqueness theory for Kähler–Einstein metrics of zero scalar curvature on compact complex manifolds. The case of nonzero scalar curvature does not follow as a special case of Calabi's conjecture, since the 'right-hand side' of the Kähler–Einstein problem depends on the 'unknown' metric, thereby placing the Kähler–Einstein problem outside the domain of prescribing Ricci curvature. However, Yau's analysis of the complex Monge–Ampère equation in resolving the Calabi conjecture was sufficiently general so as to also resolve the existence of Kähler–Einstein metrics of negative scalar curvature. The third and final case of positive scalar curvature was resolved in the 2010s, in part by making use of the Calabi conjecture. (Wikipedia).

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What is the Riemann Hypothesis?

This video provides a basic introduction to the Riemann Hypothesis based on the the superb book 'Prime Obsession' by John Derbyshire. Along the way I look at convergent and divergent series, Euler's famous solution to the Basel problem, and the Riemann-Zeta function. Analytic continuation

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Tony Yue Yu - 4/4 The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

Notes: 4/4 - Scattering diagram, comparison with Gross-Hacking-Keel-Kontsevich, applications to cluster algebras, applications to moduli spaces of Calabi-Yau pairs. --- We show that the naive counts of rational curves in an affine log

From playlist Tony Yue Yu - The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

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Tony Yue Yu - 2/4 The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

Notes: 2/4 - Skeletal curves: a key notion in the theory. --- We show that the naive counts of rational curves in an affine log Calabi-Yau variety U, containing an open algebraic torus, determine in a surprisingly simple way, a family

From playlist Tony Yue Yu - The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

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A (compelling?) reason for the Riemann Hypothesis to be true #SOME2

A visual walkthrough of the Riemann Zeta function and a claim of a good reason for the truth of the Riemann Hypothesis. This is not a formal proof but I believe the line of argument could lead to a formal proof.

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Tony Yue Yu - 3/4 The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

Notes: 3/4 - Naive counts, tail conditions and deformation invariance. --- We show that the naive counts of rational curves in an affine log Calabi-Yau variety U, containing an open algebraic torus, determine in a surprisingly simple w

From playlist Tony Yue Yu - The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

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Tony Yue Yu - 1/4 The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

Notes: 1/4 - Motivation and ideas from mirror symmetry, main results. --- We show that the naive counts of rational curves in an affine log Calabi-Yau variety U, containing an open algebraic torus, determine in a surprisingly simple wa

From playlist Tony Yue Yu - The Frobenius Structure Conjecture for Log Calabi-Yau Varieties

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The Pattern to Prime Numbers?

In this video, we explore the "pattern" to prime numbers. I go over the Euler product formula, the prime number theorem and the connection between the Riemann zeta function and primes. Here's a video on a similar topic by Numberphile if you're interested: The

From playlist Other Math Videos

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Geometry and Arithmetic of Calabi-Yau Manifolds by Philip Candelas FRS

07 April 2017, 16:00 to 17:00 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Calabi-Yau manifolds play an important role in physics owing to the part they play in passing from a 10-dimensional string theory vacuum to the observed world of four dimensions. The process of calculating the


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Understanding and computing the Riemann zeta function

In this video I explain Riemann's zeta function and the Riemann hypothesis. I also implement and algorithm to compute the return values - here's the Python script:

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First steps of non-archimedean enumerative geometry - Tony Yue Yu

Short talks by postdoctoral members Topic: First steps of non-archimedean enumerative geometry Speaker: Tony Yue Yu Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: January 30, 2017 For more video, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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From the Fukaya category to curve counts via Hodge theory - Nicholas Sheridan

Nicholas Sheridan Veblen Research Instructor, School of Mathematics September 26, 2014 More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Yaping Yang: The perverse coherent sheaves on toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds

30 September 2021 Yaping Yang: The perverse coherent sheaves on toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds and Cohomological Hall algebras Abstract: Let X be a smooth local toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold. On the cohomology of the moduli spaces of certain sheaves on X, there is an action of the cohomological Hall

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Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 01) by Misha Verbitsky

20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analysis. Much of the interactions between mathematics and theoretical physics, especially

From playlist Complex Geometry

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Duco van Straten: CY-motives and differential equations

conference Recorded during the meeting "D-Modules: Applications to Algebraic Geometry, Arithmetic and Mirror Symmetry" the April 12, 2022 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class: discussion session - CIRM VIRTUAL EVENT

CIRM VIRTUAL EVENT Recorded during the meeting "Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class " the April 14, 2020 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM

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Richard Thomas - Vafa-Witten Invariants of Projective Surfaces 2/5

This course has 4 sections split over 5 lectures. The first section will be the longest, and hopefully useful for the other courses. - Sheaves, moduli and virtual cycles - Vafa-Witten invariants: stable and semistable cases - Techniques for calculation --- virtual degeneracy loci, cosecti

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Oily-Maccaroni: A Curious Limit Definition!

Help me create more free content! =) Merch :v - Become a Member of the Flammily! :0 https:

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Mirko Mauri : The essential skeletons of pairs and the geometric P=W conjecture

The geometric P=W conjecture is a conjectural description of the asymptotic behavior of a celebrated correspondence in non-abelian Hodge theory. In particular, it is expected that the dual boundary complex of the compactification of character varieties is a sphere. In a joint work with Enr

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